
  • 网络rifle gun;rifled gun;rifle cannon
  1. 现代战争火箭炮与线膛炮重迭射击应用较多,而对两者的火力分配方法,现行《地面炮兵射击教程》却无明确规定。

    Overlapping firing of rocket gun and rifle gun is applied frequently in the modern warfare , but the common method of fire distribution is definitely prescribed in the existing Artillery Firing Manual .

  2. PTL02轮式坦克歼击车装备使用一门105毫米线膛炮被中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)发展用于新的轻型(快速反应)机械化步兵师。

    The PTL02 wheeled assault tank destroyer armed with a105mm rifled gun was developed by NORINCO for the PLA new light ( rapid reaction ) mechanised infantry divisions .

  3. 我们关于线膛炮管的知识已经成功的应用于新加农炮的设计。

    TXT_KEY_EVENT_TRIGGER_RIFLED_CANNON_1 Our knowledge of rifled barrels has been successfully applied to new cannon designs .

  4. 本文介绍的滑动式塑料弹带能够明显地提高线膛炮发射的尾翼弹的射击密集度。

    Provision of a sliding plastic belt can greatly reduce the dispersion of a fin-stabilized projectile launched by a rifled gun .

  5. 本文主要研究线膛炮使用的30毫米尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹尼龙材料弹托的结构,包括间隙啮合技术在尼龙材料弹托上的应用,尼龙材料注塑加工的工艺保证等。

    The dissertation is concerning for the nylon sabot which is used on 30 mm armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot projectile and fit to the rifled gun . The content includes the configuration of nylon sabot clearance mesh and how to ensure to the technics of pour-mold and so on .

  6. 线膛坦克炮内膛烧蚀磨损规律与等效发射弹数对应关系

    Discussion about Equally Fired Round and Erosion of Rifled Bores Tank Gun Determination of Muzzle Velocity Loss by Law of Bore Wear