
yuē shù chénɡ běn
  • committed cost
  1. 点、边带约束成本的最短路问题及其算法

    Shortest path problem with constraints of node 's and edge 's cost and its algorithm

  2. 报酬激励与约束成本等。由于各因素之间具有替代性和互补性,本文试图把这些因素纳入一个框架中进行分析,系统描述各因素对均衡的影响。

    As the factors are correlated , one another the paper tries to set up a framework to study the balance be impacted by the factors .

  3. 在成本方面,我们认为代际传承可以避免引入职业经理人的激励约束成本,引入职业经理人需要对经理人监督约束,进行治理结构调整,提供激励性报酬,而维持代际传承则可以节约这一成本。

    Inter-generational succession can avoid the introduction of professional managers , which can save cost of supervise and restrain the manager , adjust the management structure incentive pay .

  4. 浅谈强化制度约束实现成本管理目标

    On strengthening Institutional constraints and realizing aim of cost management

  5. 数据仓库中的数据量使得传统引用完整性约束的成本太高。

    The data volumes in data warehouse databases make traditional referential integrity constraints too costly .

  6. 目前房地产开发过程中对设计阶段的成本控制更多的在于流程的约束、成本目标的限定。

    At present , in real estate development process , cost control in design period works on aspects of workflow restraining and target costs limiting .

  7. 但由于信息不对称和交易成本的存在,外界约束需要成本,一次博弈注定会因为当事人的机会主义行为导致交易失败。

    But because of the Asymmetric Information and the Transaction Costs , the parties ' Opportunism Behavior will be destined to lead the transaction to fail .

  8. 它也帮助我们确定如何在一组重要商业约束(成本,进度,测试参数,易于生产,等等)中进行工作。

    It also helps us determine how to do this within a set of business-critical constraints ( cost , schedule , testing parameters , ease of manufacturing , and so on ) .

  9. 论文从技术约束、成本约束、资源约束、基础设施约束和市场约束等方面分析了燃料电池汽车的商业化难点,并力图通过分析这些难点找到有利于其成长的发展策略。

    At last , the barriers that should be clear away before FCV commercialization are analyzed in detail in the thesis according to the constraints come from technique , cost , resources , market and basic infrastructure .

  10. 提出了财务约束的成本效益原则、重点约束原则和多维约束原则,以及规范约束、标准约束、风险约束和财务文化约束等约束手段。

    At the same time , this paper brings forward the cost benefit principle , emphases restricted principle and multiaspect restricted principle of the financial restricted mechanism , and restricting methods such as normative restriction , standard restriction , risk restriction and financial culture .

  11. 应用结果表明,作业基础责任成本管理体系能够明确成本升降的根本原因,约束责任成本管理系统的主体,以激励约束机制保障实现目标成本,提高企业经济效益。

    And the case indicated that the system can determine the causes of the cost rising or decreasing , govern the entity of the responsibility cost management system , meet the objective cost by some encouraging measure and improve the economic effectiveness in the enterprises .

  12. 研究表明,在产品设计阶段锁定了80%的产品成本,也就是说产品设计工作完成后,大部分成本已成为约束性成本,后续阶段成本控制的余地不大。

    Studies show 80 % product cost has been locked in the stage of product design , it is to say that most of the cost has become restrictive cost after product design finishing , there is little room for cost reduction in the following stage .

  13. 结合问题所在及托盘选型知识,对托盘选型问题进行描述。通过对载货效率和成本进行分析,构建了以装载效率为约束,成本最小为目标的托盘优化选型模型。

    Combining the knowledge of the pallet selection , this problem can be described by the analysis of the loading efficiency and cost , and thereby a mathematical model , in which the loading efficiency is a constrain condition and the minimum cost is our goal , is established .

  14. 为此,我们进一步采用Logit模型,从融资成本、破产风险、负债能力约束、代理成本和控制权等因素多角度考察了我国上市公司融资行为的影响因素。

    Therefore , we use a Logit model , examining the determinants of China 's listed companies ' financing behavior from the aspects of financing cost , bankruptcy risk , debt capacity , agency cost and corporate control .

  15. 投资&现金流敏感性:融资约束还是代理成本?

    Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity : Financial Constraints or Agency Costs ?

  16. 该算法最终使得在完成时间的约束下制造成本最小。

    The proposed algorithm minimized the manufacturing cost with completion time as constraint .

  17. 提出一种基于加工能力约束最低制造成本的公差优化设计方法。

    A design approach to discrete hierarchy optimal tolerance based on the process capability is proposed .

  18. 约束性固定成本是指由于拥有财产、工厂、设备或重要管理人员而形成的固定成本。

    Committed fixed costs are caused primarily from having proper-ty , plant , eguipment , and key managerial personnel .

  19. 结构性制度约束、监督成本与98粮改政策效应&中国近期粮价波动之启示

    Structural System Restraint , Supervision Cost and 1998 Grain Reform Effect & A Review on Recent Grain Price Fluctuation in China

  20. 基于这两重委托代理问题,如何通过激励约束降低代理成本,目前有很多研究。

    Based on those two principal problem , there were lots of research about how to reduce the gent cost through a rational incentive mechanism constrain .

  21. 由于国有银行的挤出效应,预算软约束及高成本约束,中小企业融资来源不足。

    The squeezing out effect of national commercial banks , soft limitation of budget and high cost limitation result in shortage of the capital of medium and small banks .

  22. 具体内容为:(1)、求解一类带有无约束非光滑成本函数的极小极大问题的广义神经网络。

    More details are as follows : ( 1 ) A generalized neural network is proposed to solve a class of minimax optimization problems with unconstrained nonsmooth cost functions .

  23. 运用遗传算法的全面搜索能力和鲁棒性,解决在多个约束条件(成本、质量)下系统可用性优化问题。

    Use the comprehensive search capability and robustness of the genetic algorithms ( GA ), to resolve the system availability optimization problem in a number of constraints ( cost , quality ) .

  24. 相应的可达性问题,即满足一定概率要求的符合辅助成本约束的主成本最小代价问题,也可类似地得到解决。

    A similar reachability problem in the extended model can also be solved , which is minimal cost on primary cost while ensuring probabilistic lower bound and with respect to secondary cost upper bounds .

  25. 制度经济学是基本的理论线索,制度分析范式包括如下方面:交易成本是考察住房金融制度的基本视角,特定的住房制度安排遵循约束条件交易成本最小化原则;

    Institutional economics is its basic theoretical clue . The institutional approach includes : transaction cost is a basic view for housing finance institutions and a certain institution follows the principle of minimum transaction cost ;

  26. 文章最后指出,在构建会计监管体系时既要持积极态度,又要充分认识到,监管政策的制定及实施的首要约束条件就是成本效益原则。

    This paper points out in the end that a positive attitude should be held in establishing accounting regulation system , and that cost-benefit philosophy is the vital restraint on accounting regulation policies formulating and implementing .

  27. 传统的生产者行为分析,考虑了给定产量约束下的成本支出最小化和给定成本支出约束下的产量最大化两种情况。

    The traditional analysis of the producer ′ s behavior considers two kinds of circumstances : to minimize the cost expense under the circumstance of given output and to maximize the output under the circumstance of given cost expense .

  28. 无形资本会计信息质量特征的约束条件为成本效益,首要层次为有效需求性、次要层次为决策有用性、第三层次为相关性和可靠性。

    The cost-benefit is a constraint condition for the qualitative characteristics of intangible capital accounting information . The first level is demand availability , the second level is decision-making availability , and the third level is the relativity and effectiveness .

  29. 以博弈论为基本理论依据,以诚信轴为分析工具,研究市场经济条件下企业交易行为中的信用机制与策略选择,包括完全无约束、社会成本约束及惩罚机制约束三种状态;

    Based on the game theory , using credit axis as analysis tool , the credit mechanism and strategy choice of enterprises ' transactions in market economy were studied , including the following three states : no restriction , social cost restriction and punish mechanism restriction .

  30. 对一类执行器故障的非线性不确定系统,研究了具有L2增益扰动衰减性能指标约束的鲁棒保成本控制器的设计问题。

    For uncertain nonlinear systems under the conditon of actuator failures , the problem of robust guaranteed cost controller design with L_2-gain disturbance attenuation performance constraints is studied .