
  • 网络Stony Brook University;State University of New York at Stony Brook;suny stony brook
  1. 纽约州立大学石溪分校精神病学和行为科学系的arthurstone领导了这项研究,他的团队发现,年龄在22岁到25岁的成年人承受的压力最大。

    Arthur stone in the Department of psychiatry and behavioral science at Stony Brook University in New York led the study . His team found that levels of stress were highest among adults between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-five .

  2. 纽约州立大学石溪分校(StonyBrookUniversity)主要研究悲伤问题的社会与健康心理学教授卡米尔&12539;沃特曼(CamilleWortman)指出,人们常常会对放下过去往前看感到愧疚。

    People often feel guilty about moving on , says Camille Wortman , professor of social and health psychology at Stony Brook University , in New York , whose research focuses on grief .

  3. 我的父母试图给我找到另一所学校,但最后,由于我过于超前,唯一与我水平相当的学校是纽约州立大学石溪分校(StateUniversityofNewYorkatStonyBrook)。

    My parents tried to find me another school but , in the end , because I was so advanced , the only place that was on the same level as me was State University of New York at Stony Brook .

  4. 纽约州立大学石溪分校的山姆·帕尼尔博士(Dr.SamParnia)是这项堪称奇迹的研究的主要负责人。

    Dr. Sam Parnia of the State University of New York at Stony Brook was the lead author of the study that published this miraculous case .

  5. 纽约州立大学石溪分校(StonyBrookUniversity)主要研究悲伤问题的社会与健康心理学教授卡米尔・沃特曼(CamilleWortman)指出,人们常常会对放下过去往前看感到愧疚。

    People often feel guilty about moving on , says Camille Wortman , professor of social and health psychology at Stony Brook University , in New York , whose research focuses on grief . '

  6. 罗切斯特大学,奥斯陆大学和纽约州立大学石溪分校的研究人员们在今天的【科学转化医学杂志】上对这套系统进行了描述。

    The researchers , based at the University of Rochester ( U. R. ) , University of Oslo and Stony Brook University , describe this new system in the journal Science Translational Medicine today .

  7. 纽约州立大学石溪分校的研究者们采用大脑扫描发现,少数夫妇在共同生活20年后仍然激情不减,而这种激情是多数人只在浪漫爱情的早期才有所体会的。

    Using brain scans , researchers at Stony Brook University in New York have discovered a small number of couples respond with as much passion after 20 years together as most people only do during the early throes of romance .

  8. 本周日英国泰晤士报报道,纽约州立大学石溪分校的研究者采用大脑扫描发现,少数夫妇在共同生活20年后仍然热情不减,而这种热情多数人只在浪漫爱情的早期有所体会。

    Using brain scans , researchers at Stony Brook University in New York have discovered a small number of couples respond with as much passion after 20 years together as most people only do during the early of romance , Britain 's Sunday Times newspaper reported .

  9. 纽约州立大学石溪分校研究教授、加州伯克利大学访问学者亚瑟•艾伦的研究领域是爱情。他对《华尔街日报》表示,人们能否陷入爱情取决于三大要素:喜欢对方的样貌;

    Arthur Aron , research professor at Stony Brook University in New York and a visiting scholar at the University of California , Berkeley , who studies love , noted to The Wall Street Journal that there are three factors present when you fall in love : You have to like the other person 's physical appearance ;