
wén zhānɡ xué
  • heraldry
  1. (纹章学)任何几个传统的数字在盾上使用。

    ( heraldry ) any of several conventional figures used on shields .

  2. (纹章学)代表跳跃(用后脚直立向前倾斜)。

    ( heraldry ) represented as leaping ( rampant but leaning forward ) .

  3. (纹章学)用四只脚站立。

    ( heraldry ) standing on four feet .

  4. 第哲学全书还排斥基于武断任意而成立的学科,例如纹章学。

    It rejects the quasi Sciences , which are founded on an act of arbitrary will alone , such as heraldry .

  5. 中世纪纹章学中的一种喷火龙,有龙头,蛇尾,翅膀和两只脚。

    A fire-breathing dragon used in medieval heraldry ; had the head of a dragon and the tail of a snake and a body with wings and two legs .