
  1. 加入WTO与上海国际经济中心城市发展战略

    The Development Strategies of Shanghai After China Enters WTO

  2. 上海是中国最大的商业城市和经济中心城市。

    Shanghai is the biggest commercial city and economic center in China .

  3. 经济中心城市的集聚与扩散规律研究

    The Research of Centralization and Diffusion Laws To the Economic Central City

  4. 青岛市是我国重要的经济中心城市和沿海开放城市。

    Qingdao is an important economic city and open coastal city of China .

  5. 培育经济中心城市,调整产业布局;

    It should cultivate the center cities and adjust the distribution of economy .

  6. 无锡市是中国十五个经济中心城市和十个重点旅游城市之一,又是全国十大最具竞争力城市之一。

    Wuxi is one the 15 key economic cities and the 10 key tourist cities of China .

  7. 经济中心城市具有集聚和扩散这两种基本运动形式。

    The two basic movement patterns of an Economic Central City ( E.C.C ) are centralization and diffusion .

  8. 为更好地发挥技术流动的潜在效益和促进技术创新,正在建设国际经济中心城市的上海应当积极构筑技术高地。

    To accelerate the technology diffusion and technology innovation , it is very important for Shanghai to construct technological highland .

  9. 南京是中国重要的经济中心城市,形成了以重化工工业为主体的鲜明特色。

    Nanjing is one of the important central cities in Chinese economy , with heavy chemical industry as its pillar .

  10. 青岛市是中国重要的经济中心城市和港口城市,国家历史文化名城。

    Qingdao is one of china 's core-economic and port cities , and the famous city of Chinese history and culture .

  11. 城市尤其是经济中心城市将对其所在区域乃至国家竞争优势的形成产生重要影响。

    City , especially the economic key city , will exert a trememdous influence on formation of regional and national overall competitiveness .

  12. 特大城市群间的航空流反映了长三角地区的经济中心城市强盛的区域带动势头;

    And interactions among mega-city regions reflect the uprising of the Yangtze River Delta Region as the leading region of the nation .

  13. 作为全国经济中心城市和国际重要的开放城市,上海在过去的十多年里取得的经济增速无疑是世界瞩目的。

    As a national economic center and an important international city , Shanghai has achieved outstanding economic increase in the past decade .

  14. 本文从正效应与负效应两个角度提出了宁波作为浙江经济中心城市对周边城市经济发展产生的极大的辐射效应。

    This paper proposes that , Ningbo as the central city of Zhejiang , poses magnificent radiation effect , both positively and negatively .

  15. 世界城市最为突出的特征是作为当今世界经济中心城市的一种模式与发展战略,被越来越多的人所认同,并日益受到城市发展决策层的重视。

    It is a new development pattern of word city . As a center of regional economy , city has its soul in CBD .

  16. 天津是北方经济中心城市和重要港口,也是沉积高岭石矿与铝土矿的主要集散地。

    Tianjin is the economic center and main port in north China where products and raw ores of the minerals are concentrated in and diffused from .

  17. 是中国西南地区和长江上游最大的经济中心城市和重要的交通枢纽。

    In China 's southwestern region and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River , it is the largest municipal economic center and an important communications hub .

  18. 作为中国的一个经济中心城市,上海将面向世界,服务全国,加快发展,创造更加美好的未来。

    As a economic centre of China , Shanghai will face the world and serve the country , grows more rapidly to create a more brilliant future .

  19. 宁波是长江三角洲南翼重要的经济中心城市,也是华东地区重要的先进制造基地。

    Right now , Ningbo has become the important economic centre city of Yangtze River delta , and it is the most advanced manufacturing base of East China .

  20. 本文认为,上海市要建设国际经济中心城市,必须关注城市产业结构调整、城市功能完善和城市区域空间布局之间的内在关联,并就这三个方面提出了相应的战略对策和举措。

    This paper raises that the development strategy should pay attention to regulating the industrial structure , perfecting the urban function , and integrating the regional space layout .

  21. 上海是中国最大的经济中心城市,也是国际著名港口城市,在中国的经济发展中具有极其重要的地位。

    Shanghai , the largest city in China and a well-known port city in the world , plays a very important part in the development of China 's economy .

  22. 我国许多经济中心城市,如北京、上海等,正积极推进创意产业的发展,二线城市也热情高涨,各地也纷纷涌现出许多的创意公司、创意基地。

    Many central cities like Beijing , Shanghai are stimulating the development of creative industry . Second-tier cities are enthusiastic as well where many creative companies and bases have appeared .

  23. 发达的服务业是经济中心城市的显著标志,反映着综合竞争实力和对生产要素的聚集扩散能力。

    A highly developed service industry is a significant sign of an economic central city , reflecting its urban competitiveness and the capability of production factors on the aggregation of production diffusion .

  24. 以中国最大的经济中心城市上海市为例,分析转型时期城市生产服务业和办公楼区位的分布特点,及其建设中存在的问题。

    This paper analyses the characteristics of the location for urban industrial service and office building as well as some other relative issues during the transition period with Shanghai as the case .

  25. 上海是中国最大的经济中心城市,进口商品通过上海市场可以进入华东地区,进而辐射到内地大中城市。

    Shanghai is the biggest economic central city in China and the imported commodities may enter the East China area through the Shanghai market , and then radiate to other inland provinces and cities .

  26. 一城九镇计划是市政府为有序推进城镇发展,努力构筑特大型国际经济中心城市城镇体系的试点项目。

    While orderly carrying forward urban development , One City with Nine towns as an extra large - scale international economy center of urban system and an experimental project of municipal government appears in Shanghai .

  27. 在金融发展过程中,金融资源及由其驱动的各要素向经济中心城市聚集,促其功能升级发展成为区域金融中心。

    In the process of financial development , financial resources including elements driven by it , aggregating into the economic central city , which is promoted to be upgraded and forms a regional financial centre ( RFC ) .

  28. 上海作为1800万常住人口的中国最大的经济中心城市,如何做好保护城市环境与市民健康的工作是长期的挑战和艰巨的任务。

    Shanghai is an over 18,000,000 resident populations ' megapolis and the biggest economic central city in China . How do effectively improve the urban environment and the residential health is a long-term challenge and the arduous task .

  29. 文章对区域经济中心城市的定义、内涵、类型、特征、作用和现实意义,以及唐山市建设区域经济中心城市的要义、基础条件、差距、要求、进一步准确定位等进行了论述。

    The paper elaborates the definition , connotation , types , features , functions and practical significance of regional economic central city and the essentials , basic conditions , gap , requirements and further exact positioning for Tangshan to construct regional economic central city .

  30. 重庆市是我国西部地区唯一的直辖市,也是西南地区和长江上游重要的经济中心城市,是全国重要的工业基地、交通枢纽和贸易口岸。

    As the only municipality directly under the Central Government in the the West Regions of China , ChongQing is the economy central city in southwest part and upstream Yangtze River , a very important industry base , traffic hinge and commerce port in China .