
  • 网络nanofiltration membrane;nf membrane
  1. 而对于平板纳滤膜脱盐率为96.5%,水通量为24.2L/m~2·h。

    But a plate NF membrane has a salt rejection above 96.5 % and a permeating flux of 24.2L / m ~ 2 h.

  2. 同时,改变操作系统参数,如:温度、压力、pH、浓度等,进一步考察了纳滤膜的性能。

    Also , changing the operating conditions , say , temperature , pressure , pH , concentrations of feed liquid and so on , the priorities of NF membrane have been tested farther .

  3. 纳滤膜技术在庆大霉素B浓缩中的应用

    Applications of Nanofiltration Membrane Technology in Concentration of Gentamicin B

  4. 阐述了纳滤膜对庆大霉素B溶液的浓缩性能。

    The concentration characteristics of nanofiltration membrane for treating Gentamicin B solution were presented .

  5. 纳滤膜在硫酸多粘菌素E浓缩与纯化中的应用

    Application of nanofiltration membranes in the concentration and purification processes of colistin sulfate

  6. 孔径越小的纳滤膜R越高。

    The smaller the pore radius of the membrane , the higher the rejection rate .

  7. 纳米TiO2与纳滤膜在水处理中的应用

    Application of Nanometer TiO_2 Catalyzed Oxidation and Nano Membrane for Water Purification

  8. 基于有机异质结的有机-无机复合单量子阱发光性质的研究将聚酰胺(PA)质地的纳滤膜组装成一种脱盐装置。在此装置上对C。

    The Emission of Organic - Inorganic Single Quantum Well with Organic Heterojunction Inorganic salt in C.

  9. 试论我国有机无机肥料的配合施用将聚酰胺(PA)质地的纳滤膜组装成一种脱盐装置。在此装置上对C。

    On Combined Application of Organic - In organic Fertilizer in China . Inorganic salt in C.

  10. 随着膜技术的发展,20世纪80年代出现的纳滤膜弥补了反渗透与超滤之间的空白。纳滤膜(nanofiltrationmembrane,NF)又称“疏松型”反渗透膜。

    The appearance of nanofiltration membrane ( NF ) in 1980s fills in the gap between reverse osmosis ( RO ) and ultra-filtration .

  11. 采用纳滤膜进行了脱除干法腈纶纺丝洗涤废水中非挥发组分(NV)的试验。

    An experimental study on removing the non-volatilization component in the acrylic fibres filature washing wastewater by dry technique has been studied by using nanofiltration membrane .

  12. 研究结果表明,超滤作为预处理手段,能去除90%浊度,部分COD,提高纳滤膜的抗污染性。

    The results showed that the UF membrane as a pretreatment , it can remove 90 % of turbidity and some COD . Ultrafiltration was used as pretreatment of nanofiltration for practical dye wastewater to reduce turbidity and membrane fouling .

  13. 本文以聚醚砜(PES)和TiO2为材料,制备新型聚醚砜超滤膜,并进行表征。芳香聚酰胺类聚合物是典型的复合纳滤膜材料,但是这类聚合物易氯化降解。

    One of the aims of this paper is to prepare and characterize the novel polyether sulphone ultrafiltration membrane made from PES and TiO2.Aromatic polyamide is a typical composite nanofiltration membrane material with inferior chlorine resistance .

  14. 采用纳滤膜考察了操作压力、不同的料液浓度、流量改变和浓缩过程对两性表面活性剂N,N-二甲基十二烷基甜菜碱(BS-12)中盐的脱除和BS-12浓缩效果的影响。

    The effects of operating pressure , feed concentration of ampho-alkyl dimethyl betaine ( BS-12 ), flow , concentration process on removal efficiency of sodium chloride and concentration efficiency of BS-12 using nanofiltration membrane were investigated .

  15. 同时,也讨论了纳滤膜去除率R2影响,在目前膜耐压的条件下,纳滤膜除盐率范围为:20%≤R2≤35%。

    Meanwhile , the effect of salt rejection R2 of NF membrane was also discussed ; in the present conditions of pressure-resistance , the scope of NF membrane 's salt rejection is : 20 % ≤ R2 ≤ 35 %

  16. 截留相对分子质量为150的纳滤膜可以适当的降低CPP产品的rN/rP,改善产品质量,而且能达到80%的总氮回收率;

    The nanofiltration membrane with 150 Dalton of molecular weight interception reduced the molar ratio of N to P ( r_N / r_P ), improved the quality of the product , and the nitrogen recovery rate of 80 % could be reached .

  17. 通常情况下,膜的截留相对分子质量界限为200~1000,与截留相对分子质量相对应的膜孔径为1~3nm,故将这类膜称为纳滤膜。

    Normally , the molecular mass cutoff ( MWCO ) range is 200 ~ 1 000 , and its relative pore size is 13 nm , so this membrane is called as NF . QUALITY Quality .

  18. 该项目设计了适当的纳滤膜浓缩工艺,以提高6-APA生成率,6-APA成品的平均克分子收率达90.18%;设计了醋酸丁酯-乙醇结晶工艺;

    In order to increase the formation rate of 6-aminopenicillanic ( 6-APA ), this subject designed a proper nanofiltration membrane concentration progress , the average gram molecule yield of 6-APA has reached 90.18 % , and n-butyl acetate-alcohol crystallization process was developed .

  19. 纳滤膜技术在钢厂循环水脱盐中的应用

    Application of nanofiltration in desalination of recycle water in steel plants

  20. 纳滤膜在染料工业脱盐浓缩中的应用

    Application of nanofiltration membrane to desalination and concentration in Dyestuff Industry

  21. 纳滤膜对无机盐水溶液脱盐性能的研究

    Study on Desalination Performance of Inorganic Salt Solution with Nanofiltration Membranes

  22. 反渗透、纳滤膜技术脱除小分子有机物的研究进展

    Advances on removal of low-molecular-weight organics by reverse osmosis and nanofiltration

  23. 纳滤膜对饮用水中可同化有机碳的去除效果

    Removal of assimilable organic carbon from drinking water by nanofiltration membrane

  24. 纳滤膜的电驱动分离特性及与微流控芯片的集成

    Electro-driving Separation Performance and Integration with Microfluidic Chip of Nanofiltration Membrane

  25. 紫外辐照接枝制备亲水性两性纳滤膜紫外线接近式曝光装置

    Preparation of Hydrophilic Amphoteric Nanofiltration Membrane by UV Irradiation Graft Polymerization

  26. 聚醚砜/聚酰亚胺合金纳滤膜的制备研究

    The Study of Preparation of Polyethersulfone / Polyimide Alloy Nanofiltration Membrane

  27. 纳滤膜分离技术在安全饮用水保障中的应用

    Application of Nanofiltration Membrane to the Production of Safe Drinking Water

  28. 纳滤膜技术的研究进展精子顶体膜蛋白的研究

    Development of nanofiltration membrane ON THE ACROSOMAL MEMBRANCE PROTEINS OF SPERM

  29. 纳滤膜的发展与应用

    Development and its Application of Nanofiltration Membrane in Recent Years

  30. 纳滤膜净化受污染地下水的效能与膜污染特性

    Efficiency of nanofiltration membrane purifying polluted groundwater and characteristics of membrane fouling