
The more developed county need make use of large enterprises " industrial fissile " and small and medium-sized " ant economy " synergy to achieve the dynamic comparative advantage ; actively undertake the transfer of the property ; increased support for industry transformation and upgrading of financial support .
Through its Multi-financial business , it realizes scale merit and Synergy and raises its Competitiveness .
Then it analyses the M & A factors of the listed steel companies which is based on the scale effects , synergy effects and government factors .
Chapter 2 Economic Analysis of the efficiency of horizontal mergers and acquisitions generated , there are economies of scale , synergies , reduce time and cost efficiency .
According to the strategy of a group company , the financial risk cannot be neglected while a transportation enterprise group is pursuing scale economy and cooperative effect .
The restructuring can increase concentration degree of automobile industry and play scale economy and synergistic effect , which is a requirement of Chinese automobile industry in policy .
The theoretical basis of research in this area include economies of scope , synergies , market competition , asset specificity theory , economies of scale , portfolio , transaction costs .
Zhuzhou Waterworks Company should fully use the superiority to implement the drainage integration strategy , and then realize economies of scale and synergy effect by speeding up the industrial conformity and expanding production scale through the capital strategy .
First summarize the scope , synergies , risk diversification , the use of market opportunities and government preferences , the traditional drivers of diversification , and analysis of economic globalization on the negative impact of these drivers and companies to increase diversification difficult .
Comprehensive banks stem from the economy of scale and combining conspiracy effect .
On the basis of the theory of transaction cost , agency , uneconomics of scale and negative effect of coordination , it also analyses internal motive of enterprises ' contraction , and discusses the problems about these motives .
In the second place , the chapter discussed its academic foundation from manage-cooperation effect theory , scope economy theory , finance cooperation effect theory , verification management theory , value underestimation theory , transactional cost theory , manager expanding theory and company competition strategy theory ;
Security group is based on the pursuit of scale economies , scope economies and synergies .
As an important type of mixed operation of finance industry , the financial holding company has scale and scope economy and synergy effect .
In terms of economies of scale and scope of business area , as well as synergies effect such as risk diversification , Financial Holding Company has unbeatable advantages compared with other forms of financial institutions .
It is believed that the banking M & A can bring economies scale and scope economic effects , management and financial synergy effects , and other positive economic benefits .
Then , this chapter analyses economic theoretical foundations in the existence of the financial conglomerates : large-scale production , range economy , coordination effect and risk dispersion .
Based on the production and income approach , and input-output approach , it discusses and forecasts the economic contribution of the Yangtze River .