
" Provisions for settlement " means the deposits not occupied by a contract ;" trading deposits " means the deposits occupied by a contract .
The deposit , supplementation , and application for withdrawal of the reserve referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be done in compliance with the GTSM Regulations Governing Bond payment settlement reserves for the electronic bond trading system .
When the a member pays the annual fee , the exchange shall debit the account " earnest money payablepayable margin & provisions for settlement " and credit the title of " annual fee income " according to the sum of money actually collected .
When the a member opens position , the exchanges shall debit the title of " earnest money payablepayable margin provisions for settlement " and credit the title of " earnest money payablepayable margin trade kicker " according to the earnest moneymargins occupied by the contract of opening position .
The exchange has the right to adjust the minimum balance of the provisions for settlement of settlement members according to market conditions .
After the transferred funds through using such ways by a settlement member are confirmed by the depository bank for futures deposits , the exchange shall increase the provisions for settlement of settlement members at the exchange .