
  • 网络organizational environment;organization environment
  1. SOA同样也能在小型组织环境中遍地开花。

    SOA can flourish in a small organization environment as well .

  2. 基于虚拟组织环境的工程管理系统构建

    A Pattern of Project Management Based on Virtual Organization Environment

  3. 加入WTO之后,面对着错综复杂、动荡不定的组织环境,面对着跨国公司竞争的巨大压力,我国国有企业组织到底该怎样去迎接挑战,求得生存和发展?

    After China 's WTO entry , how can Chinese state-owned enterprises survive the various kinds of challenges and develop themselves ?

  4. 虚拟组织环境中CRM系统的应用

    Application of CRM System in Virtual Organizations

  5. 本文根据组织环境分析框架,对加入WTO后我国大学环境的变迁进行了思考,分析了加入WTO后大学宏观环境和竞争环境的可能变化。

    Based on the framework for analyzing organizational environment and associated with the entry into WTO , the change of the outer environment of Chinese universities was thought about , the possible changes of the macro-environment and the competition environment was analyzed .

  6. 而IT员工属于知识型员工的一种,因此本研究认为IT员工的QWL包括了工作任务、组织环境和社会心理三大维度。

    And IT employees are a kind of the knowledge workers ; therefore the study finds that IT staff QWL includes task dimension , Organization dimension and psycho-social dimension of the environment . Employees ' creativity research started relatively late .

  7. 个人组织环境学习过程研究

    A Research on Individual-Organization - Environment Learning Process

  8. 经合组织环境状况小组

    OECD Group on the State of the Environment

  9. 探讨组织环境因素对员工创造性成绩的影响是工作激励研究领域中的新动向。

    It is a new tend within the realm of researches on work motivation .

  10. 企业组织环境与转移定价策略

    Corporate Organizational Environment and Transfer Pricing Strategies

  11. 创造性组织环境研究的新进展

    Review on researches about creative organizational context

  12. 组织环境的不确定性研究综述

    Organization Environmental Uncertainty : A Literature Review

  13. 采用专业导入的模式组织环境工程专业英语的教学工作,是一种新的教学模式。

    The mode of specification induced in the environmental engineering specialist English teaching is new .

  14. 政府间环境教育会议非政府组织环境联络会

    Non-governmental Organization Environment Liaison Board

  15. 研究网络组织环境适应性对中小企业竞争力的影响。

    Studies the environmental adaptability of network organization and its effect on promoting the SMEs ' competitiveness .

  16. 当今组织环境的动态性使得员工心理契约违背显著变得非常普遍。

    With Dynamic organizational environment , the phenomenon of the psychological contract violations has become very common .

  17. 针对性的管理策略有:提供有利于知识员工自主劳动的工作条件和组织环境;

    Therefore , the managerial tactics include : work conditions and organizational environment to encourage their free labor ;

  18. 传统的管理者角色理论是适应于传统组织环境条件下的管理活动的。

    The traditional theory of manager 's roles is suitable for management activities in the traditional organizational environment .

  19. 然而,项目持续成功的组织环境最终来自上层的管理。

    But the sustainable success of project depend on the environment of organization made by the upper leadership .

  20. 营造一个有利于抓安全的组织环境,将原职能式组织结构演变为矩阵式组织结构。

    The matrix organization structure instead of functional organization structure can create a useful circumstance to safety management .

  21. 这是个长期性的问题,必须将它放在一个即时的组织环境中才能回答。

    This is a perennial question , and one which can be answered only in an immediate , organizational context .

  22. 对公益组织环境及工作有所了解,具有参与公益组织发展的愿望;

    Organizational environment and work on the public some understanding of organizational development with the desire to participate in public ;

  23. 第四部分,为校本管理的学校组织环境支持,包括政府、社会、家庭等给予的支持。

    The last part touches on the organizational environment , such as getting support from the government , society and families .

  24. 实证研究结果发现:群体情境、工作需求、组织环境等情境因素均对知识接受意向发挥着重要的正向影响作用。

    The results show that group context , work requirement , organizational environment has a positive impact on knowledge reception intention significantly .

  25. 然而,在网络组织环境中,相互之间的依赖性使得网络关系成为一种不可以被忽视的因素。

    In network organizations , dependencies among partners , however , should not be underestimated which are much obvious in asymmetrical network .

  26. 这种变迁形式首先承认组织环境的挑战,然后找到策略遵从这些外在的力量。

    And this kind of changes should admit the environmental challenges firstly , and then find strategies to comply with this external power .

  27. 导致女性干部与男性干部领导能力差别的因素主要不在社会环境、组织环境以及绩效意识等方面,而是在女性干部的个人特征方面。

    What makes the male and female 's competence different is not social or organizational environment or performance , but their background factors .

  28. 在虚拟制造组织环境下,盟员企业之间的协作关系是影响虚拟制造组织运作的重要因素。

    In virtual manufacturing organization environment , coordination-relation ways among the member ( enterprises ) are important factors influencing virtual manufacturing organization operation .

  29. 口腔种植体因具有其特殊的组织环境及力学条件而区别于其它种植体,尤其要求种植体能够早期愈合,早期抗力。

    Oral implant is different to other implants because of the special tissue environment and mechanical requirement , especially early healing and early resistance .

  30. 一切环境是运动队竞技表现的动力要素,其中自然环境、人文环境和组织环境是最直接的动力要素。

    All environment are power elements of team , natural environment , humane environment , organize environment are the most direct power elements among them .