
  • 网络the theory of economic growth;growth theory
  1. 经济增长理论是经济学中的最重要的分支。

    The theory of economic growth is the most important branch in economics .

  2. 经济增长理论若干问题的研究与实证分析

    Research and Empirical Analysis on Several Issues of the Theory of Economic Growth

  3. 本文运用Romer的新经济增长理论基本模型对新经济的主要特征(人均收入在低通胀、高就业水平条件下的长期持续增长)作出机理解释。

    This paper gives an explanation for the mechanism of new economy based on new economic theory advanced by P.Romer .

  4. 古典经济增长理论和新经济增长理论中都忽略空间因素,本文试图将区域经济增长和FDI的空间特征联系起来,指出FDI在空间上的集聚促进地区经济增长。

    The classical and neo-classical theories of economic growth have neglected the factor of space , this thesis tries to integrate the growth of regional economy with the spatial characteristics of FDI and conclude that the spatial agglomeration of FDI has promoted the economic growth .

  5. 综合要素生产率(MFP)作为现代经济增长理论的重要组成部分,是分析经济增长源泉的重要工具。

    The Multi-Factor Productivity ( MFP ), which is an important part of modern economic growth theory , is an important tool for analyzing the source of economic growth .

  6. 该发现与Baumol的不平衡经济增长理论相吻合,此理论亦可作为生产率悖论的一个可信的解释。

    Our finding is consistent with Baumol 's " Unbalanced Economic Growth " theory , which may be a plausible explanation for the productivity paradox .

  7. 本文将“国际收支约束下的经济增长理论”(BPCG模型)引入区域经济转型的分析框架。

    This paper introduces " balance of payments constraint growth theory "( BPCG model ) to the analytical framework of regional economic transition .

  8. 以新古典经济增长理论、人力资本理论为基础,以柯布&道格拉斯生产函数模型(C-D模型)为主要分析工具,分析江苏省就业人口的人均受教育程度对江苏经济增长的作用。

    According to the neoclassical economics and HR theory , and by using Cobb-Douglas function ( C-D function ) as the main analytical tool , the paper analysed the effect that employees ' education level has made on the economic growth in Jiangsu province .

  9. 主要介绍了经济增长理论与模型、IS-LM模型与宏观调控理论、不确定性分析法、成本效益分析法以及博弈理论等土地利用规划经济学分析的基本理论与方法。

    A number of basic theories and methodologies of land use planning analysis in economics are mainly introduced , for instance , the theories and models of economic growth , the macro-control theories and IS-LM models , uncertainty analysis , cost-benefit analysis and game theory , etc.

  10. 现代经济增长理论则是直接从凯恩斯理论基础上发展起来的增长理论。

    Economic growth theory is directly developed from Keynes ' theory .

  11. 现代经济增长理论发展动态分析

    An Analysis of Developing Trend of Modern Economic Growth Theories

  12. 把企业家精神引入经济增长理论的思考

    Reflection Upon Introducing The Spirit of Entrepreneurship Into the Economic Growth Theory

  13. 分析了技术创新与经济增长理论和模型。

    The technology innovation and economy increase theory and model are analyzed .

  14. 第一部分,对相关的经济增长理论的述评。

    Section 1 , we introduce economic growth theory .

  15. 马克思的经济增长理论是以物质资料的生产为研究对象的。

    Marxist theory of economical growth is about the production of material goods .

  16. 区域经济增长理论中的反馈机制

    Feedback Mechanism in the Theory of Regional Economic Growth

  17. 经济增长理论的一个文献综述

    A Summary of the Document on Economic Development Theories

  18. 新经济增长理论认为,财政支出能够有效的促进经济的增长。

    Studies on the New Economic Growth Theory and Taiwan 's Economic Growth ;

  19. 基于内生经济增长理论的高技术标准促进经济增长作用机理分析

    Effect Mechanism of High-Tech Standards Promoting Economic Growth Based on Endogenous Growth Theory

  20. 第三章为经济增长理论发展。

    Chapter-3 is the theoretical development for economic growth .

  21. 新经济增长理论与现代军事劳动

    New economic growth theory and modern military labour

  22. 经济增长理论、自然资源与经济可持续增长

    Economic Growth Theory , Natural Resources and Sustainable Growth of Economy : the Relationships

  23. 新经济增长理论及其对中国经济发展的重要启示

    The New Economic Growth Theory and It 's Inspiration for Economic Development of China

  24. 传统经济增长理论完全排斥产业结构升级。

    The theory of traditional economic growth totally opposes the upgrading of industrial structure .

  25. 关于新经济增长理论的若干思考

    Several Thoughts on the New Economic Growth Theory

  26. 1节简要回顾了经济增长理论的发展过程,主要着眼于各种增长理论如何解释增长动力的作用方式。

    Section 4.1 briefly reviews economic growth theory .

  27. 边际效益递增理论是经济增长理论的创新。

    The theory of increasing marginal benefit is an innovation of economic growth theory .

  28. 该部分论述了经济增长理论发展的脉络,在索罗模型基础上出现了阿罗、罗默和卢卡斯等人引入知识和人力资本的内生性增长理论;

    In this section , we discuss the development path of economic growth theory .

  29. 新古典经济增长理论向新经济增长理论的演化过程就是技术进步不断内生化的过程。

    The evolution process of economy growth theory is interpreted by endogenous technological change .

  30. 首先,对相关经济增长理论、服务业发展理论等理论进行回顾、评述,以此作为研究的理论基础。

    Firstly , this paper gives an observation of relative theories as the study basis .