- compactification

Stone-cech compactification in lf-sum topological space
The Martin Boundary of Minimal Processes and Ray-Knight Compactification ; horizonally-polarized non-directional antenna
Compactification of matrix theory on the noncommutative torus was argued to correspond to supergravity with constant background three form tensor field .
On a Special Kind of Points in Stone Cech Compactification βω
It is also proved that Higson compactification is a functor on the category of coarse topological spaces and continuous coarse mappings .
This article tells us how to structure a Markov chain with the strong Markov property in a general discrete state space E , to use the " resolvent property " and to take the " Ray-Knight compactification " of the state space E as a bridge .
S-compactification and S-inferior-compactification in Topological Molecular Lattices
Compactification and spectrum of Heterotic string
Compactification of Real Topological Space
Some Results on Compactification
The periodicity in the distribution of quasar redshifts is interpreted assuming that the cosmological space is a topologically compactified manifold like three dimensional torus .
In nearly 100 years after , the compactification and metrization in topology spaces have been deeply studied . Metric spaces are generalized to generalized metric spaces .
According to the time-varying and nonlinear characteristics of the pH processes , the Model-Free Learning Adaptive Control ( MFLAC ) approach of a class of SISO nonlinear discrete-time systems based on linearization of tight format is applied to pH neutralization process with time delay .
This paper discusses the change-point problem about the location and scale parameters model based on two-sample U-statistic .
The characteristics of it are evident , such as strong programming , tight schedule , low level in mechanization and automation , long working hours and complicated relationship .
According to the particularity of extended manufacturing which is a tight coupled networked manufacturing model , a selection method of extended manufacturing units oriented key parts was put forward .
On Compactness of Galois Groups of Infinite Algebraic Field Extensions and Completeness of the Groups with Uniformizable Topologics
In the second part , we generalize the rough isometry between the noncompact Riemannian manifold with Ricci curvature bounded uniformly from below and any of its discretizations to that of the noncompact Riemannian manifold with integral Ricci curvature bounds .
The author studies the relaxation of residual stresses in autofrettaged cylinders caused by material creep during stabilizing treatment .
Higson compactifications of a locally compact Hausdorff space X associated with proper coarse structures are studied . It shows that both the Stone-ech compactification and the one-point compactification of X are certain Higson compactifications .