
  • 网络Cluster;meter;Combination Meter;IPC
  1. 基于真空荧光管(VFD)的汽车组合仪表

    The Automobile Assembled Meter Based on VFD

  2. 电子式汽车仪表是一种采用单片机控制步进电机和LCD来显示汽车行驶过程中的车速、转速、油量、水温、里程等相关数据,并用LED实现仪表背光和报警指示功能的组合仪表。

    Electronic automobile instrument is a kind combination meter controlled by SCM to show the speed , rev , fule level , cooling water temperature , mileage and other correlative data during the vehicle running . It applies the backlight to the instrument and the alarm function with LED .

  3. 采用LED的工程机械组合仪表系统

    Combined Instrument System Adopting LED for Construction Machines

  4. 一般来说,k号是在对组合仪表进行编号时调整的。

    In general , the k-number is adjusted when coding the instrument cluster .

  5. 组合仪表中的“comfort”(舒适)菜单可能不再可用。

    It is possible that the comfort menu is no longer available in the instrument cluster .

  6. 组合仪表中“settings”(设置)下的“comfort”(舒适性)菜单不显示或呈灰色。

    The " comfort " menu under " settings " is not displayed or is greyed in the instrument cluster .

  7. 更换组合仪表或pcm后,可以在此菜单项下同步k编号。

    Under this menu item , it is possible to synchronise the k-number after replacing the instrument cluster or pcm .

  8. 帕萨特B5轿车数字组合仪表的故障诊断

    Fault diagnosis of Digital Instrument on PASSAT B5

  9. 详细介绍东风雪铁龙毕加索(picasso)轿车组合仪表及其采用的多路信息传输系统(van总线)的电路、工作原理、系统结构和基本功能。

    The cluster gauges on Dongfeng Citroen Picasso are introduced in details here with circuitry , working principle , systematical structure and basic function of its adopted multiplex system for information transmission .

  10. 别克(GL8型)轿车组合仪表探讨

    Combined Instruments of Buick ( GL8 Model ) Car

  11. 软件方面基于QNX互连汽车参考平台进行了全图形化汽车组合仪表界面的软件开发,介绍了该平台的软件架构,图形界面的组成及其设计步骤等。

    In terms of software the paper describes the developing work based on QNX CAR , including software architecture , the composition and design steps of graphical interface , etc.

  12. ZB118/218型汽车组合仪表适用于大中型豪华高速客车及载货运输车。

    Type ZB118 / 218 auto combined instrument is ideal for large and middle luxury high speed passenger cars and trucks .

  13. 以广州本田雅阁轿车和日本雷克萨斯(凌志)LS400轿车为例,介绍乘用车组合仪表的构成、特点和型故障检查方法。

    The composition , characteristics and fault checking methods of the combined instrument on passenger vehicles are introduced with the examples of Guangzhou HONDA ACCCORD and Japan LEXUS LS400 .

  14. ,介绍了基于VFD汽车组合仪表的系统构成、硬件模块与软件流程设计方案;突出了系统技术的先进性,具有色彩鲜艳、可见度高等优点。

    Vacuum Fluorescent Display ( VFD ) has the specialty of bright color clear visibility used as automobile meter display device . In this paper , the system structure of automobile assembled meter based on VFD 、 the hardware module and the software flow scheme are introduced .

  15. 基于串行总线的车辆液晶组合仪表设计

    The Development of a Vehicle LCD Dashboard based on serial bus

  16. 桑塔纳2000组合仪表与其它车辆的匹配修正

    Match-modifying between Composed Instruments of SANTANA 2000 and Other Vehicles

  17. 组装或安装组合仪表并执行功能测试。

    Assemble or install the instrument cluster and perform a function test .

  18. 通过组合仪表控制后扰流板。

    The rear spoiler is controlled via the instrument cluster .

  19. 对组合仪表执行功能检查。

    Carry out a function check on the instrument cluster .

  20. 分布式汽车组合仪表性能仿真试验系统

    A Distributed Performance Simulation Control System for Car Combined Instrument

  21. 拆下组合仪表,拆卸和安装组合仪表。

    Remove instrument cluster , removing and installing instrument cluster .

  22. 但是在更换用组合仪表上并没有毛毡。

    There are no pieces of felt fitted on replacement instrument clusters .

  23. 将显示存储在组合仪表中的行驶距离。

    The distance stored in the instrument cluster is displayed .

  24. 编码组合仪表需要发动机号。

    The engine number may be required for coding the instrument cluster .

  25. 检查组合仪表上的机油油位并校正。

    Check oil level on the instrument cluster and correct .

  26. 组合仪表上必须分七格显示。

    Seven segments must be displayed in the instrument cluster .

  27. 迪尔大中型拖拉机组合仪表和国产化仪表

    Integral Instrument for Deere Large and Medium Sized Tractor

  28. 检查组合仪表中油箱指针的位置。

    Check position of tank needle in instrument cluster .

  29. 桑塔纳2000型(改型)组合仪表指针的注塑工艺

    The process for plastic injection moulding of Santana 2000 model instrument cluster pointer

  30. 安装更换用组合仪表前,需粘贴毛毡。

    Before installing a replacement instrument cluster , affix the pieces of felt .