
hónɡ bǎo shū
  • Red Treasure Book;writings of Mao Zedong
  1. 更有趣的是一个脸色红润的男孩,一手拿来复枪,一手举红宝书,脚下稳稳地踩着一个美国士兵的脑袋。

    One of the more intriguing examples is a rosy-cheeked boy who holds a rifle in one hand , a red book in the other , and presses one foot firmly down on the head of an American soldier with a military policeman 's helmet .

  2. 在家里,人们用印有“红宝书”的水瓶倒水,伴随着“红宝书”闹铃声起床,闹钟上有个士兵高举着这本书,胳膊来回挥舞,孩子们则用橡胶的“红宝书”娃娃做游戏。

    At home , citizens could pour water from a " Little Red Book " carafe , wake up to a " Little Red Book " alarm clock with a soldier 's arm waving the book back and forth , and watch as their children played with rubber " Little Red Book " dolls .