- 网络Prunus cerasifera;Prunus cerasifera f. atropurpurea;Prunus ceraifera;Prunus cerasifera var.atropurea

Effect of Water Stress on Pigment Content and PAL Activity of Purple Leaf Plum
The main eco-physiological factors affecting color-leafed and opposite green-leafed varieties Pn were same ; ( 4 ) The causes of midday depression of photosynthesis of Red-leaf peach and Purple-leaf plum and opposite green-leafed varieties were different in different seasons ;
Light saturation point 600 μ mol.m-2.s-1 and above of Purple Coleus plants , grouper wood , Yu Li , these are strong positive plants can adapt to light environments , but the light will be accompanied by high temperature these plant growth slows down .
Second comprehensive absorbability in air pollution strong , such as Deodar Cedar , purple leaf Li , Glossy Privet ;
The diurnal variation of WUE , Gs and Trwas similar between color-leafed and opposite green-leafed varieties from spring to autumn ;
The content of chlorophyll of purple-leaf plum was similar with green-leaf plum in spring , but higher than it in summer and autumn .
Results of variety identification and phylogenetic relationship among plum varieties showed complex origin and evolution of Mei . Relatedness between some peaches and some Mei varieties were studied .
Using Determination the character of light-absorb and the paper chromatographic analysis method , the red color material had appraised to be cyanidin in the leaf of Purple leaf Cherry Plum .
The materials of the experiment was Purple Ye Li and Purple Ye prunus persica , carries on from April to November in 2005 in the Langfang Run Lu science and technology limited company .
The foliar pigment content and SLW of Red-leaf peach and Purple-leaf plum in different seasons ( 1 ) The content of chlorophyll of red-leaf peach was not significantly difference with green-leaf peach in spring and autumn , but lower than it in summer .
Leaf Pigment Measurement and Dynamic Change Analysis of Prunus wilsonii
The bud transplanting experiment of Prunus virginiana cv .
The effects of the CRF on leaf color of Padus virginiana ' Schubert ': The chlorophylls and anthocyanins content of the CRF treatments were significantly higher than the control and CRF crushing treatment .