
zhī bù
  • weaving cotton cloth;weaving;weave cotton cloth;weave silks
织布 [zhī bù]
  • (1) [weave cotton cloth]∶织造棉布

  • (2) [weave silks]∶纺织丝线成为布匹

  • (3) [weaving]∶织造的俗称

织布[zhī bù]
  1. 前纺车间女工呼吸系统症状阳性率及肺功能FEV1.0异常急性改变率明显高于络筒和织布车间。

    Prevalences of respiratory symptoms and acute change of pulmonary function ( FEV_ ( 1.0 )) in female workers of pre-spinning workshop were obviously higher than those in copping and weaving workshops .

  2. 现场噪声参数比较结果:锤锻声最大线性峰值(122.6~142.4dB)和峰值的变化以及A计权慢档均方根值(L(AS))的全距,均明显大于织布声;

    The comparative results of noise parameter in the field were : The maximum linear peak ( 122.6-142.4dB ) , variability of peak and total range of A-weighted root-mean-square level with slow time constant ( LAS ) in the drop-forging noise were evidently greater than those in the weaving noise ;

  3. 她技艺高超,操作着复杂的提花织布机。

    A first-class worker , she operated the difficult Jacquard looms .

  4. 在一间屋子里,年轻的母亲们在织布,而她们的孩子就在她们膝上打盹。

    In one room , young mothers weave while babies doze in their laps .

  5. 她们纺纱、织布、煮饭以及料理家务。

    They would spin and weave cloth , cook and attend to the domestic side of life

  6. 织布机上梭子来回地飞动。

    The shuttle flies back and forth on the loom .

  7. 那家工厂有十台织布机。

    That factory has ten looms .

  8. 在工业革命中,手工织布者被机械织机扫地出门。

    In the Industrial Revolution hand weavers were swept aside by the mechanical loom .

  9. 打字员、售票员、银行出纳员和许多生产线上的工作都像织布工一样被替代了。

    Typists , ticket agents , bank tellers and many production-line jobs have been dispensed with , just as the weavers were .

  10. 那位老太太正在织布机上织布。

    The old woman was weaving on her loom .

  11. 大家都很忙,男的耕田,女的织布

    All were busily engaged , men at their ploughs , women at their looms .

  12. 那家工厂有25台织布机

    The factory has twenty-five looms .

  13. PAN基预氧化纤维不织布增强酚醛树脂制作炭/炭复合材料

    Development of carbon / carbon composites by phenolic resin and oxidized pan flets

  14. 目的:研究碳纤维织布增强聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)基托的机械性能。

    Objective : To study the mechanical properties of the PMMA denture-base enhanced by carbon fiber cloth .

  15. 以亚麻纤维为增强体,与聚丙烯(PP)长丝进行丝束级共混,形成PP包覆亚麻的纱线结构,利用机织工艺织成二维机织布,作为复合材料的预制件。

    Polypropylene ( PP ) was commingled with flax fiber reinforcing material to realize the mixture of two materials at the stage of yarn .

  16. 将经碳纤维预浸织布加强的PMMA与对照组相比较,弯曲强度显著增加(P<0.01),其强度满足临床需要。

    Comparing the PMMA which had strengthened by pre-submerged carbon fabric weaved cloth with the comparing group the flexure strength and both added obviously , the quantity satisfy the clinic requests .

  17. 尽管巴菲特的投资组合包括内衣[(水果织布机)(FruitoftheLoom)]、公用事业、制造业和金融业在内的所有美国大品牌的股份,但保险业仍是其根基。

    Though the US investor 's portfolio has stakes in great all-American names in underwear ( Fruit of the Loom ), utilities , manufacturing and finance , its roots lie in insurance .

  18. 综合比较,织布支撑的PVDF/0.7%纳米TiO2共混膜通量大、截留效果好,抗污染能力强,有一定的实用价值。

    Through aggregate analysis , the PVDF / 0.7 % NANO TiO2 blending membrane had certain practical value because its great flux , well retention rate and strong anti-fouling capability .

  19. 今年8月推出的首个系列的T恤衫的布料由老织布机纺出,由ColonialGoods与LeeKungMan联手推出,LeeKungMan是一家创建于1923年的针织厂。

    For its first collection of T-shirts spun from a vintage loom , which will be released in August , Colonial Goods teamed up with Lee Kung Man , a knitting factory established in 1923 .

  20. JosephMarieJacquard创造了一种可以附加在织布机上的设备,它使用一个打孔模式(很像早期计算机的穿孔卡片)编织图案。

    Joseph Marie Jacquard created a device which could be affixed to looms , which used a pattern of holes , much like early computer punched cards , to direct the textile design .

  21. YehThanh村的妇女都是织布能手。1996年,这村子里开展了一个为期两年的项目,把沉寂了的传统ThoCam纺织重新发展起来。

    Yen Thanh women are skilled weavers , and in1996 , a two-year project was launched in the village to rejuvenate the Tho Cam tradition that had gone dormant .

  22. ThoCam是一种独特的纺织技术,用小型纺织机和色彩缤纷的纱线来织布。该项目主要为最贫穷、最需要收入的妇女而设。

    Tho Cam is a particular kind of weaving that uses colourful threads on a small loom , and the project focus would be primarily with the poorest women , who needed the income the most .

  23. 超细特涤纶丝织布290T雪克产品的技术工艺探讨

    Discuss on the Technology of Weaving 290T Xue-ke Fabric with Superfine Tex Polyester Filament

  24. 然后在安静环境中休息2d;再暴露于织布车间(99.5±2.0)dbspl的中高频噪声,每天8h,连续观察13周。

    After taking a rest in quiet-environment for 2 days , they were exposed to intense noise of ( 99.5 ± 2.0 ) dB SPL in a textile workshop , 8 h per day for 13 weeks .

  25. 该产品是在一层聚酯薄膜(M)两侧粘贴聚酯纤维非织布(D)制成的三层柔软复合材料(DMD)。

    The product is a three-layer limpness composite material ( DMD ) made by bonding polyester non woven fabrics ( D ) on two sides of a layer of polyester thin ( M ) .

  26. CHFR-1型阻燃整理剂的合成及其在色织布上的应用日本传统染织纹样与其文化内涵

    Synthesis of Flame Retardant CHFR-1 and Its Application to Yarn-Dyed Textiles The Japanese traditional yarn-dyed pattern and its culture

  27. 文章介绍了生产涤纶超细特丝织布290T雪克产品的原料选择、工艺流程、设备型号、工艺设计过程。

    The process of weaving 290T Xue-ke fabric with superfine Tex polyester filament is introduced from the aspects of material selection , technological process , equipment type , technology design , etc.

  28. 这些织布机半个小时生产1.25米布料世界公认为巴勒斯坦民族象征的keffiyah头巾的传统尺寸。

    It takes the machines half an hour to produce 1.25 metres of fabric . That is the traditional measure for one keffiyah , the headscarf recognised around the world as the symbol of Palestinian nationalism .

  29. 新型尼龙织布梭的研制及其应用

    Development and application of a new type of nylon loom shuttle

  30. 丙纶编织布/涤纶非织布复合针刺土工布的研制

    Development of Polypropylene knitted Fabrics / Polyester Nonwovens Laminated Needle-felted Geotextiles