
xì fěn
  • fines;fine powder;farine
细粉[xì fěn]
  1. 产品含TiO293%以上,保持原矿粒度,没有细粉。

    The product contains more than 93 % TiO_2 , keeps the original grain size and has a negligible quantity of fines .

  2. 等离子电弧炉回收Ni-Al合金细粉工艺的研究

    Technological Process of Ni & Al Alloy Fines Recovery with Plasma Arc Furnace

  3. 子粒被捣成了细粉。

    The seeds were pounded to a fine powder .

  4. 碾磨机把谷物磨成细粉。

    A mill grinds grain into flour .

  5. K,相比未添加锆英砂细粉的试样性能有明显的提高。

    K , compared the specimen without zircon sand powder , get marked improvement .

  6. 红柱石基材料中添加SiC细粉的作用

    Effect of SiC powder added in high-purity andalusite based refractories

  7. 高炉矿渣细粉对Cr(Ⅵ)的还原能力及测试方法

    Reducibility of Ground Blast-Furnace Slag on cr ( vi ) and its testing method

  8. 高炉矿渣细粉对粉煤灰硬化体中Cr(Ⅵ)溶出的抑制

    Retention Effect of Ground Blast-Furnace Slag on the Leaching of Cr (ⅵ) from Hardened Fly Ashes

  9. 分散后细粉以相同工艺制备得Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷。

    Ti ( C , N ) - based cermet was fabricated by dispersed fine powder with the same sintering process .

  10. K、Na、Ca的碳酸盐细粉对烟幕残留物的自净化效果

    Efficiency of self-purification of carbonates powder with K , Na and Ca on the remain from smoke screen

  11. Sol-gel工艺制备氧化铝超微细粉及其机理的研究

    Studies on the Mechanism and the Preparation of Ultrafine Powder Al_2O_3 by Sol-gel Processing

  12. 其次,本文研究了ρ-Al2O3微粉与电熔镁砂细粉之间的反应。

    Secondly , the reaction between ρ - Al2O3 ultra fine and magnesia powder was studied .

  13. 研究了MgO细粉的加入对Al2O3尖晶石系浇注料性能的影响。

    Effect of MgO powder addition on properties of Al_2O_3-spinel castable is investigated .

  14. 纳米级α-FeO(OH)细粉的制备与表征

    Preparation and Characterization of α - FeO ( OH ) Ultrafine Particle by Colloidal Method

  15. 采用FLUENT数值计算软件,对该型细粉分离器改造前、后进行了大量的数值计算。

    Using numerical simulation software Fluent , cases are simulated before and after retrofit of separator .

  16. α-Al2O3细粉含量对MgO系铸钛包埋材料性能的影响

    Influence of Content of α - Al_2O_3 Fine Powder on Properties of MgO-based Investment Materials Cast Ti

  17. 水热法制备不同形貌的α-Fe2O3细粉超细粉碎技术与超细珍珠粉


  18. Y2O3稳定ZrO2纳米细粉性能研究

    Characteristics of Y_2O_3 Stabilized ZrO_2 Nanometer Powders

  19. SiC细粉在高纯红柱石基材料中的加入量以6%~9%为宜。

    It is feasible that 6 % ~ 9 % SiC fine powder is added in the high-purity andalusite based refractories .

  20. 粉体HPLC图谱显示,细粉和超细微粉在相同的保留时间有相同的吸收峰,只是峰值有差别。

    The HPLC results show that two kinds of powder have the similar absorb peak in the same reserve time , but peak magnitude is different .

  21. 结果表明:(1)经适当处理的高炉矿渣细粉能有效抑制粉煤灰硬化体中Cr(Ⅵ)的溶出;

    The results show that : ( 1 ) the leaching of Cr (ⅵ) from hardened fly ashes can be effectively restrained by GBFS with proper treatment ;

  22. 主要研究了ZrO2细粉、MgO细粉加入量对刚玉-尖晶石浇注料性能的影响;

    The influences of ZrO_2 micropowder , MgO micropowder on properties of corundum-spinel castable refractory was studied .

  23. 结果表明:采用本溶胶-凝胶工艺可以制备出结晶性好、粒径为纳米级的PT细粉。

    The results show that the PT powder made by this process has good crystalization , and the particle radius is of the grade of nanometer .

  24. 工作主要包括研究细粉再燃中再燃燃料量对NOx排放影响;再燃燃料粒径大小对NOx排放影响;

    My work contains that the research of the influence of the amount and the diameter of reburn fuel to the emission of NOx ;

  25. 燃料分级燃烧技术是有效的低NOx燃烧技术,本文研究其两种方式:细粉再燃和新三区燃烧技术。

    Fuel-staging combustion is an effective deNOx technology . Two forms of this technology are studied in this article : Reburn and New three-zone technology .

  26. 缓效钾、有效铜用线性模型拟合。(4)大尺度砂粒、粘粒成块状,中/细粉粒、粗粉粒成条带状分布,中坡位pH较高。

    The S-avaiable K and Available Cu were fitting by lineal model . ( 4 ) In Macroscale , sand , clay distributed as blocks , and the Med . and fine silt and Coar .

  27. 山楂中总黄酮含量限度暂定为:山楂细粉于60°C干燥6h,含总黄酮以金丝桃苷计,应不低于1.0%。

    Flavonoid content in Fructus Crataegi was designed no less than 1.0 % , extraction must be performed under 60 ° C and dried to constant weight for 6 hours .

  28. 将炭纤维细粉注入家兔左侧大脑颞叶皮质内,动态观察脑组织病理学及脑电图(EEG)改变。

    After the fine carbon fiber powder was injected into the left cerebral temporal lobe cortex of the rabbits , the changes of cerebral histopathology and EEG were dynamically observed .

  29. 西洋参超微粉与细粉中人参皂苷Rb1的溶出度比较研究

    Comparing the Dissolution of Rb1 from the Micropowder and Common Powder of Radix Panacis Quinquefolii Effects of Superfine Comminution on Leaching of Ginsenosides in Panax ginseng

  30. 结果表明,助磨剂加强了水泥的流动性、提高了水泥细度、增加了细粉量、对勃氏比表面积无明显改变、增加了水泥3d、28d强度;

    The results show that the grinding aids improve the flowability , increase fineness of fine particles , and increase strength of 3d and 28d of cement mortar .