
nà shuì dà hù
  • big taxpayer
  1. ABC汽车有限公司作为行业内的一家大型的、现代化的、综合性的乘用车生产企业和Y市的第一纳税大户,以其作为研究对象进行税务筹划的研究具有典型意义。

    ABC Automobile Company is the industry within a large , modern and comprehensive passenger vehicles production enterprise as well as the first large taxpayer , Y city .

  2. 我们是Cupertino的纳税大户,你懂得,我们很高兴能留下来继续缴税

    Well , as you know , we 're the largest tax payer in Cupertino , so we 'd like to continue to stay here and pay taxes .

  3. 我们是Cupertino的纳税大户,你懂得,我们很高兴能留下来继续缴税,这点最重要。

    Well , as you know , we 're the largest tax payer in Cupertino , so we 'd like to continue to stay here and pay taxes . That 's number one .

  4. 中国惠普是北京外资企业十大纳税大户,并连续多年被全国外商协会评为十佳合资企业。

    China HP is Beijing foreign capital enterprise ten big pay taxes rich family , And continuous many year cover whole nation foreign tradesman association evaluate top-notch joint ventures .

  5. 烟草行业是政府财政收入的纳税大户,这一现状导致政府很难对其“下手”。另外高税率也没有抬高烟草的价格。

    The taxes and revenues generated from the tobacco industry make the government reluctant to impose regulations , and the price of tobacco remains low despite a relatively high tax .

  6. 乔丹一个人的出场费、广告费收入就相当于一个企业,乔丹本人就是国家的纳税大户。

    The in - come of Jordan 's fee of entering the arena and advertisement are equal to that of an enterprise . Jordan himself is an important customer of taxpaying for the country .

  7. 长期以来,国有的中国烟草总公司一直是纳税和就业大户。

    State-owned CNTC has long been a major taxpayer and employer .

  8. 中国许多城市面临的一个问题是,污染排放企业通常是当地纳税和就业大户,或是与地方政府有紧密联系的企业。

    For many Chinese cities , part of the problem is that local polluters are often the biggest taxpayers and employers , or have tight ties to local governments .