
  • 网络Saussurean Linguistics
  1. 意义的象似表征理论动摇了索绪尔语言学中任意性的定律。

    The iconic representation of linguistic meaning has shaken the law of arbitrariness in Saussurean linguistics .

  2. 语言·符号·认知&关于索绪尔语言学理论的再思考

    Language Sign and Cognition : Rethinking Linguistic Theory of F.de Saussure

  3. 索绪尔语言学思想对现代西方文化产生过很大的影响。

    Saussure 's linguistic thought has an important influence on Western modern culture .

  4. 索绪尔语言学对西方现代思想的影响综论

    A synthetic view on influences of Saussure 's linguistic theories on modern Western thoughts

  5. 索绪尔语言学从根本上破坏了表达主义文学观念和批评观念的根基。

    Saussure linguistics has violated the basis of the literature concepts and criticizing concepts expressionism radically .

  6. 试析索绪尔语言学对结构主义文论的影响失落了的人文关怀&结构主义文学批评的理论困境

    Saussure 's linguistics influence on the Structuralist theory of literature and art On the Difficulties of Structuralist Literary Criticism

  7. 韦勒克根据索绪尔语言学理论提出文学分类研究的“三分法”:文学理论、文学批评和文学史。

    Wellek holds three classifications according the linguistics of Saussure : literary theory , literary Criticism and literary history .

  8. 理性主义和普遍主义的历史批判及其现代意义&索绪尔语言学史思想研究

    The Historical Criticism and Modern Significance of Rationalism and Universalism & a study of Saussure 's concept of linguistic history

  9. 语言价值理论是索绪尔语言学理论的核心,它对现代语言学的发展有着深远的影响。

    The theory linguistic value is the heart of Saussure 's theory , which is also influence the modern linguistic far-reaching .

  10. 前者相对于索绪尔语言学中的“言语”,而后者则相当于其理论中的“语言”。

    The former equals to " speech " in Saussure 's linguistics , while the latter to " language " in his theory .

  11. 语言是一种音义结合的符号系统&论索绪尔语言学核心思想

    Language is a Sign System of the Combination of a Concept and a Sound Pattern : Discussing the Essence of Saussure 's Linguistic View

  12. 索绪尔语言学特征之一是否定语言的形而上学与文化意义,把它当作纯自然与生理对象进行研究。

    One of the characteristics of Sausurrian linguistics is to deny the metaphysics and the cultural significances of language , taking language as purely natural and biological .

  13. 根据索绪尔语言学的法则,可把中国政治思想史划分为“事件叙述”和“思维规则”两个层面。

    In light of the linguistic rules of Ferdinand De Saussure , the history of Chinese political ideology can be divided into two levels , that is , " event narrative " and " thinking rules " .

  14. 俄国形式主义深受索绪尔语言学影响,以一种实际的科学精神将注意力转向文学作品本身,成为西方文论史上一个重要的转折;

    Russian formalism was deeply influenced by Saussure 's structuralism in linguistics , which , in the spirit of science , shifted the emphasis to literary text proper - marking a historical turning point in western literary criticism .

  15. 前者主要植根于索绪尔语言学到罗兰·巴特神话的语言学/符号学传统,从符号的角度阐释文化和表征,是一种诗学;

    The previous one which has been called its ' poetics ' provides one general model of how culture and representation work , rooting in the tradition that begin with the linguistics of Saussure and be developed by the mythology of Barthes ;

  16. 索绪尔语言学对结构主义文论的影响主要体现在三个方面:索绪尔对于言语和语言的划分,启发了列维-斯特劳斯的神话模式研究;

    Saussure 's linguistics influence on the structuralist theory of literature and art gives expression to the following three aspects : 1 . Saussure 's distinction between the use of language and the parole offered some tips to Levi-Strauss 's research on mythology pattern .

  17. 俄国形式主义顺应当时文学科学独立的吁求,提出文学科学的对象是文学性,并借助索绪尔语言学理论和胡塞尔现象学,从文学语言形式与日常实用语言形式的差异上把文学性认定为陌生化。

    Russian formalists advanced literariness as the object of literary science to found the autonomy of the subject , and equated the literariness with the formal difference between the literary language and practical language by means of Saussure 's linguistics and Husserl 's phenomenology .

  18. 本文拟从语言和言语的划分、共时和历时的划分、语言符号系统性以及语言符号的价值四个方面分析索绪尔语言学理论在现代汉语语法研究中的作用。

    This paper aims to analyse its funtion in the study on the modern Chinese grammar from the four aspects : the differences between language and speech , the difference between the landscape orientation and the portrait study , the system and the valure of language symbols .

  19. 摘要本文从语言哲学、语言观和任意性以及理据性的角度,探讨了索绪尔语言学思想与认知语法的连通性,以期引发对这方面的问题给予更多的研究和关注。

    From the perspective of language philosophy , language view , as well as arbitrariness and theoretical motivation , the paper explores the connectivity between saussure 's idea on linguistics and cognitive grammar , with the expectation that more attention will be paid to the study in this respect .

  20. 从新的视角看语言学史&读《思想的流派:从葆扑到索绪尔的语言学发展史》

    Schools of Thought . The Development of Linguistics from Bopp to Saussure .

  21. 根据索绪尔的语言学理论,语言是一种结构。

    The language is a kind of structure according to the Linguistic Theory of F.Saussure .

  22. 索绪尔的语言学元理论包括:为现代语言学提供了一套基本的概念术语;

    Saussure 's linguistic meta-theory includes : ( 1 ) Providing a series of basic concepts and terms for modem linguistics ;

  23. 依据索绪尔的语言学理论,语言是一个符号系统,构成语言符号的能指与所指在每一种语言中都是不同的。

    According to Saussure , language is a sign system and the signifier and the signified , which form the signs , are unique in different languages .

  24. 自瑞士语言学家索绪尔在语言学研究中提出语言&言语二分法后,语言学家和语言实践者们便渐渐意识到外语教学应该包括语言和言语这两个方面。

    Since Saussure made langue-parole distinction in his linguistic study , linguists and language practitioners have come to realize that foreign language teaching should involve two aspects , namely , langue and parole .

  25. 20世纪是语言学的时代,索绪尔的语言学革命和哲学的语言学转向使文学批评家认识到语言才是文学真正的本质。

    The 20 th century was an age of linguistics . Saussure 's linguistic revolution and the linguistic turn of philosophy made literary critics realize that only language is the true nature of literature .

  26. 借用索绪尔的语言学知识,对家庭的语言分析引发了对家庭的一种共时和历时的探究,即家庭为财产和家庭成员的共同体。

    Introducing the knowledge of the Sausure , the language analysis of the family arouses the diachronic and synchronic study of the family that is the community of the property and the family members .

  27. 第一部分(第一章)从追踪拉康的学术发展历程入手,探寻拉康理论的主要思想渊源:黑格尔的哲学思想、弗洛伊德的精神分析学、索绪尔的语言学和列维一斯特劳斯的结构人类学。

    The first part ( Chapter I ) begins with Lacan 's academic development and then focuses on the main sources of Lacan 's Theory : Hegel 's Philosophical Thoughts , Freudian Psychoanalysis , Saussure 's Linguistics and Levi-Strauss 's Structural Anthropology .

  28. 索绪尔《普通语言学教程》中的语言符号学思想

    Saussure ′ s Thoughts on Linguistic Semiotics in Course in General Linguistics

  29. 时间观与语言研究&索绪尔《普通语言学教程》时间观述评

    Conception of Time and Linguistic Study

  30. 不可动摇的语言符号任意性原则&再读索绪尔《普通语言学教程》

    Arbitrariness As an Unbreakable Principle of the Linguistic Sign : Rereading Saussure s Course in General Linguistics ;