
  1. 该模型和指标体系可以作为进一步对RIN进行横向或纵向比较分析的一个平台。

    This model and index system can serve as a basis to make a further analysis and comparison of RINs athwartships or lengthways .

  2. 中国三次产业间R&D溢出效应纵向比较分析

    Vertical Analysis of the Inter-industry R & D Spillovers in Three Industries of China

  3. 由于实证研究采用的是2006年度横截面的数据,缺乏投资者关系管理指数的时间序列数据,从而无法进行纵向比较分析。

    Because empirical studies use cross-section data in 2006 , the lack of time series data , which can not conduct a longitudinal comparative analysis .

  4. 着重从经济综合实力、经济结构、城市化情况入手,收集和统计了大量的数据,横向纵向比较分析了东明县县域经济发展现状。

    Collects and statistics the massive data based on comprehensive economic power , the economic structure , the urbanized situation , comparative and analysis the present situation of Dong Ming County territory economy development .

  5. 通过具体案例的横向具体分析和纵向比较分析,详细阐述我国电影植入式广告现阶段存在的问题,在此基础上,捉出自己些浅显的可行性建议。

    Through the transverse and longitudinal study to specific case , the paper detailed state the existing problems of Product Placement in film industry . And base on this , put forward some feasible suggestions .

  6. 通过港口集装箱运输服务能力指数的应用和对厦门港集装箱运输服务能力作横向和纵向比较分析,得出厦门港集装箱运输服务能力不高;

    According to application of the port container transportation service ability index and analyze Xiamen 's container transportation service ability for comparing landscape and portrait , we conclude that Xiamen 's port container transportation service ability is not high .

  7. 本文首先对黑龙江省产业投资结构总体成长状况和单个产业的投资演变情况进行了横纵向比较分析,指出了产业投资结构存在的问题及调整和优化的方向。

    At first , the thesis makes a comparative analysis of the real investment structural growth as a whole and the development course of every industry as signal one irrespectively , pointing out the existing problems and the direction of regulation and optimization .

  8. 由于各节点企业在产业链上所处位置和作用不尽相同,因此,本文运用横向、纵向比较分析对产业链进行深入分析,并通过建立指标评价体系,运用灰色聚类法进一步确定各环节重要性。

    Meanwhile , each enterprise in the industrial chain plays different role , and we use horizontal and vertical comparative analysis to study the industrial chain deeply . Moreover , we build assessment index system and use gray clustering method to further identify the importance of various sectors .

  9. 通过裂隙中溶质运移的多组实验结果进行横、纵向的比较分析,总结出了NaCL溶液浓度沿程变化的经验公式;

    Several group experimental result of solute transport in fractured medium was analysed in different direction . An experience formula of NaCl solution was summarized , which changed in different position .

  10. 首先,选取一个范围内一系列的Reynolds数,100≤Re≤5000,通过纵向比较来分析剪切变稀流和剪切增稠流流动状况随Reynolds数的变化。

    Firstly , selecting a range of Reynolds number from 100 to 5000 . Then we can compare and analysis flow phenomena of shear thinning fluids and shear thickening fluids when Reynolds number increases .

  11. 将DEA分析得出的数据,进行横向和纵向比较,分析各银行间、各年度间存在绩效差异的原因,提出改进策略。

    Based on the data get from the DEA analysis , I make the horizontal and vertical comparison to find out the reason why the performance differential in different banks and different years , and put forward some improvement strategyies .

  12. 通过横向和纵向的比较分析北京市财政支出的总体状况,并对财政支出的经济效应和最优规模进行估计。

    According to the horizontal and vertical comparison , this part analyzes the overall level of fiscal expenditure and estimates its economic effect and optimal size .

  13. 通过对97、98届体育专业学生田径全能考试成绩的横向和纵向比较与分析发现1、学生身体素质呈下降趋势。

    By analyzing and comparing the athletic combi ne d events result of 97,98 PE graduates with crosswise and lengthwise . We found : 1 . t he trend of the PE students ' body qualities is declining ;

  14. 方法纵向和横向比较分析试点地区社区卫生服务中心的服务模式和医生行为。

    Methods To analysis services models and doctors behaviors in CHS centers in pilot areas comparatively in longitudinal and sectional approaches .

  15. 在今后研究中应当扩大应用范围,并用于纵向和横向比较分析。

    In the further studies , the application scope of this index system should be expanded . The system should also be used in the longitudinal and transverse analysis .

  16. 本文第四章首先利用近年来各班轮公司实际收益率情况,进行横向与纵向比较,详细分析了航运联盟的财务绩效。

    In chapter four , with some liner companies ' actual rates of return on capital recently the author firstly consider the financial performance of shipping alliances by horizontal and vertical comparison across them .

  17. 并对长三角城市群进行横向和纵向的比较,分析不同年份的城市化和生态环境变化以及差别的原因。

    Then , horizontal and vertical comparison of cities in the Yangtze Delta of different years is conducted . The reasons for change and difference level of diversified cities of urbanization and the ecological environment in various years are analyzed .

  18. 在研究方法上,坚持历史方法和逻辑方法相统一的原则,运用理论探索和实证研究相结合、纵向比较与横向比较分析性结合、创新与继承的方法对涉及的相关内容进行分析和研究。

    Of the unification of historical and logic method , theory study combined with positive one , innovativeness integrated into inheritance , vertical and horizontal comparison , the principles are carried out to analyze and study what are involved .

  19. 其次,从纵向角度,利用我国1990年、1992年、1995年、1997年和2000年五个时点投入产出表对我国物流业的产业关联程度和产业波及效果进行纵向比较分析。

    Secondly , from the lengthways , it analyzes the industry conjunction and industry affection between Chinese logistics industry and other industries by the Chinese input-output tables ( 1990 , 1992 , 1995 , 1997 and 2000 ) .