
xiàn xìnɡ yuán jiàn
  • linear element
  1. DYL器件是一种线性元件,它可以工作于0~3V范围内的任意信号电压,对信号的分辨率极高,为实现高信息密度的十值电路提供了方便条件。

    The DYL device is a kind of linear element , able to work at any voltage between 0-3 volts with high resolution to signals . This gives a good ground for the realization of the ten-valued logic circuits , with high information density .

  2. 应用自适应线性元件能实现线性,感知器具有分类的特点,设计出一种神经网络,可用于余度敏感器结构的故障诊断。

    Utilizing the high linear property of the adaptive linear element and classification of perceptrons , designed a neural network , which can be used in the fault diagnosis of redundancy sensitive elements .

  3. 利用简单实用的PID控制技术和Adaline自适应线性元件结合的方法,配合多线程采集技术,实现控制信号的准确输出达到应力、应变和定荷控制的目的。

    Also the system utilized the multithreading-measure technology , integrated the Adaline self-adapt unit into the simple and practical PID control , realized the accurate output of the signal and achieved the control of stress , distortion and fixed-point stress .

  4. 本文给出一个采用非分段线性元件的三阶自治系统。

    In this paper a three-order autonomous system with non-piecewise-linear element is given .

  5. 用线性元件实现对数运算

    Logarithm Operation by Means of Linear Components

  6. 该分析方法可用于研究含线性元件和内外受控开关的开关网络。

    Switched networks consisting of linear elements and both externally and internally controlled switches can be investigated .

  7. 用普通设备及线性元件设计并自制了一台操作简便、测量精度好于0.1%的高阻值电阻测量装置。

    A simple high resistance measurement equipment whose accuracy is better than 0 1 % is composed of the normal and linear elements .

  8. 控制器结构简单,整个控制器由几个带复位积分器、比较器、触发器和一些线性元件组成。

    The controller used has simple structure , which is composed of some integrators with reset , flip-flops , comparators and linear components .

  9. 通常意义上的模拟电路故障建模是指对无源线性元件的故障分析。

    Tolerance analysis and design on analog circuits of fault modeling . Regularly , modeling analog circuits indicates the analysis on linear passive elements .

  10. 当实际控制系统中的非线性元件为分段线性元件,且这些元件的存在会对系统性能产生影响时,系统可以看作是一类特殊的非线性系统&分段线性系统。

    Piecewise linear systems constitute a special class of nonlinear systems and arise often in practical control systems when piecewise linear components are encountered .

  11. 本文将无载体骨架序列的gus基因线性转化元件通过花粉管途径转化大豆,经过PCR、RT-PCR、GUS组织化学染色、Southern杂交等检测分析,获得了8株阳性植株。

    In this paper , the gus gene linear construct lacking vector backbone sequence ( only contains promoter , open reading frame , and terminator ) are transformed soybean by the pollen-tube pathway . By PCR , RT-PCR , GUS histochemical assay . Southern-blot , 8 positive plants are gained .

  12. 基于线性霍尔元件的圆筒型永磁直线同步电机位置检测

    Tubular Permanent Magnetic Linear Synchronous Motor and its Position Detection

  13. 基于线性光学元件和光子的量子信息处理

    Quantum Information Processing with Linear Optical Elements and Photons

  14. 我们使用的线性光学元件分别是分束器、相移器和波片。

    The optical elements used here are beam splitters , phase shifters and wave plates .

  15. 第四章给出了仅用线性光学元件足够可以实现有效的量子计算。

    In chapter 4 , Linear optics alone would suffice to implement efficient quantum computation is shown .

  16. 根据实测曲线,对建立的线性三元件模型进行参数拟合。

    Based on the experimental curve , parameters are fitted for an established linear three elements mechanical model .

  17. 通过比较,提出了一种新的基于线性霍尔元件的位置检测技术。

    We have design a new technique to detect the position and done some experiments in the way .

  18. 该方法基于线性霍尔元件,基本上不增加控制系统成本,安装简便,效果良好。

    The approach based on linear Hall device , without increase in the cost , simple installation and the results meet to the requirement .

  19. 本文以线性阻尼元件作为敏感元件,利用压差测量的原理实现了微小气体体积流量的测量。

    With linear pneumatic resistor as sensitive element , differential pressure based measurement was applied to determine pneumatic volume flow rate in mini value .

  20. 在实验中利用线性光学元件很容易实现单比特门操作,所以可以轻松实现对光子的编码操作。

    In experiments it is easy to realize single bit gate operation using linear optical element , so it is easily to achieve the photon coding operation .

  21. 其中我们介绍了远程制备任意两粒子纠缠态的方案,同时在制备光子纠缠态的过程用到了一些线性光学元件,交叉克尔非线性和零拍探测,所以首先介绍-些线性光学元件。

    And we introduce the scheme of remote preparation of an arbitrary two-particle state . In the process of preparation of photon entangled states some simple linear optical elements , cross-Kerr nonlinearity and homodyne measurement are introduced .

  22. 该方法用附加电源表示通过线性动态元件的0-值,应用冲激平衡原理,能精确分析分段线性开关网络的不一致初始值和各阶冲激量以及动态过程。

    This method can be used to accurately analyze the inconsistent initial conditions , impulses and transient of piece wise linear switched networks according to impulsive balance principle by expressing 0 - values of the dynamic elements with its auxiliary power supply .

  23. 基于线性型霍尔元件的伺服定位控制与仿真

    Servo Positioning Control Using Linear Hall Effect Sensors and Its Simulation

  24. 以非线性油阻尼振冲隔离器为研究对象,物理模型为单自由度、阻尼元件与线性刚度元件并联。

    In the paper , the nonlinear shock and vibration isolator by oil damping is the study object .

  25. 本文基于线性时变元件的约束关系,导出了其相应的伴随模型。

    Based on the relations of linear time-varying elements , this paper gives out companion models of the relations .

  26. 动态特性是指线性系统或元件对快速变化的输入信号的反应能力,通常采用幅频宽与相频宽来衡量。

    Dynamic characteristics are referring to the responses to the sudden input of the linear systems or components , amplitude and phase bandwidth are often being used .

  27. 研究工作包括线性气体阻尼元件的设计、优化和实验研究,信号电测和变送,以及流量测量系统的设计和特性分析。

    Some essential aspects , such as linear pneumatic resistive element design and experimental studies , signal condition and transformation , etc * were investigated in the paper .

  28. 研究发现,灵敏度及线性范围与MI元件选择的共振电容和驱动频率有密切的关系。

    It was found that the sensitivity and linear range were related to the driving frequency and capacitor .

  29. 在该电路中,唯一的非线性元件是分段线性的负电阻元件。

    The only nolinear element in the circuit is a three-segment piecewise resistor .

  30. 线性模型的程序元件化计算方法

    Computation method of linear models by component programming