
  • 网络Breaking Bad;breakingbad;aaron paul
  1. 《绝命毒师》和《国土安全》都很精彩,但看起来也很烧脑。如果想看一些让人舒适的节目,那得是《灵书妙探》。

    Breaking Bad and Homeland are brilliant but heavy TV , so shows like Castle are just the thing when you need the visual equivalent2 of a hot water bottle .

  2. 此外该剧还获得4项技术奖项,使最终获奖数达到7项,比当晚另一个大赢家,美国犯罪剧《绝命毒师》(BreakingBad)还多一项。

    Four technical awards took the total haul to seven , one more than the night 's other big winner , the US crime drama series Breaking Bad .

  3. 但观众们最喜欢的乔纳森·班克斯(JonathanBanks)将在里面重现他在《绝命毒师》中的角色——冷静的行动执行者迈克·厄尔曼特劳特(MikeEhrmantraut)。

    But the audience favorite Jonathan Banks reprises his role as the phlegmatic enforcer Mike Ehrmantraut .

  4. 包括绝命毒师的主演阿隆·保罗在内的很多用户都在发关于Siri的推文。

    Many Twitter users are tweeted about Siri , including Breaking Bad 's Aaron Paul .

  5. 《绝命毒师》的创作者文斯·吉利根即将开始制作一部基于这部热门AMC系列美剧的电影。

    Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan is about to start production on a film based on the hit AMC series .

  6. 《风骚律师》(BetterCallSaul),AMC,2月8日播出。这是文斯·吉里根(ViceGilligan)与彼得·古尔德(PeterGould)的《绝命毒师》的衍生剧,或许是今年冬天最受期待的新剧了。

    BETTER CALL SAUL ( AMC , Feb. 8 ) Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould 's " Breaking Bad " spinoff is probably the most anticipated new series of the winter .

  7. 微软定于今秋发布XboxOne,用户可通过口授命令来观看具体节目,如“打开ESPN(娱乐体育节目电视网)”或“我想看《绝命毒师》(BreakingBad)”。

    The company 's Xbox One , due out this fall , allows customers to navigate to programs by speaking commands such as ' Go to ESPN , ' or ' I want to watch ' Breaking Bad . "

  8. 不过,他记得有几次聚会陷入了僵局,当时他没看的《绝命毒师》的一群粉丝专注讨论着沃尔特•怀特(WalterWhite)、杰西•平克曼(JessePinkman)和其他一些复杂的角色。

    But Mr. Newnam recalls several gatherings that bogged down when fans of a show he doesn 't watch , ' Breaking Bad , ' waxed on about Walter White , Jesse Pinkman and other complex characters . '

  9. 去年12月奥巴马透露了自己的观剧清单,包括AMC的《绝命毒师》(总统先生看的是DVD),以及HBO的《权力的游戏》和《大西洋帝国》。

    His TV list , which he revealed in December , includes AMC 's Breaking Bad ( he watches it on DVD ) as well as HBO hits Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire .

  10. 在最佳剧情片方面,有哪部剧或者演员,会阻挠AMC的《绝命毒师》最后一季及主演布莱恩·克兰斯顿(BryanCranston)的加冕吗?

    On the drama side , can any show or actor upset the expected coronation of the final season of AMC 's " Breaking Bad " and its star , Bryan Cranston ?

  11. 鲍勃·奥登科克(BobOdenkirk)饰演狡猾的律师索尔·古德曼(SaulGoodman),剧情设定在《绝命毒师》的故事发生之前,所以布莱恩·克莱斯顿(BryanCranston)或亚伦·保罗(AaronPaul)至多只是客串出演而已。

    Starring Bob Odenkirk as the crooked lawyer Saul Goodman , the show is set before the action of " Breaking Bad , " so any appearances by Bryan Cranston or Aaron Paul would be cameos at best .

  12. Bunyadi餐厅的名字源于印度语,意为“本原”,“根本”或“自然”,是饮食集团Lolliopop新开的一家餐厅,伦敦肖尔迪奇区的《绝命毒师》主题鸡尾酒酒吧ABQ也是这个集团创建的。

    The Bunyadi - a Hindi term meaning ' fundamental ' , ' base ' or ' natural ' - is the latest creation from Lollipop , the company behind Shoreditch 's Breaking Bad cocktail bar , ABQ London .

  13. 去年九月,《绝命毒师》成功播完五季后华丽收尾。

    Breaking Bad ended honorably last September after five seasons .

  14. 《绝命毒师》独特的愿景要归功于它的编剧们。

    The show possesses a unique vision , which we have the writers to thank for .

  15. 克兰斯顿和他在《绝命毒师》中的联合主演亚伦·保罗都没有出现在分拆剧《绝命律师》中。

    Neither Cranston or his Breaking Bad co-star , Aaron Paul , appeared in spin-off show Better Call Saul .

  16. 《绝命毒师》讲述了身患癌症的高中化学老师沃尔特•怀特(又名:老白)的故事。

    Breaking Bad tells the story of Walter White , a high school chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with cancer .

  17. 在此之前,索尼公司曾经只做过一部西班牙版本的《绝命毒师》,这个版本正打算在拉丁美洲播出。

    Sony had produced a Spanish version of Breaking Bad internally that it was planning to present to broadcasters in Latin America .

  18. 每周六晚11点,我和男朋友会有一次固定的约会:一起聊聊美剧《绝命毒师》的最新剧情。

    Every Sunday night at 11 , my boyfriend and I have a standing date to talk about the latest episode of Breaking Bad .

  19. 多年以前,布莱恩·克兰斯顿还未在《绝命毒师》中饰演沃尔特·怀特,他曾和哥哥一起在一家餐馆打工。

    Many years before Bryan played " Walter White " on Breaking Bad , he and his brother worked in a restaurant in Florida .

  20. 布莱恩·克兰斯顿表示,他很想出演最近公布要拍摄的电影版《绝命毒师》,但到现在还没有人邀请他。

    Bryan Cranston says he is keen to star in the recently announced Breaking Bad movie spin-off but hasn 't been asked -- yet .

  21. 节奏更快该剧第一季最大的问题就是节奏太慢,和《绝命毒师》的第一季一样慢。

    The biggest problem with House of Cards Season 1 , is that it was incredibly slow , like first season of Breaking Bad slow .

  22. 总之,在一个小时的剧集中,悬疑、搞笑、危险、心酸,《绝命毒师》里应有尽有。

    Breaking Bad has , in short , everything you could want from an hour-long show : suspense , laughs , danger , and poignance .

  23. 《绝命毒师》既细腻地描写了中年婚姻与年轻人恋爱的复杂,又紧张刺激,刻画了人物的残酷无情。

    Breaking Bad is at once exquisitely attuned to the complexities of middle-aged marriage and young romance , while also being as ruthlessly hard-boiled as a thriller can get .

  24. 《绝命毒师》十分重视视觉效果和色彩运用,每个镜头都不可或缺,几乎每个场景的色彩运用都与剧中的情绪和紧张的剧情配合得当。

    Breaking Bad places much emphasis on visuals and color . There are no wasted frames in the show - almost every scene balances its mood and tension on its use of color .

  25. 在《绝命毒师》里,我们看到卑微的失败者摇身一变,成了一个地地道道的卑鄙恶人。在《真探》中,我们看到整个地区都被犯罪的黑暗笼罩。

    In Breaking Bad we watch as a humble underdog transforms into a truly despicable evil , and in True Detective we watch as an entire region is folded into a criminal darkness .

  26. 并且现已确认除变形金刚的制作团队之外,以“雨人”和“绝命毒师”而出名的马克强森也会参加后期制作

    Also confirmed to be behind the new movie is the Transformers supporting crew as well as producer Mark Johnson , who is known for " Rain Man " and " Breaking Bad . "

  27. 无论你是否对《广告狂人》(2007-2015)或《绝命毒师》(2008-2013)赞誉有加,(你都不能否认)近期电视荧屏的复兴始于对道德相对论的文学解读:男性是衡量万物的唯一准则。

    Whether you credit Mad Men ( 2007-2015 ) or Breaking Bad ( 2008-2013 ) , TV 's recent renaissance began with a literal interpretation of moral relativism : Man is the measure of all things .

  28. 《绝命毒师》荣获最佳电视剧奖,其击败了欲通过争夺首个在线播放剧目而一举获得大奖的《纸牌屋》,成为艾美奖的最大赢家。

    AMC 's " Breaking Bad " won the best drama series . It beat Netflix series " House of Cards , " which was vying to be the first online-only show to take a major prize .

  29. 美国流行文化作家阿丽萨•罗森博格评价道:“《绝命毒师》成为电视摄影技术的新标杆,剧中灯光和色彩的运用改变了我对其他事物(剧)的看法”。

    In US pop culture writer Alyssa Rosenberg 's words , the show " has raised the bar for cinematography on television : the way it uses light and color makes me look at everything else differently . "