
  • 网络economic systems engineering
  1. 论多维人工生态农业经济系统工程的效益

    On the comprehensive benefit of multiform man-made ecology agriculture system project

  2. 林业局总体设计是一项复杂的社会经济系统工程。

    The overall design of a forestry bureau is a complex socio-economic system engineering .

  3. 当前我国管理科学与社会经济系统工程领域的热点和焦点

    Some Hot Spots and Focal Points in Current Field of Management Science and Socio-Economic Systems Engineering

  4. 西部大开发是一项长期的、宏大的、复杂的社会经济系统工程,需要做出正确的战略选择。

    The western development is a long , grand and complex systematical project in social economy .

  5. 玉米经济系统工程三论

    On Corn Economy System

  6. 论文的结论部分指出我国大城市的郊区城市化是一项复杂的社会经济系统工程,面临机遇和挑战并存的格局;

    The conclusion of this thesis is mainly to point out that suburb urbanization in our metropolitan is a complicated system project of economy and society .

  7. 安全预评价是一个复杂的技术经济系统工程,其影响因素、关联变量和约束条件复杂。

    The safety pre evaluation is a complex technology economic system engineering and it is complex due to influential factors , on relation variables and constraining conditions .

  8. 建设创新型城市是一个极为复杂的社会经济系统工程,需要在科学的理论依据和指导下进行。

    It is an extremely tough task to complete such a systematic socio-economic complex , which must be carried out under effective direction with solid theoretical ground .

  9. 社会主义市场经济与系统工程

    Socialistic Market System and System Engineering

  10. 本文论述了经济法治系统工程研究的巨大意义,探索其研究的可能性与可行性。

    The article has demonstrated the significance of the research program and probed the probability and feasibility of the research .

  11. 石油工业建设项目经济评价的系统工程方法

    The System Engineering Method for Economic evaluation of construction Project in Petroleum Industry

  12. 认为可持续发展理论、人地关系理论、生态经济理论、系统工程理论等构成了后备耕地资源开发评价的理论基础。

    Sustainable development 、 Relationship among the people and the and 、 Ecology economy , Systems engineering , composed the basic theory of the reserved land resources reclamation .

  13. 近年来基于该理论的决策方法已引起众多学者的广泛关注,很多理论结果已成功应用于管理决策、经济预测、系统工程等领域。

    In recent years , decision-making methods have attracted widely attention by many scholars based on this theory , and many theoretical results have been applied in management decision-making , economic forecasting and system engineering and so on .

  14. 知识经济时代的过程系统工程&面临的挑战与发展的趋势

    Process Systems Engineering in Knowledge Economic Epoch & Challenges and Developing Trends

  15. 由包装工程和系统工程的内涵分析入手,提出了当代经济发展中包装系统工程的新概念。

    This work begins with the connotation of packaging engineering and system engineering by describing the new idea of packaging systematic engineering .

  16. 小流域综合治理,是实现水土保持与发展流域经济的一项系统工程,是实现水保产业化的基础,更是发展水土流失地区农村经济的一条捷径。

    Small watershed management is a systematic project for achieving soil and water conservation and regional economic development . It is the basis for industrialization of water conservation and also a shortcut of developing rural economy in the erosion area .

  17. 根据重庆市北碚区农业的自然环境和社会经济特点,运用系统工程的方法,分析了农林经生态结构的层次,提出了重建防护林生态系统的系统目标。

    According to the characteristics of the natural environment and economic situation of the agro-ecosystem in Beibei and with the help of the systematic engineering method , the structure of the agro forestry economic crop system is analysed and the systematic goal of comprehensive control is put forward .

  18. 了解我国当前在发展经济/管理科学与工程中的若干热点有助于进一步开拓社会经济/管理系统工程的广阔空间。

    To find out some hot spots in the developing economic and management sciences and engineering is conductive to further open up the broad space of socio-economic and management systems engineering .