
  • 网络Nashville;Nashville, Tennessee;NASHVILLE,TN;BNA
  1. 在上周的新闻中,最重要的莫过于纳什维尔市关于儿童教育需求越来越激烈的讨论。

    The most important thing in the news last week was the rising discussion in Nashville about the educational needs of children .

  2. FaronYoung在田纳西州纳什维尔向鬼神投降的时候,

    Faron Young , was giving up the ghost in Nashville , Tennessee ,

  3. 我现在在纳什维尔一个咖啡馆进行一些独唱和乐器表演,所有的收入都捐给ProjectCleanWater。

    I am here in Nashville at the blueberry cafe and I am doing some solo , shows and all the proceeds go to Project Clean Water .

  4. 莱维坦曾在纳什维尔的范德比尔特大学(VanderbiltUniversity)攻读法律。

    Mr Levitan studied law at Vanderbilt University in Nashville .

  5. 一股强劲的青春风潮正将纳什维尔东南12区(12SouthandEastNashville)这样的旧街区转变成潮人中心。

    And a youthquake is transforming scruffy neighborhoods like 12South and East Nashville into hipster hubs .

  6. 坦迪·威尔森(TandyWilson),CityHouse,纳什维尔

    Tandy Wilson , City House , Nashville

  7. 作为总部位于美国田纳西州纳什维尔的VectorManagement总裁和创始人,莱维坦素来行事低调,但他领导下的经纪公司,却是音乐界最不张扬、却生意兴隆的公司之一。

    The president and founder of Nashville , Tennessee-based Vector Management maintains a low profile but he heads one of the most quietly prosperous management companies in the music industry .

  8. 克里斯(Chris)和贝克•林克(BeckyLink),纳什维尔(Nashville)的两位小企业主,也在这样的困境中苦苦挣扎。

    Small business owners like Chris and Becky Link in Nashville are also struggling .

  9. 纳什维尔的“联合唱片压制公司”(UnitedRecordPressing)是最大的压盘厂之一,拥有30台机器,一天24小时运转,并且新近订购了16台机器。

    United Record Pressing in Nashville , one of the biggest plants , has 30 presses running 24 hours a day and has acquired 16 more machines .

  10. 一天晚上,卡梅伦在纳什维尔的GrandOleOpry大剧院享受夜晚。

    One night Cam was in Nashville for an evening at the Grand Ole Opry .

  11. 游戏群星云集,其中包含《神盾局特工》(AgentsofS.H.I.E.L.D)的演员布雷特o道顿,美剧《纳什维尔》(Nashville)的演员海顿o潘妮蒂尔和《极品飞车》(NeedforSpeed)的演员拉米o马雷克。

    The game stars a Hollywood cast that includes Brett Dalton ( Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D ) , Hayden Panettiere ( Nashville ) and Rami Malek ( Need for Speed ) .

  12. 现在,纳什维尔已经多少被她抛在脑后了,她可以自由自在地拍出自己想象中的约翰·休斯(JohnHughes)式电影。

    Now , with that place more or less in the rear view , she is free to make the John Hughes movie of her imagination .

  13. 田纳西州,纳什维尔范得比特大学的LynnFuchs是一位特殊教育学教授。

    Lynn Fuchs is a special education professor at Vanderbilt University in Nashville , Tennessee .

  14. 富有传奇色彩的WidespreadPanic将到达演播室告诉我们纳什维尔遭遇暴雨和洪水袭击的动人心魄的景象。

    The legendary jam band Widespread Panic is going to be here in studio jamming for us and telling us how those heartbreaking scenes from Nashville have really hit them hard .

  15. 这个监狱车间是由监狱与美国一家慈善机构与希望同立(StandingWithHope)合作建立的,该机构总部位于田纳西州首府纳什维尔(Nashville),专门回收多余的假肢,然后稍往发展中国家。

    The prison workshop is home to a collaboration with Standing With Hope , a US charity based in Nashville , Tennessee that recycles unwanted prosthetic limbs for the developing world .

  16. 从高中毕业后,Allison搬到了纳什维尔,并且在1998年签了一个录制唱片的协议。

    After graduating from high school , Allison moved to Nashville , and signed a recording deal in1998 .

  17. 2011年他们在北京一场名为“纳什维尔”(Nashville)的音乐现场演奏会上相遇。

    They ended up in Beijing , where their paths crossed in 2011 at a live music venue called Nashville .

  18. 都挺好的。咖啡师沙龙(BaristaParlor)于2012年5月开张,由昔日的汽修厂车库改建而成。它位于日益新潮的东纳什维尔一座蒙尘的老店“彩虹时尚”(RainbowFashions)后面。

    SATURDAY Barista Parlor opened in May 2012 in a converted auto-repair garage behind a dusty old store called Rainbow Fashions in increasingly hip East Nashville .

  19. 纳什维尔的那些一直受人喜爱的场所——比如Tootsie'sOrchidLounge夜总会和古老的Ryman——乐趣依旧。—

    And Nashville 's old standbys - like the honky-tonk Tootsie 's Orchid Lounge and the venerable Ryman - are as fun as ever . -

  20. 来自世界各地的搪瓷釉供应商和终端用户已于2003年5月12日-15日会聚在田纳西州的纳什维尔市,参加由搪瓷釉协会(PEI)举办的第65届技术研讨会。

    Porcelain enamel suppliers and end users from around the world will gather in Nashville , Tenn. , May12-15,2003 , for the65th PEI Technical Forum , hosted by the Porcelain Enamel Institute ( PEI ) .

  21. 田纳西州纳什维尔市范德堡大学的法学教授ChristopherSlobogin讲了这个案例。ChristopherSlobogin:“Jones称证据是非法获得的,因为警察没有逮捕证。”

    Law professor Christopher Slobogin at Vanderbilt University in Nashville , Tennessee , takes the story from there . CHRISTOPHER SLOBOGIN : " Mr. Jones ' argued that evidence was obtained illegally because the police did not have a .

  22. 从俄亥俄州戴顿大学(dayton)法学院毕业后,莱维坦回到了纳什维尔,在那里开始拿到艺人的唱片合约,同时做律师工作。

    Graduation from law school in Dayton , Ohio , led him back to Nashville , where he started to secure record deals for artists alongside his work as a lawyer .

  23. 你可以将雅典的智慧和纳什维尔(nashville)的智慧结合成一个简单的道理:如果现实情况发生了变化,或者我们对现实的认识发生了变化,却仍然坚定不移,那就是过于顽固了。

    You can sum up the combined wisdom of Athens and Nashville in a simple maxim : too much determination is when our resolution remains the same but the facts , or our knowledge of them , have changed .

  24. 据纳什维尔警方称,一名打扮成圣诞老人的男子包括圣诞老人的帽子、大胡须和黑色太阳镜持枪抢劫了Suntrust银行。

    According to Metropolitan Nashville Police , a man wearing a Santa Claus suit - including hat , beard and moustache and dark sunglasses - robbed a SunTrust Bank , demanding money from a member of staff at gunpoint .

  25. 纳什维尔许多标志性建筑现在都已经淹没在水下。

    A lot of landmarks right now in Nashville under water .

  26. 乡村音乐的发源地是美国的音乐城市&田纳西州纳什维尔。

    The home of country music is Nashville , Tennessee-Music City USA.

  27. 他们位于田纳西州纳什维尔一个修道院内。

    They are based at a convent in Nashville , Tennessee .

  28. 其中一所这样的学校就是田纳西州纳什维尔的贝尔蒙特大学。

    One of these schools is Belmont University in Nashville , Tennessee .

  29. 在纳什维尔,他们一度以为自己挖到了金子。

    Once in Nashville , they thought they struck gold .

  30. 我们请教了田纳西州纳什维尔范德堡大学一位识字教授。

    We asked a professor at Vanderbilt University in Nashville , Tennessee .