
  • 网络Linear Thinking
  1. 传统的金融理论基于一种线性思维,假定收益率序列是一个I.I.D过程。但是近些年来,有效市场理论在理论和实证检验两方面越来越受到挑战。

    Traditional financial theory is based on a linear thinking , it is assumed that yield sequence is a process of I.I.D. But in recent years , efficient market theory has been accepted more and more challenges in the theory and empirical testing .

  2. 创新的思维方式有线性思维、顺向思维、立体思维和换位思维。

    Innovation thinking is composed of linear thinking , straightforward thinking , dimensional thinking and transposition thinking .

  3. 从线性思维到非线性思维&当代领导者需要实现的思维方式转变创造性思维的非线性动力学原理

    The Nonlinear Dynamic Principle for Creative Thinking On Leadership Thinking

  4. 这其实是一种简单的线性思维的表现。

    This is a factor of linear mode of thinking .

  5. 从线性思维到复杂性思维&兼谈心理学在管理中的应用

    From Linear Thought to Complex Thought & on the application of psychology in management

  6. 以线性思维模式构成的中国传统音乐与西方多声部音乐,是在不同的文化背景下产生和发展的。

    Chinese traditional music by linear thinking mode and western music were originated from different cultural background .

  7. 传统新闻报道中的线性思维模式、片面性的偏颇还不同程度地存在着,这都是新闻报道个性缺失的体现。

    Whats more there is still linear thought and one-side perspective that are common to traditional news report .

  8. 囿于线性思维,是许多管理决策失误的重要根源。

    Being bound to the linear thinking , people are likely to make some wrong or improper decisions .

  9. 以往对于儒学史的研究大多是在时间一维的线性思维模式下展开的。

    Most of the other related papers are developed based on one dimensional way of thinking just like linear time going .

  10. 科学发展观的提出,标志着发展思维模式从线性思维向非线性思维的根本转变。

    Posing of the scientific development view indicates that we successfully realize transformation from linear thinking to nonlinear thinking about development thinking .

  11. 线性思维的特征是历时性,而非线性思维的特征是共时性,也就是同步转型。

    Linear thinking is characterized by long , and the nonlinear thinking is characterized by the total time , is simultaneously restructuring .

  12. 传统的汉语螺旋型思维模与英语线性思维模式并存。

    And the assumed traditional Chinese spiral-type thinking mode and the typical English linear thinking mode coexist in their composition . 2 .

  13. 本文认为核心能力刚性的产生主要是因为企业历史发展的路径依赖性,沉没成本效应和替代效应以及人类线性思维方式的局限性。

    This article believes that reasons of core rigidities mainly are path - dependence , sunk cost effect and substitute effect , linear - thinking .

  14. 国内外卫生服务系统的改革实践证明以线性思维的旧模式改变医疗卫生系统行为特征相当困难。

    It has been proved difficult by experiences in and out of the country that to change the behavior of HDS with the formal pattern of linear thoughts .

  15. 中国田径必须大力进行训练改革和管理改革,其关键在于端正思路:克服线性思维、采纳辩证和系统的思维方法。

    The Chinese track and field circle has to carry on all-out reforms in training and management whose key lies in changing linear thinking into dialectic and systematic diink-ing .

  16. 目前,国内的景观设计往往是在设计一个单向线性思维,虽然有些情况是独特的,但仍就单一。

    At present , the domestic landscape design is often in the design of a one-way linear thinking , although some situation is unique , but still on the single .

  17. 人文精神探讨中六种常见的思维方法是线性思维、高蹈思维、定格思维、定势思维、辩证思辨和实践理性思维;

    Abstract Six ways of thinking commonly employed in humanistic study are linear thinking , airy thinking , defined thinking , set thinking , speculative thinking , and practical reason thinking .

  18. 通过归纳经典物理学的确定性线性思维方法及其在物理内容和物理教育中的表现,说明线性思维方法的局限性;

    Through the induction of the definite linear thinking method in classical physics and the manifestation in physical content and physical education , the limitation of this method is explained clearly .

  19. 投资金融学的主流范式是线性思维模式,它建立在有效市场等假定基础之上,以各种数量化的资本资产定价模型为主线。

    The mainstream pattern of the investment finance is the linear thought model which is based on the hypothesis of an efficient market with various quantitative asset pricing models as the thread .

  20. 当代发展观实现了从传统发展观到可持续发展观的转变,这一转变其实质是人类在思考发展问题上由线性思维走向非线性思维。

    The contemporary development view realized transformation from traditional development view to the sustainable development view , this transformation its essence is the humanity thinking mode transformation from linear thinking to nonlinear thinking .

  21. 从古希腊到近代,西方社会在对人的管理思想方面,其间虽不乏系统的、有机的思想,但线性思维方式一直居于统治地位。

    From the Ancient Greece to the modern times , the systematic and organic factors existed in the Western HRM thinking , but the linear thinking mode had been occupying a dominant position .

  22. 把整体仅仅看作其部分之和的线性思维方式的观点,显然已过时了,这就要求我们在研究任何问题的时候,不得不以非线性思维去思考。

    On the overall sum of simply as part of its linear ways of thinking views , apparently out of date , which requires us , in considering any problem , but a non-linear thinking , thinking .

  23. 在非常情况下(如远未料想到的灾害情况下)线性思维方法,不但得不到预期的结果,反而可能对失策的后果带来无法承受的放大。

    From the method , however , in some unusual case such as unexpected disasters the anticipating purpose can not be acquired , adversely , an unacceptable magnifying effect on the result come out of policy failure will appear .

  24. 原来意义上的历史进步观作为线性思维的凝固化已丧失其存在的合理性,但作为理想范畴的历史进步信念仍有存在的必要。从先验目的论转到经验过程论;

    As solidification of linear thinking ," outlook of historical progress " of the original meaning has lost its rationality of existence , but as the idea of historical progres of ideal category , it still has the necessity of existence .

  25. 经典理论有效市场理论是现代金融学的基石,然而随着金融市场不断的发展及其研究的深入,基于线性思维的有效市场理论受到了很大的挑战。

    Effective market theory which is one of the classical theories is the cornerstone of modern finance , but the efficient market theory based on linear thinking has been a great challenge with the financial market development and research in depth .

  26. 基于工业化大生产的现代主义建筑理性而单一的叙事方式正面临着极大的挑战,当下远在个人常识之外、极为错综复杂的世界,要求我们在建筑上的回应方式也不能囿于线性思维。

    Monotonic and rational narrative way of Modernist architecture based on industrial mass production is facing great challenges . Now , a very complex world far beyond personal knowledge requires that responding in architecture cannot be confined with the traditional linear method .

  27. 在对现代艺术语境的认识中,我旨在揭示线性思维导致的现代艺术形式进化论的悖论,从思想意识的层面上反驳了写生过时论。

    In the understanding of modern artistic context , the author intended to reveal the paradox of formal evolution in the modem art caused by linear thinking and rebut the outmoded ideas on natural paintings from the point of the awareness of thought .

  28. 本文介绍了线性思维的含义,分析了许多事物整体与局部之间关系及事物发展过程的非线性,阐述了非线性思维的重要性及如何实现从线性思维向非线性思维的转变。

    The paper introduces the meaning of linear thinking , analyzes the relationship between whole and parts , and their nonlinear evolution process . The paper also expounds the significance of nonlinear thinking and discusses how to transform from linear thinking to nonlinear thinking .

  29. 随着企业外部环境日益动态化,传统的企业环境分析模式即由环境到战略的单向线性思维模式,将被环境与企业战略的互动模式所代替。

    The outside environment of enterprises is becoming more dynamic . The traditional analysis model of enterprises , which is characterized with the thinking model of single direction from environment to strategy , will be replaced by the interacting model between environment and enterprise strategy .

  30. 同时,如果只是把社会发展判据的各单一标准进行综合概括而不是系统性的分析,也还只是线性思维模式下的多标准发展问题,无法对于社会发展判据做出科学性、系统性的阐释。

    Similarly , it cannot make scientific and systematic interpretation for social development criteria and is just a multi-standard development issue in the linear thinking mode , if not analyzing criteria systematically and forming the criterion system for the evaluation of social development but just generalizing .