
xiān máo ɡōu
  • ciliated groove;ciliary groove
  1. 褶皱面表面被覆浓密纤毛,分有沟嵴和无沟嵴两部分,界限明显。

    The ridged surface is divided into two parts : one is folded into deep ridges and groove , but the other is no.

  2. 除降肠上段外,肠其他各段黏膜均为单层柱状上皮,降肠下段有呈倒“U”型的纤毛突起和“V”型的纤毛沟,升肠只存在纤毛沟;

    There were inverse u-shaped ciliated apophysis and v-shaped ciliated grooves on the inferior segment of descending intestine , while only v-shaped ciliated groove existed on the ascending intestine .