
  1. 界定CC&AC路面的结构性破坏和功能性破坏,对CC-AC的养护技术特性、对策及CC层、AC层常见破坏的养护技术进行了探讨。

    The constitutive destruction and the function destruction of CC - AC pavement are limited , the technical characteristic and the countermeasure of maintenance , and the common destruction of CC level and AC level are discussed .

  2. 消防员已经封锁了这栋房子,他们说,星光LV-X-207号飞机对房屋造成了结构性破坏,这栋房子还是有可能会倒塌。

    Firefighters have cordoned off the home saying the Star Light LV-X-207 aircraft had caused structural damage and the house could still collapse .

  3. 在最需要卫生机构发挥作用之时,结构和基础结构性破坏就可能具有毁灭性的影响。

    Structural and infrastructural damage may be devastating exactly at the time when health facilities are most needed .

  4. 主要原因是循环荷载使软粘土内部产生累积孔隙水压力和不可恢复的结构性破坏。

    The main reason is that cumulative pore pressure and unrecoverable structural failure has been caused in the clay .

  5. 非结构性破坏如水损害和断电被认为是该6所医院疏散的主要原因。

    All six cited nonstructural damage such as water damage and loss of electrical power as a major reason for evacuation .

  6. 然而,日本的经历表明,超宽松货币政策会带来一个明显的负面后果:它会对经济造成结构性破坏。

    Yet the experience of Japan suggests there is one clear negative outcome from ultra loose monetary policy : it does structural damage to the economy .

  7. 城市污水管道在使用过程中,各种环境因素将引起管道性能的退化,缩短管道的正常使用寿命,导致管道结构性破坏和功能性破坏。

    Various environmental factors will lead to degradation of sewage pipeline performance , and will shorten the normal life of sewage pipeline , and will cause structural damage and functional damage of sewage pipeline .

  8. 长寿命沥青路面是指设计使用寿命大于40年的沥青路面,其特点是在使用期内,路面的损坏仅发生在表层,不会发生结构性破坏。

    The Long-life Asphalt Pavement is defined as a asphalt pavement designed and used for more than 40 years . The pavement destroy only happens in surface layer , not happens structrual destroy during the serviceable life .

  9. 但由于沥青路面结构设计理论不完善、路面交通量不断增大,一些沥青路面较早地出现了一系列功能性和结构性破坏,严重影响了道路的使用寿命。

    But because of the imperfect design theory of asphalt pavement and the increasing traffic volume , the asphalt pavement appeared a series of function destroy and structural damage , it seriously influenced the service life of the highway .

  10. 但是国内大部分道路未达到使用年限就出现严重的结构性破坏,其主因是半刚性基层开裂引起的反射裂缝。

    However , before the use of life , most of the road in our country have appeared serious structural damage . The reason for asphalt surface reflective cracks caused by semi-rigid shrinkage crack become an urgent problem to be solved .

  11. 结果表明,西部地区生态保护和建设取得了一定成效,但生态破坏依然严重,生态系统呈现由结构性破坏到功能性紊乱演变的发展态势。

    The results indicate that certain achievements have been made in the eco-conservation and construction in the western part ; however , the ecological damages are still quite serious ; and the eco-system is developing from structural damages to functional disorder .

  12. 动力荷载对散体材料的结构性破坏研究是当前岩土工程学、力学和物理学等领域新兴的前沿课题之一,有着重要的工程应用前景和基础科学意义。

    The research on the loose materials structural damage of dynamic load is one of the emerging issues of cutting-edge of geotechnical engineering 、 mechanics 、 physics and other fields at present , it has an important engineering prospects and science basic significance .

  13. 然而由于框架结构的侧向刚度小,在强烈的地震和风荷载作用下结构所产生水平位移较大,易造成严重的非结构性破坏,因此往往在结构中加入支撑以提高其抗侧刚度。

    However , due to its small lateral stiffness , large horizontal displacement could be generated by the strong earthquake and wind loads easily . This will lead to serious non-structural damage . So the braces are often added to the structures to increase its lateral stiffness .

  14. 水泥稳定砂砾基层沥青路面虽然在大部分工程使用中效果不错,但仍有局部路面开裂的问题,甚至发生网裂变形和结构性破坏,从而缩短了道路的使用寿命,也给行车安全带来隐患。

    Although the bituminous pavement of cement stable sandy foot layer has good effect in most engineering , it has partial craze of pavement , even with net-shaped crack distortion and structural destruction , which not only shorten the using age of road but also bring hidden trouble for safety .

  15. 对于原状欠固结土,体应变对土体结构性的破坏要大于剪应变。

    The structure damage of the natural underconsolidated soils caused by the increment of volumetric strain is more significant than that caused by the increment of shearing strain .

  16. 动力学环境是空间光学遥感器及其组件研制中不可忽视的一个重要因素,因为它会对整机或组件造成结构性的破坏,所以在其研制的不同阶段须进行充分的动力学环境试验。

    Dynamics environment is a very important factor for the development of space optics remote sensors because it can bring about damage to the structure of the equipment and its subassemblies .

  17. 在企业创新的不同类型中,结构性创新与破坏性创新常常是新兴企业或新兴产品对原有企业和产品的瞬间破坏。

    Among different types of innovation , structural innovation and destructive innovation are usually the instant destruction of the existing enterprises and products by the new enterprises or products .

  18. 研究目的:解决施工振动对结构性软粘土产生破坏的机理,查明施工振动下软粘土路堤失稳原因,为结构性软粘土路堤施工稳定设计验算提供依据。

    Research purposes : The mechanism of fracture of structural soft clay and the reason of failure of highway embankment are found out to provide evidence for design computation of construction stability of highway embankment on structural soft ground .

  19. 审计市场的结构性失灵加剧了这种情况,结构性失灵破坏了审计师的独立性,削弱了他们挑战公司高管的意愿。

    This has been exacerbated by structural failures in the audit market that have undermined auditors ' independence and their willingness to challenge company executives .

  20. 用孔隙指数来归一化天然粘土的沉积压缩曲线、重塑土的压缩曲线和固结仪压缩曲线,可以很清晰地揭示出结构性土与重塑土的内在差别、固结仪试验中土体结构性的渐进破坏过程。

    The sedimentation compression lines of natural clays , intrinsic compression lines of reconstituted clays and oedometer compression curves can be normalized by a void index , then the difference of the structural clays and reconstituted clays as well as the gradual damage course of soil structure are showed apparently .