
  • 网络vitride;vitride solution;Red-Al
  1. 与其他金属氢化物相比,红铝溶解性好、使用方便、反应条件温和、立体选择性高,可适用于多种还原反应,在有机合成中有着巨大的应用潜力。

    Compared with other metal hydrides , the vitride solution features excellent solubility , quite convenient application , mild reaction condition and high stereoselectivity . Vitride solution has huge potential applications in organic synthesis as it can be widely used in many reduction reactions .

  2. 红铝PVC薄壁低压灌溉管道的研制及开发应用

    Development and Usage of RM-PVC Thin-Wall Pipe in Low Pressure Irrigation Systems

  3. GB17512.2-1998食品添加剂赤藓红铝色淀

    Food additive Erythrosine aluminum lake

  4. GB4479.2-1996食品添加剂苋菜红铝色淀马齿苋红色素的提取及其稳定性研究

    Food additive & Amaranth aluminum lake Studies on the Extraction and Stability of Red Pigment from Purslane

  5. 红铝是一种具有良好安全性的新型高效还原剂。

    Sodium dihydrobis ( 2-metoxyethoxy ) aluminate ( vitride solution ) is a new high-efficient reduction agent with good safety .

  6. 方法:用红铝作为还原剂还原氰基吡嗪制备氨甲基吡嗪。

    Methods : Aminomethylpyrazine was prepared via reduction of cyanopyrazine by using red-Al ( Trade Name : EsterxTMsolution , 70 % red-Al in toluene ) as reducing agent .

  7. 结果:得到了较优的反应条件:氰基吡嗪与红铝的摩尔量配比为1∶2,反应温度为0℃,反应时间为2小时。

    Results : The better reaction conditions were optimized as follows : the mole ratio of cyanopyrazine to red-Al was1 ∶ 2 , and the reaction temperature was0 ℃, the yield of aminomethylpyrazine was38 % .