
  • 网络seed set;seed setting;set seed;seed
结籽 [jié zǐ]
  • [seed] 生长到成熟并产生种子

  1. 这可能是造成单叶蔷薇结籽率较低的原因。

    This was considered as a factor responsible for the low seed set in Rosa persica .

  2. 棉浸法处理均获得种子和苗木,但结籽率和成苗率远低于对照,并且随处理浓度增加,结籽率和成苗率降低,三个浓度的秋水仙碱诱变均未发现三倍体。

    But seed set rate and seedling rate was far lower than the control , and with the increasing concentration , seed rate and seedling rate reduced .

  3. 如果不去动的话,冬萝卜会在春天开花结籽。

    If unused , winter radishes run to seed in spring .

  4. 然后,这些植物就被授粉,从而成熟结籽。

    These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed .

  5. 2,4-D对小南瓜结籽特性和果实品质的影响

    Effects of 2,4-D treatment on seed setting characteristics and fruit quality in pumpkins

  6. 食盐水和BA处理的作用不稳定,在有的亲本组合中表现为促进杂交结籽,在有的组合中表现为抑制作用。

    Pollination after treatments of BA and salt solution can promote seed formation in some parental combination , but inhibit seed formation in others .

  7. 我家园子里的葵花都结籽了。

    The sunflowers in my garden have all run to seed .

  8. 可授期内人工异株授粉,结籽率可提高到28.0%;

    However , hand pollination can raise the rate greatly to28.0 % .

  9. 对转基因和未转基因泡桐植株表型的观察,发现转基因泡桐母本中少数植株当年就开花结籽。

    A few transgenic plants flowered and had seeds in the same year .

  10. 蕾期授粉条件对甘蓝结荚率和结籽量的影响

    Influence of Pollination Conditions in Bud Stage on Siliqua and Seed Quantity of Cabbage

  11. 在自然居群中测定四合木结籽率为1.9%。

    The rate of seed setting was measured as 1.9 % in natural population .

  12. 4种授粉方法对切花百合不同杂交组合结籽量的影响

    Influences on Seed Formation of Different Hybrid Combinations in Cut Flower Lilies by Four Pollination Techniques

  13. 结果表明:百合亲本组合、花发育时期对杂交结籽有很大影响;

    Results showed that parental combination and flower growth period have a great effect on seed formation .

  14. 与二倍体大白菜回交的平均结籽率为3.19%。

    The mean seed set derived from backcrossing by hybrids and diploid Chinese cabbage was 3.19 % .

  15. 雄性不育株的雌球花发育正常,并能正常开花、授粉和结籽。

    The female cone of the male sterile plant can blossom , pollinate and bear seeds normally .

  16. 你让那些卷心菜都结籽了,多可惜,它们现在已经不能吃了。

    What a pity you let all these cabbages run to seed . They 're no use now .

  17. 二年生植物生命周期二年,通常第二年开花结籽。

    A plant that usually only lives two years , normally producing flowers and seed the second year .

  18. 黄瓜不同瓜位单瓜结籽数及千粒重调查分析

    Investigation on Cucumber Seed Number Per Fruit and Seed Thousand grain Weight from Fruits of Different Plant Position

  19. 它四处伸延根须,开花结籽。森林拓展其华盖,强固其主干,给其秧苗输送养分,并使长了许久的坚果渐趋成熟。

    The forest widens its canopy , strengthens its boles , nurtures its seedlings , ripens its perpetuating nuts .

  20. 这批材料不育性稳定,其不育株率和不育度均为100%,蜜腺正常,结籽正常,农艺性状与保持系基本一致。

    Characterized by 100 % rate of the stable sterility , those materials contain normal nectary and good seeding capacities .

  21. 而杂交715×6012,以取授粉第12天的子房进行培养得到的种子最多,结籽率为50.0%。

    While for the cross of 715 × 6012 it was better when ovaries in vitro culture at 12 DAP .

  22. 一切工作都好像播下的种子;它生长开花结籽,然后又重新播种。&卡莱尔

    All work is as seed sown ; it grows and speeds , and sows itself anew . & Thomas Carlyle

  23. 苎麻开花结籽对其生长发育及产量、品质影响的研究

    Study on the Influence of Blossom and Fruit Bearing on the Growth , Development , Output and Quality of Ramie

  24. 联系红花木莲花粉粒数目和胚珠数目进行探讨,认为雄配子体发育不是影响红花木莲结籽率低的主要因素。

    The process of male gamete formation was not considered as an important factor responsible for the low seeding rate .

  25. 本文还探讨了自交不亲和性产生的原因,并提出了提高结籽率的途径。

    The reasons for self incompatibility were discussed and a method to improve the rate of seed setting was put forward .

  26. 当根系比较小,没有开花结籽的时候比较容易清除。

    It is easier to remove weeds when their roots are smaller , and before they have flowered or gone to seed .

  27. 结果表明,驼绒藜在自然条件下其结籽率较低;

    The result of investigation was summarized as follows : seed setting percentage of Ceratoides latens seeds was very low on common condition .

  28. 3,6号双三体的结籽率和发芽率均很低,分别为2.82%和16.60%。

    The seeding set and germination rate of Tri . - 3,6 , much lower , were 2.82 % and 16.60 % , respectively .

  29. 每天早晨喷3%NaCl后在不同时间进行人工授粉均可结籽;

    Seed setting was observed in all the plants manually pollinated at different hours of the day following treatment of 3 % NaCl solution .

  30. 对软紫草在自然生境及人工栽培条件下的结实结籽特性进行比较分析。

    The fruiting and seed-set characteristics on Arnebia euchroma ( Royle ) Johnst ( Boraginaceae ) in natural habitat and artificial population were compared in this article .