
fán huá
  • flourishing;prosperous;bustling;busy;beautiful
繁华 [fán huá]
  • (1) [flourishing;bustling;busy]∶繁荣热闹

  • 繁华大街

  • (2) [beautiful]∶指容貌美丽或地位显贵

繁华[fán huá]
  1. 重庆是一个拥有647万人口的繁华大型山城。

    Chongqing is a large and flourishing mountain city of 6,470,000 inhabitants .

  2. 这个昔日繁华似锦的商业街区,如今衰败不堪了。

    The decadent downtown section was once a flourishing business district .

  3. 表面的繁华掩盖了这座城市的肮脏和贫穷。

    Squalor and poverty lay behind the city 's glittering fa ç ade .

  4. 这家饭店给人一种繁华已逝的感觉。

    The hotel had an air of faded grandeur .

  5. 斯特兰德街是伦敦最繁华、最富足的街道之一。

    The Strand is one of London 's busiest and most affluent streets

  6. 3英里长的游行队伍弯弯曲曲地穿过了首都最繁华的街道。

    The three-mile procession snaked its way through the richest streets of the capital .

  7. 这一带越来越繁华了。

    This district is getting more and more prosperous and bustling .

  8. 畿辅因为挨着国都一般都比较繁华。

    The district around the royal capital was generally prosperous due to its closeness to the capital .

  9. 巴黎繁华的街道凹凸不平而又泥泞不堪,然而和平街面包店的橱窗内总会上演令人惊叹的一幕。

    The busy streets in Paris were uneven and caked in thick mud , but there was always a breathtaking sight to see in the shop windows of Patisserie de la Rue de la Paix .

  10. 节目中,参加夜宴的唐朝少女们“圆润讨喜”,她们时而梳妆打扮、时而嬉笑打闹,如同在古画中穿梭行走,将大唐盛世的繁华景象展现得淋漓尽致。

    The program presents a banquet at which plump and lovable girls in the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ) sometimes dress themselves up and sometimes play together . Many say it is pretty much like walking in an ancient painting scroll and vivid way .

  11. 两个相互连锁的黄金C字仍是她繁华依旧的时装店的标志。

    Two gold interlocking Cs remain the logo of her still-flourishing fashion house .

  12. 这款3D身材扫描仪之前仅在高端商店使用,现在已普及至繁华商业区,顾客使用这款扫描仪就可以买到合身、漂亮的牛仔裤了。

    Previously available only in high-end shops , a 3D body scanner is being trialled on the high street – and promises to point shoppers to denim that fits and flatters .

  13. 可能它有太多的闪光点盖过了缺陷吧。可是从Iphone在繁华商业街上架伊始,人们就对它趋之若鹜。

    Probably there are more cons than pros , but when the Iphone hit the high street , people went mad for it .

  14. 他指出,美国经济学家理查德佛罗里达(richardflorida)的研究,证明了“波希米亚”群体的吸引力,这些群体让他们生活的地区变得繁华。

    He said research by the US economist Richard Florida had made the case for the attractiveness of " Bohemian " communities , which made the areas in which they lived prosperous .

  15. 这条步道连通了五个繁华街区(包括艺术气息浓厚的FountainSquare)与闹市区若干一流的公共场所,包括州议会大厦、CityMarket和白河州立公园,这座250公顷的公园内有印第安纳波利斯动物园和另外六个重要的旅游景点。

    The path connects five downtown neighborhoods , including arty Fountain Square , to top downtown sites , including the Capitol Building , City Market and White River State Park , a 250-acre park that hosts the Indianapolis Zoo and six more major attractions .

  16. 本文介绍在南宁市繁华市区成功进行的一次该市首例高30m六层框架大楼定向拆除爆破。

    A directional demolition blasting of 30 m high 6 floor framed building was successfully carried out for first time in the downtown of Nanning city is introduced .

  17. 一磅店,工厂次品店,赌徒,木板封死的窗户,单看Stoke-on-Trent火车站的景色知道这座城市跟繁华没什么关系。

    THE pound stores , factory seconds shops , bookies and boarded-up windows around Stoke-on-Trent railway station do not bespeak a thriving city .

  18. 在墨西哥繁华的北部,经济衰落是最严重的:边境上科阿韦拉(Coahuila)州受到最大的重创。

    The slump was deepest in the prosperous north : worst hit was the border state of Coahuila .

  19. 中国投资商只要在美国任意地方&不论是郊区还是繁华都市出资50万美元并雇佣10名员工便能享受EB-5型的投资移民通行证,这便为最终获得绿卡奠定了道路。

    Chinese who invest as little as $ 500,000 and employ 10 people in a rural or struggling part of the US can secure EB-5 investor visa , which can lead to green cards .

  20. 中国投资商只要在美国任意地方——不论是郊区还是繁华都市出资50万美元并雇佣10名员工便能享受EB-5型的投资移民通行证,这便为最终获得绿卡奠定了道路。

    Chinese who invest as little as $ 500000 and employ 10 people in a rural or struggling part of the US can secure EB-5 investor visa , which can lead to green cards .

  21. 正在中国走红的电视连续剧《蜗居》(DwellingNarrowness)描写了姐妹两人在繁华的大都市上海经受的各种困难,将镜头对准了大城市中不那么光鲜的房奴的一面:房价的上涨、以及由此给年轻人的理想造成的巨大打击。

    Dwelling Narrowness , ' a hit TV series about the struggles of two sisters to make it in the dynamic metropolis of Shanghai , focuses on a decidedly less glamorous aspect of in the big city : rising property prices , and they havoc this wreaks on youthful ambitions .

  22. 先沿着独立大道(AvenidaIndependencia)漫步一段来开开胃,这是一条繁忙的街道,两旁排满了商店和咖啡馆,应和着阿根廷首都日常生活中的繁华与喧闹。

    Build up an appetite with a walk down Avenida Independencia , a busy street lined with shops and cafes , humming with the hustle and bustle of everyday life in the capital .

  23. 在圣保罗,繁华的商业中心周围环绕着巴西最大的咖啡农场,一杯特浓咖啡的价格的是里斯本的两倍,圣保罗杜阿尔特(PauloDuarte)一一位医药咨询师,经常往返巴西和里斯本。

    In Sao Paulo , a bustling business hub that is surrounded by some of the country 's largest coffee farms , an espresso often costs twice as much as in Lisbon , says Paulo Duarte , a pharmaceutical consultant who splits time between both cities .

  24. 繁华城区大型地铁换乘车站修建技术

    Construction Technology for Large Metro Interchange Station in Urban Busy Area

  25. 大都市车如流水马如龙的繁华景象,看得他头晕目眩眼花缭乱。

    The bustling and hustling of metropolis dazed and dazzled him .

  26. 他一直跑到一条繁华的商业街上才停下来。

    He kept running until he reached a busy shopping street .

  27. 在繁华路段要牵住你的狗。

    Keep your dog on the lead in these busy streets .

  28. 古老的房地产契证,记录着这座城市的沉寂与繁华。

    The old deeds , recorded this flourishing and gentle city .

  29. 这座城市过于繁华喧闹,不太可能进行重要的谈话。

    And the city is just too cacophonous for meaningful conversation .

  30. 嘉莉看着窗外繁华的马路。

    Carrie looked out through the window into the busy street .