
  • 网络economic model;economistic model
  1. 海量的经济学模式都是基于完美理性的假设。

    A lot of economic models have based on the assumptions of perfect rationality .

  2. 打破传统教学模式培养国际视野人才&从经济学教学模式的创新谈起

    Making a Breakthrough at Traditional Teaching Model , Training the Human Resource With International View

  3. 传统经济学思维模式认为完全就业将会普及,因为供应本身就会创造需求。

    That classical mode of thought held that full employment would prevail , because supply created its own demand .

  4. 西方经济学课程教学模式设计与探索

    Design and Exploration of the Teaching Model for Western Economics

  5. 论经济学人才培养模式存在的问题及应对策略

    On the Mode of Economics Training Problems and Coping Strategies

  6. 国民经济学课程教学模式改革探析

    On the Reform of the Teaching Model for the Course of National Economics

  7. 计量经济学实验教学模式改革研究

    Research on Econometrics Experimental Teaching Reform

  8. 问题驱动导学模式探析&《宏微观经济学》教学模式改革的实践与思考

    Exploration on Question-drive Teaching Mode

  9. 应按照现代教学理论构建新的教学策略体系,实现国民经济学课程教学模式的创新,以提高大学生的综合素质。

    A new tactful teaching system based on modern teaching theory should be built to achieve teaching innovation and improve the students ' overall quality .

  10. 文章主要内容是基于社会学和经济学的研究模式,对劳动力供应、家务劳动和婚姻之间的关系进行了研究分析。

    Based on theories and research models of sociology and economics , this article is an analysis of labor supply , household production and marriage .

  11. 基于应用型经济学专业人才培养模式探析

    Study on Model of Cultivating Talents Dedicated to Interdisciplinary Economics

  12. 国民经济学课程现有教学模式存在不少弊端,需要进行改革。

    It is necessary to reform the teaching model for national economics because of the existing drawbacks .

  13. 《西方经济学》实践教学模式的构建&基于应用能力培养视角

    Construction on the Practice Teaching Mode of " Western Economics " & From the Perspective of Application Ability Fostering

  14. 论文在几乎为零的基础上开始分析和研究我国的汉语国际推广,以及相应的孔子学院的经济学性质和运作模式。

    Nearly having no other foundation , this article will attempt to study the promotion of Chinese in our country as well as the economic nature and operation model of Confucius Institute .

  15. 本文认为新古典经济学的静态均衡模式,始源于经典科学的思维范式,对动态过程的经济竞争及其演进缺乏科学的解释。

    The paper balanced model of new classical economics come from classical sciences made of thinking , and was lack of scientific explanation on economy competition and its evolution of dynamic progress .

  16. 生态效益补偿基金制度是一项制度创新,借鉴新制度经济学的制度变迁模式,分析了中国生态效益补偿基金制度的历史变迁过程,以期对生态效益补偿基金制度的完善有所帮助。

    Ecological benefits compensation fund is an institutional innovation . Referring to the institutional changes'patterns of new institutional economy , the historical changes of ecological benefits compensation fund system in China is analyzed , so as to accelerate its perfection .

  17. 所以萨缪尔森因此就创立了新古典综合,即凯恩斯经济学加新古典经济学模式。

    So " Neo-classical synthesis ", a model composed by Keynesian economics and Neo-classical economics , was created by Paul A.

  18. 本文试图用国际政治经济学的视角对南海共同开发这一问题做出分析,分析政治解决模式的局限性和国际政治经济学解决模式的优越性和良好前景。

    This paper attempts to analyze the joint development in South China Sea from the visual angle of international political economy , pointing out the limitations of the political solution model vis - à - vis the superiority and magnificent prospects of that of international political economy .

  19. 从证券市场实践的结果来看,主流经济学所倡导的没有伦理思考,只是追求经济单位自身利益最大化,并用来推导经济学模式的惯性思维受到了市场本身的严重挑战。

    The result from practicing in securities market can been seen , the inertia thought that trunk economics advocated having not the ethics thought and only seeking economic unit the interest maximum and being used for derivating economics model have suffered serious challenge of market itself .