- 网络purist

Ducky , you 're such a purist . what 's up ?
The large mass of code needed to calculate heuristics was fundamentally difficult to manage and , for the purist , lacked algorithmic substance .
The new edition of the dictionary carries 7000 additions to the language , which purists say is under threat .
So why not give an entity all behavioral and state responsibilities , thus including the responsibility to perform persistence operations , as advocated by OO purists ?
Purists might argue that it costs CPU and channel resources to perform the extra GETPAGEs , and they would be right .
Code generation : The purists will insist that there is no place for code generation in ORM , because a well-thought-out object model should be coded by hand .
Constituencies : educators , casual implementers , researchers , embedded languages ," 50-page " purists
But to some rugby purists , the RFU has , under Mr Ritchie , taken on a zeal for making money that sits uneasily with rugby 's core values .
Purists will object to that .
The audit committee at Toshiba includes executive directors - a red flag to UK governance purists .
Ask a foodpurist about American Chinese food and you 'll get a pu-pu platter ofhostilerhetoric about its inauthenticity .
Olympic purists have always considered the medals table somewhat crass . After all , the important thing is supposed to be the taking part .
Social media were the source for many of the new coinages , though most were the kind of compounds that would have language purists clutching their pearls .
But historical purists say all this fun stretches the truth of what life was really like which , in many cases , was hard , even brutal .
To the dismay of free-market purists , last week the territory introduced its first minimum wage , set at HK $ 28 ( $ 3.55 ) an hour .
The purists , known as " freshwater " economists because of the lakeside universities where they happened to congregate , blamed stagflation on restless central bankers trying to do too much .
Those who disparaged the Romeo and Juliet experience , whether they were Shakespeare shunners , or purists , or simply sticks in the mud , might be prepared to quibble over Moulin Rouge .
Art purists castigated the Museum for promoting commercial concerns , while others , who feel Armani 's best days are behind him , pointed out that a museum is where his designs belong .
Culinary purists in Japan have long expressed concern about the impact of the rise of Western diets in favour of washoku , a famously healthy diet with its copious fish , rice and seasonal vegetables .
On Friday , Chinese television audiences watched the final of a national spelling bee competition that has both enthralled the nation and revved up cultural purists worried about the declining ability of many Chinese to write their own language .
Not only is vinyl on the upswing , but we 're even in the midst of a mini-renaissance of a formerly archaic music-storage medium : the cassette tape , which is newly in vogue among young underground punk purists and D.I.Y. record labels .
The show has touched a nerve in China , where purists complain that smartphones are eroding language skills , thanks to the frequent use of emoticons and software that lets people write faster using the pinyin system , where Chinese words are written phonetically in Latin script .
The principle of freedom of marriage is not one pure idea of liberalist ; its realization is confined to demarcation provided by specific social conditions .
She 's a complete individualist in her art .
However , he is often misunderstood as a pure romanticist and an escapist .
The man who can centre his thoughts and hopes upon something transcending self can find a certain peace in the ordinary troubles of life which is impossible to the pure egoist .
Bill Gates is perhaps the purest technological optimist I have met .
Said remarks in his Orientalism that " Every European , in what lie could say about the Orient , was consequently a racist , an imperialist and almost totally ethnocentric ";