
lěi jìn shuì zhì
  • progressive taxation system
  1. 在我国现行累进税制下,由于边际税率过高,要增进个税的累进性,有效发挥个税的调节收入功能,同时又不引起纳税人的反感,提高免征额不失为一个良策。

    The marginal tax rate at present in our country is too high .

  2. 按照累进税制,收入多者多纳税。

    In a graduate tax scheme the more one earns , the more one pays .

  3. 只有加强国际合作,才有可能保持累进税制和足够的监管保护。

    Only with enhanced international co-operation will the maintenance of progressive taxation and adequate regulatory protection be possible .

  4. 当经济处于衰退期时,累进税制将自动产生减税效应,因为收入下降会使得千家万户落入更低的税率级次。

    In recessions , progressive tax systems provide automatic tax cuts as declining incomes push households into lower tax brackets .

  5. 累进税制是为政府支出提供资金的更公平方式,而单纯提高增值税会给穷人带来特别严重的打击。

    Progressive taxation is a fairer way to fund state spending , while a simple VAT rise disproportionately hits the poor .

  6. 我们有个制度,你们都觉得-,累进税制非常重要,但它被错误的概念化了。

    We have a system , which you say it really & The progressive tax system is very important but it 's not conceptualized right .

  7. 在发达国家,福利国家需要采用累进税制,并提供再培训计划,为受到调整冲击的工人提供支持。

    In the developed nations , the welfare state needs to support workers who bear the brunt of the adjustment , using progressive taxation and retraining initiatives .

  8. 通过实行累进税制,高收入者缴纳了更多的税,而较低收入者受到了保护。

    Those on higher incomes have contributed more in absolute terms through the adoption of a progressive system of Taxation , while those on lower incomes have been sheltered .

  9. 我们有随富有程度加重税负的,累进税制,还有关注个体并进行再分配支出的,福利制度。

    You have a progressive tax system that takes more money from the wealthier people and you have a welfare system that looks at individual hardship and pays out .

  10. 本文建议取消2年征税期限限制或采用基于价格上涨幅度的累进税制。

    So government should adjust the policy to restrain housing estate price , for example to cancel the tax-free provision or to adopt progressive taxation based on the increase of price .

  11. 奥巴马的税收计划并不是社会主义性质的,该计划不同于共和党强调降低收入、资本收益和企业税收,而是支持相当标准的累进税制。

    Mr Obama 's tax plan is not socialist ; it is a shift away from the Republican emphasis on lower taxes on income , capital gains and corporations in favour of fairly standard progressive taxation .

  12. 不难想到他们会提出什么政策建议:超出国家税收需要的高额累进税制,或者限制工作时间,好让人们有更多时间与家人在一起,等等。

    It is not difficult to work out their policy proposals : high and progressive taxation over and above the state 's revenue needs , or limitations on working hours so that people have to spend more time with their families , and so on .

  13. 虽然原来的联邦所得税是以累进税制为基础的,但免税项目的增加,例外情况和漏洞使累进税制有名无实,反而使有钱的个人和企业比那些不如他们有钱的人纳税还少。

    Although the federal income tax had been implemented by Congress according to the principle of progressivity , the proliferation of tax exemptions , exceptions and loopholes had made progressivity an illusion & one allowing many rich people and businesses to pay lower taxes than less affluent ones .

  14. 在高税额的阶级累进税制下,乡村地主经济受到重创,又经农民多次的减租退息,在村地主已无油水可捞,事实上已经破产。

    However , the rural landlord economy has been hit hard because of the high tax progressive tax and reduced rent and interest rates in many times , there are no benefits to obtain by struggling the village landlord , in fact , the landlords in village were almost bankrupt .

  15. 若不对这种文化加以限制,公众的不安情绪迟早会引发政治反应&其形式可能是远为严苛的监管和累进式税制。

    If left unchecked , public disquiet will sooner or later bring a political response , maybe in the form of much more aggressive regulations and progressive tax systems .

  16. 关于收入差距越来越大的原因、降低不平等在政府政策的核心目标中应该排在第几位,以及过分累进的税制可能产生的挫伤积极性的效果,存在很大的讨论空间。

    There is plenty of room for discussion about the causes of this growing gap , the extent to which reducing inequality should be a central objective of government policy and the possible disincentive effects of excessively progressive taxes .

  17. 反之,则无助于调节居民收入差距。税收累进性是评价税制公平性的重要标准之一。

    Tax revenue progression is one of the important standards to appraise the equality of tax system .

  18. 由于累进的个人所得税理论依据&边际效用递减理论的缺陷,以及累进税制在实践中存在的弊端,使累进税制难以实现收入公平再分配目标。

    Because of the defect of law of diminishing marginal utility on which progressive tax is based , and the abuse of progressive tax in practices , it is difficult for progressive tax to redistribute income fairly .