
  1. 但是在开发基于J2EE的Web应用程序的时候,还存在代码结构混乱等多种弊病。

    But develops based on the Web 's application of J2EE , and still exists that the code structure is confusion .

  2. 一篇缺乏明确论点的结构混乱的文章。

    A disorganised piece of writing with no clear argument .

  3. 一些电影名字奇怪,语法结构混乱。

    Some films have strange names and ungrammatical structures .

  4. 作品的结构混乱无序在一定程度上与历史事件的先后发生顺序形成一种新的矛盾。

    The disordering of structure forms a contradiction with the sequence of the events in some sense .

  5. 一些人认为俄罗斯企业缺乏管理、结构混乱、技术陈旧。

    Russian companies were perceived by some as having poor management practices and structures , using outmoded technology .

  6. 在为机组组合问题编制算法的过程中,因需要满足错综复杂的约束条件,容易使程序结构混乱、逻辑判断出错,最终导致算法求解失败。

    During the programming of the algorithm for the unit commitment problem , the complex constraints often lead the program to bad structure or wrong result .

  7. 或结构混乱,文理不通。职称论文的泛滥,使教师的科研水平下降,进而影响教学质量;

    Over flowing of such thesis will surely lead to the deterioration of teachers ' level for scientific research and further affect the quality of teaching .

  8. 设计模式是针对目前国内外多数电子商城重复的设计和开发而且开发过程结构混乱的现状提出来的。

    Design pattern is targeted at situation of repeating design and development to E-mall at home and abroad and at the structure of the chaotic development process .

  9. 德伦姆认为,调查结果令人吃惊,因为自杀意念已经和药物滥用、抑郁、饮食结构混乱一道成为大学生间的普遍现象。

    The results raise the startling suggestion that suicidal thoughts could be a common experience on par with substance abuse , depression and eating disorders , Drum said .

  10. 节目创作理念不明确造成节目缺乏针对性、频道结构混乱,从而使专业频道的专业化优势得不到充分发挥。

    Because of the unclear programming concepts , the programs lack of the target , and the channel structure chaos , so that the superiority of professional channels professional full play .

  11. 他希望生活在一个新鲜的环境,兼有宁静和精彩,尽管事实上,他现有的空间是破旧不堪,其几何结构混乱,和扭曲条块分割。

    He wished to live in a fresh environment , both serene and sparkling despite the fact that his existing space was dilapidated , its geometry confusing , compartmentalized and contorted .

  12. 鼻部皮肤有丰富的血液供应和静脉回流,交织成网,手术应该注意解剖层次,避免血管网损伤或者立体结构混乱导致的鼻部挛缩畸形。

    Because the syndrome of nasal contraction deformation occurred more and more recently we must to avoid the vascular network injury when operation , and the anatomical level should be give more noted .

  13. 今天的乡村社会,已非费孝通乡土中国的理想类型所能准确概括,它呈现出结构混乱的态势,即村庄共同体趋于瓦解,乡村面临着社会解组的危险。

    The situation of the disintegration of rural community in contemporary rural society could be described of structural chaos , which cannot be explained exactly by the ideal type of Rural China that rose by Fei-Xiaotong .

  14. 由于缺乏统一、科学的规划,这些系统的技术水平较低、结构混乱,导致信息共享非常困难。

    Because of the lack of unified and scientific planning , these systems had some problems that the engineering levels were lower and the structures were confusing , which caused the information sharing to be very difficult .

  15. 法人治理结构混乱的夫妻公司,如果夫妻一方利用职务上的便利,将本单位财物非法占为己有,数额较大的,不构成职务侵占罪,但是可能构成侵占罪。

    In the couple company with chaotic corporate governance structure , if one spouse illegally takes corporate property with larger amount as their own with the facilitation of his or her position shall not be recognized as duty embezzlement crime but may recognized as embezzlement crime .

  16. 城市空间无序扩张不仅占用了城市周边大量的优质农田和生态绿地,危及国家粮食安全和城市生态安全,而且还可能导致城市空间结构混乱,降低城市运行效率。

    Urban sprawling not only occupies a large number of high-quality farmland and eco-green land around city , but also endangers national food security and ecological security . Even more , it may also lead urban spatial structure to confusion and reduces the efficiency of the city .

  17. 1941年初,它的组织结构十分混乱。

    At the beginning of 1941 it was by Whitehall standards poorly organised .

  18. 结构的混乱,即美术课程资源系统要素的无序。

    Chaos of Structure is shown as the disorder elements in art curriculum resources system .

  19. 分析原因:工艺改造时所选的锰砂有部分粒径不符合要求,导致级配不合理,造成滤层结构部分混乱;

    One of reasons for it is that graduation of manganese sand is not rational , which leads to partial confusion of filter layer construction .

  20. 同时,企业当前的内容管理系统也存在结构层次混乱、可扩展性差、运营维护困难等问题,已难以有效地提供服务。

    At the same time , the enterprise content management system also has the structure level of confusion , poor scalability , maintenance difficulties , has been difficult to effectively provide services .

  21. 环城绿地建设有利于解决城市或城市群生态环境的恶化、空间结构的混乱、区域功能的退化等问题。

    Construction of the green space around city help to solve problems such as deterioration of the ecological environment of cities or city groups , confusion in space structure , degradation of regional function etc.

  22. 这些财务丑闻的滋生不仅仅只是源于企业内部控制问题,企业公司治理也难免其责,公司治理结构的混乱和治理主体的缺位共同导致了内控机制的失效。

    The cause of financial scandals is not only due to the deficiency of internal control , but also the problems of corporate governance . A confused corporate governance structure and governing board vacancy lead to the ineffectiveness of internal control mechanism .

  23. 采用爆炸焊接&热轧新工艺生产的16MnR/不锈钢复合板,在爆炸焊接热轧坯料界面中,发现了以前从未报道过的非晶态结构层及混乱的微晶层的形成。

    Through the research on the interface of 16MnR / stainless bimetallic plates , which made by the new techniques of explosive welding-hot rolling , we found a noncrystalline structure layer and a confused microcrystalline layer existing in the interface , which have never been reported before .

  24. 论述了到目前为止反映在麝香酮结构上的混乱。

    Confusion on the structure of muscone was discussed ;

  25. 最初的大规模冲击;宏观经济政策接近用尽;结构改革进展混乱:情况还能变得比这更糟吗?

    A huge initial shock ; macroeconomic policy nearing exhaustion ; and messy progress on Structural Reform : could things be worse ?

  26. 相对于我国其它省份而言,浙江省城市等级体系不完善、发展不平衡,城市功能、结构和形态混乱等问题很突出。

    Compared with other provinces in China , there exist with Zhejiang Province such problems as imperfect hierarchical system , imbalanced development , confused city function , structure and arrangement .

  27. 珍珠层沿壳内层面与棱柱层过渡带中均存在初始生长的文石小晶体结构排列较混乱的现象,与成熟珍珠层中文石小板片的定向排列结构明显不同。

    In the transition zones between nacreous and prismatic layers in inner shells , the structure of nascent aragonite crystals is very disordered , which is clearly different from the structure of aragonite crystals in matured nacre .

  28. 他创造了内环境稳定一词来说明机体有保持内环境稳定的倾向。总体上说,教团的组织结构倾向于混乱和不稳定。

    He invented the term homeostasis for the tendency of the organism to maintain constancy of the internal environment . As a whole , the Cult eschews structure in favor of encouraging creative , often chaotic rebellion .

  29. 与领导力有关的人格特质的研究一直以来存在缺乏结构,特质定义混乱的缺点。

    The research of leadership traits has been in need of a proper structure and consistent definition .

  30. 很难看出这篇文章的结构,它非常混乱。

    It 's hard to see any scheme in this piece of writing ; it 's very confused .