
  • 网络New York County
  1. 渣打银行昨日宣布,已与美国司法部和纽约郡地方检察官办公室(NewYorkCountyDistrictAttorney’soffice)达成一致,将把接受严格审查以确保其符合制裁法的时间延长3年,至2017年。

    StanChart announced yesterday that it had agreed with the US Department of Justice and the New York County District Attorney 's office to extend by three years , until 2017 , the period that it will be subject to intense scrutiny to ensure it complies with sanctions laws .

  2. 一些新的公司得到很多关注,比如加利福尼亚的西海岸机车公司,和纽约的橘子郡机车公司。

    Newer companies like West Coast Choppers in California and Orange County Choppers in New York State get a lot of attention .

  3. 在我之前住过的纽约州韦斯特切斯特郡(WestchesterCounty),女人们会在沉闷的学校活动期间拿出一瓶酒轮着喝。

    In New York 's Westchester County , where I had lived previously , women would pass around a flask at dreary school functions .

  4. 在各企业努力挽留经验丰富的员工并招募新员工的背景下,工作共担这种工作方式在纽约州的威彻斯特郡逐渐获得认可。

    Keesler , who lives in Cortlandt Manor , enjoy a flexible work option called job sharing that is gaining acceptance in Westchester as companies strive to retain seasoned employees and recruit new ones .

  5. 他和妻子珍妮弗在纽约有个住所,但大多数时候,他们都居住在安静的纽约州阿尔斯特郡,距离纽约市以北90英里。

    He and his wife , Jennifer , have a place in New York City but spend much of their time in quiet Ulster County , N.Y. , 90 miles north of the city .