- 名current account

Germany ran a current account surplus of 7.6 per cent of gross domestic product in 2007 .
Correlations among Current Account , Direct Investment , and Foreign Exchange Reserve & Based on the Perspective of Global Economic Imbalances
Portugal will probably have a small current-account surplus for 1992 .
Its current account surplus has dropped to 2.3 % of GDP from 10.1 % .
The third part analyses in details how FDI effects on current account via goods and income account .
The Impact of FDI on China 's Current Account in the Balance of Payments : An Empirical Analysis from 1982 to 2006
In 1996 China accepted No. 8 item of IMF , then realized RMB free exchange in current account .
China 's current account surplus has soared , from 3.6 per cent of gross domestic product in 2004 to 11.3 per cent last year .
But even when higher savings depress GDP , it remains true that the current account balance is equal to the difference between savings and investment .
Especially our access to WTO in 2001 sped up the enlargement of the size of foreign exchange reserves due to the favorable balance in both current account and capital account .
Since December 1996 , China has formally become the member of IMF , accepting the No. 8th clause and beginning the current account liberalization ;
Then the author concluded that FDI affected the current account and the capital and financial account of balance of payments statement mainly by trade flow and capital flow .
Surplus versus deficit countries : Countries that are running large trade and current account deficits want the G20 to discuss global economic imbalances .
Especially after we entered into WTO in 2001 , China keep enjoying surplus balance of both current account and capital account , which led to a 40 % annual growth rate of foreign exchange reserves .
China 's current account surplus also declined substantially to a mere 2.8 per cent of gross domestic product last year . There are good reasons to believe China 's slowdown is permanent .
A consequence , Charles Dumas of Lombard Street research points out , is that the US requirement for foreign inflows is shrinking along with its current account deficit .
As a result , economists are predicting that the current account surplus , which was near 10 per cent of GDP last year , will this year be closer to 5 per cent .
So even with a relatively low level of business investment and residential construction , the excess of national investment over national savings resulted in a current account deficit of 2.3 per cent of GDP .
Unlike China , India also has a widening current-account deficit & a classic sign of overheating , as domestic output fails to keep pace with surging demand .
The results shows that global effective labor supply promotes current account surplus in developing countries , and with the massive FDI inflow , the impact of labor globalization and FDI on surplus accumulation is constantly strengthened .
According to a calculation by Goldman Sachs , it would take a27 per cent fall in the dollar 's trade-weighted exchange rate to reduce the US current account deficit by half .
For example , despite a current-account surplus of4.9 % of GDP last year , one of the biggest of any developed economy , Japan 's trade-weighted exchange rate sank by13 % from the end of2002 to mid-2007 .
The country 's currency , the rupee , has tumbled against the dollar in the past year , partly due to growing investor concerns about India 's high current-account deficit , which is roughly 4 % of GDP .
Not , it is true , as massive a surplus as a share of its overall economy as it had a couple of years ago , when the current account surplus reached 10 % of GDP , but huge nonetheless .
FDI is a critical measure of how outsiders perceive an economy and can be a critical source of capital for poor economies , countries with low savings rates , and economies with current account deficits , such as Vietnam and India .
Yet several years later , they have not managed to bring about this shift – indeed , while China ran a current account surplus in excess of 10 per cent of GDP last year , consumption in recent years has played an ever smaller role in the economy .
According to the IMF , a shift from export-led to domestic-driven growth would see Germany reduce its " high current account surplus " , which would also contribute to Germany playing " a pivotal role " in heaving the eurozone out of its debt crisis .
Since the official announcement of acceptance of the Article No. 8 in the Agreements of International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) in November of 1996 , China 's monetary reform has basically entered into a stage in which RMB can be freely converted under current account .
The current and capital accounts together are the basic balance .
The Current Account Imbalance under a View of Globalization of Labor