
  • 网络textile material
  1. 聚酯新品种PTT作为一种新型的纺织材料,具有优良的弹性及其它性能,应用前景很好。

    As a member of the terephthalic polyester family and a new textile material , PTT has good elasticity and other properties , which makes it has wide applying foreground .

  2. PTT作为一种新的纺织材料,其螺旋型的分子结构赋予了纤维较大的伸长能力以及优异的弹性回复能力,可用于开发出弹性优良的弹力织物。

    Due to its molecular structure of spiral type , PTT , as one new textile material , has good performances of elongation and elasticity recovery . So it can be used for developing the fabric with fine elasticity .

  3. 日本从英国进口纺织材料。

    Japan imports textile materials from britain .

  4. 非金属:模切板、有机玻璃、PC板、PVC板、橡胶板、纺织材料、纸材、塑料。

    Non-metal : die cutting board , organic glass , PC board , PVC plate , plate , textile materials , paper , plastic .

  5. 本文在于把Moire技术引进纺织材料学的领域中来。

    The purpose of the article is to introduce " Moire " into the area of mechanics of textile materials .

  6. 综述了新型纺织材料&聚对苯二甲酸丙二醇酯(PTT)的聚合、性质、纺丝工艺及其应用。

    It is reviewed that a raw material for new fibers in textile poly ( triethtylene terephthalate ), including the polymerization , property , spinning process and application .

  7. 研究表明,P(AMPS/NIPA)二元智能凝胶接枝到纺织材料后,仍具有较好的温度敏感性、pH值敏感性以及较好的失水-吸水可逆性和响应速率,但溶胀比有所下降;

    The results showed that after P ( AMPS / NIPA ) hydrogel were grafted on the textiles , good temperature-sensitivity , pH-sensitivity , swelling / deswelling reversibility and rapid responsive ability could still be obtained on the modified fabrics , but the swelling ratio declined obviously .

  8. 为提高室内装饰织物对甲醛的吸附能力及过滤纺织材料对甲醛的过滤能力,采用射频磁控溅射方法,在纯棉机织物和涤纶针织物表面负载二氧化钛(TiO2)功能纳米结构层。

    In order to enhance the adsorption and filtration activity of textile on removing formaldehyde , nano-scale titanium dioxide ( TiO_2 ) functional films were deposited on the surface of cotton fabric and polyester fabric by RF magnetron sputter coating process .

  9. 用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)测定纺织材料的热转变温度,如熔融温度、结晶温度、玻璃化转变温度时发现:纺织材料的外推起始温度和熔融温度随升温速率增大向高温方向偏移;

    While measuring thermal transition temperature of textile material by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ), such as melting , crystallization and glass transition temperature , it is discovered that the extrapolated onset temperature and melting temperature deviate to high temperature direction with raising heat-up rate .

  10. 采用固相萃取方法(SPE)净化样品,用GC-MSD法测定及确证纺织材料中邻苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂含量。

    This method applies solid phase extraction ( SPE ) to purify the samples , and uses gas chromatography-mass selection detector ( GC-MSD ) to determine and confirm contents of phthalate plasticizers in textiles .

  11. 阐述了纳米疏水硅沸石FX-2在复合功能纺织材料上的保洁功能,详细研讨了FX-2保洁非织造布采用后处理加工的制备方法。

    This article elaborates the keeping-clean impact of nano-hydrophobic silicone zeolite FX-2 on complex functional textile mate - rial , explores the preparation method in which after-treatment of Fx-2 clean-keeping non-woven fabric is adopted .

  12. 微波辐照对纺织材料的加热与烘燥研究

    A Study on Heating and Drying of Textiles by Microwave Irradiation

  13. 气相氟化作用在纺织材料表面改性上的应用

    Application of Gas Phase Fluorination for Surface Modification of Textile Materials

  14. 加工过的纤维是一种新型的纺织材料。

    The treated fiber is a new type of textile material .

  15. 浅谈汽车用纺织材料的选择及其依据

    Discussion about Selection and Bases of Textile Materials Used in Car

  16. 化妆箱,塑料薄膜或纺织材料制

    Dressing case , of sheeting of plastics or of textile materials

  17. 纺织材料力学性能智能分析测试系统的设计

    The Computer Design System of Mechanics Performance on Textile Material

  18. 纳米疏水硅沸石在复合功能纺织材料上的应用

    Application of nano-hydrophobic silicone zeolite in complex functional textile material

  19. 水溶性止血纺织材料对血小板和血栓形成的影响

    Effect of Water Soluble Hemostatic Textile Materials on Platelet and Thrombus Formation

  20. 旅行用背包,塑料薄膜或纺织材料制

    Knapsack , of sheeting of plastics or of textile materials

  21. 红外光线对纺织材料透射性能的研究

    Investigation on Transimission Properties of Infrared Ray through Textile Material

  22. GB/T9995-1997纺织材料含水率和回潮率的测定烘箱干燥法

    Determination of moisture content and moisture regain of textile & Oven-drying method

  23. 防护手套,非针织或钩编纺织材料制

    Protective glove of textile materials , not knitted or crocheted

  24. 灯芯绒[织物],条绒[织物]人造纺织材料制割绒地毯[非栽绒或植绒]

    Moquette carpet of man-made textile materials [ not tufted or flocked ]

  25. 人造纺织材料制阿克斯敏斯特羊毛织花地毯【纺】耐用的手工棉织品

    Axminster carpet of man-made textile materials ' everlasting cotton homespun

  26. 灰色聚类分析在纺织材料性能综合评价中的应用

    Application of gray clustering analysis in performance multiple evaluation of textile materials

  27. 汽车内装饰用纺织材料烟雾特性的测定

    Testing of Smog Characteristic of Decorative Textile Materials for Car

  28. 银系抗菌剂及其在纺织材料中的应用

    Ag-type antibacterial agent and its application in the textile material

  29. 竹原纤维是一种新型的纺织材料,在生产和使用过程中,经常会受到湿、热条件的作用。

    The natural bamboo fiber is a kind of new textile material .

  30. 对纺织材料阻燃性能测试方法的评述

    A Review on Testing Methods of Flame Retardant Properties of Textile Materials