
  • 网络Hongke;Lithocarpus fenzelianus
  1. 外国文学对红柯小说的影响是独特而又深刻的。

    The influence is special but again deep .

  2. 敬畏自然热爱生命&红柯小说中的人与自然

    Awe Nature and Love Life & Nature and Man in Hong Ke ′ s Novels

  3. 第五节是红柯叙事艺术的成因。

    Through this way , a special art of narrative time and space was maken .

  4. 本文拟从三个方面阐述红柯小说创作与文化资源的关系。

    This text draws up from three relations that elaborate Hongke 's novel creations and the cultural resources .

  5. 它为红柯的文学生涯提供了丰富的营养成分,还改变了他的生活,引领了红柯的异域之行。

    It not only provides abundant literary nutrition for Hongke , but also changes his life and leads his travel to Xinjiang .

  6. 在《红蚂蚁》中,红柯淋漓尽致地演绎了孤独者的宗教仪式,试图以一种子虚乌有的方式解除人类的痛。

    In Red Ants , Hongke fully describes the ritual of alone soul and tries to find a utopian way to relieve the misery of human beings .

  7. 刚烈壮美的长篇世界&试论红柯《西去的骑手》中涉及的文化系统及人物描写

    A Novelistic World of Upright , Unyielding and Magnificent : Discussion on the Cultural System and Portraiture of " The Westing Rider ", a Novel written by Hong Ke

  8. 红柯小说的意义在于,在诗性缺失的现代社会,红柯能够出淤泥而不染使其小说呈现出一种诗性美。

    Novel significance lies in , in the poetic deletion in the modern society , not only can " piece silty and do not catch " makes his novels present a kind of poetic beauty .