
  • 网络sony;Sony Corporation;SONY CORP;SNE
  1. 哥伦比亚广播公司的唱片公司已被索尼公司收购。

    CBS Records was taken over by Sony .

  2. 索尼公司在缩小CD播放机的体积方面也处于领先地位。

    Sony has also led the way in shrinking the size of compact-disc players .

  3. 星期二的大赢家为索尼公司,其股票上涨至9,070日元的高点。

    Tuesday 's notable gainer was Sony , which reached a high of 9,070 yen .

  4. 今天的TechBytes节目将介绍的是索尼公司推出的3D傻瓜相机。

    In today 's Tech Bytes , Sony brings 3D to its point-and-shoot camera .

  5. •索尼公司(SonyCorp.)的CEO霍华德•斯金格,居住地:纽约。

    • Howard Stringer , CEO of Sony Corp. , lives in New York .

  6. 想要享受高端的VR体验,最便宜的方法来自于索尼公司。

    The cheapest way to get a high-end VR experience comes courtesy of Sony .

  7. 索尼公司BMG正在控告设计了它的受到争论CD防盗版软体的公司。

    Sony BMG is suing the company that designed its controversial CD anti-piracy software .

  8. 索尼公司(Sony)正昂首挺进新一代游戏业,状态之好,前所未见。

    Sony ( SNE ) has never looked better heading into a new generation of gaming .

  9. 《阿凡达》史无前例地使用了“艺术王国”索尼公司的4K数码3D技术,效果一流。

    The filming of ' Avatar " has been done with unprecedented state-of-the-art Sony 4K Digital 3D Projectors 。

  10. 不过,这些企业的努力始终未能收到满意的效果。一年前,索尼公司(Sony)再次将这种理念付诸实践,推出了一款名为“索尼读书器”(SonyReader)的产品。

    Just a year ago , Sony took another stab at this concept with a product called the Sony Reader .

  11. 谷歌、索尼公司(SonyCorp.)以及包括华硕(AsustekComputerInc.)和联想集团(LenovoGroupLtd.)在内的亚洲生产商都在力推自己的平板电脑产品。

    Google , Sony Corp. and Asian manufacturers including Asustek Computer Inc. and Lenovo Group Ltd. are pushing tablets of their own .

  12. 他指出,索尼公司(Sony)和戴尔公司(Dell)早在苹果公司推出Air很早以前就推出过超薄的笔记本电脑。

    He points out that Sony ( SNE ) and Dell ( DELL ) both brought out razor-thin notebooks long before Apple launched the air .

  13. 另外,今年一月,索尼公司(Sony)在拉斯维加斯的消费电子展上展出了一款传感器的原型产品。

    And in January , Sony ( SNE ) showed off a prototype sensor at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas .

  14. 索尼公司拒绝了采访要求,今年2月,公司迎来了新的电影部门主管托马斯·E·罗斯曼(ThomasE.Rothman)。

    Sony , which declined to comment for this article , brought in a new movie chief , Thomas E. Rothman , in February .

  15. 实际上,你们中的很多人将会牢牢记住,最近索尼公司的PlayStation网络遭遇黑客入侵的事件。

    In fact , many of you will remember the recent Sony PlayStation hack .

  16. 据悉索尼公司的PC产品将预装谷歌公司的Chrome浏览器。这款协议的成功签订无疑将对目前市占率仍落后于火狐和IE的Chrome浏览器起到重要的市场份额提升作用。

    The deal could expand the reach of Google 's fledgling product which lags behind browsers offered by Microsoft Corp and the Mozilla foundation in market share .

  17. 索尼公司选择的是“主动快门”技术(activeshutter),即利用电子玻璃镜片中微小快门与电视图像的同步快速开合,创造出3d效果。

    Sony has opted for " active shutter " technology , using electronic glasses containing tiny shutters that open and close rapidly in synch with the television image to create a 3D impression .

  18. 索尼公司老板斯金格(howardstringer)肯定属于你眼中热衷于此类聚会的人。

    Howard Stringer , the boss of Sony , is the kind of person you would expect to relish such gatherings .

  19. 不过,索尼公司的技术支持页面称,周五早上,PlayStation的网络仍未恢复。

    However , the PlayStation Network was still down Friday morning , according to Sony 's support webpage .

  20. 在另一端,索尼公司在黑客攻击事件之前就已经面临困境,尽管它的《龙虎少年队2》(22JumpStreet)和《天堂真的存在》(HeavenIsforReal)非常突出。

    On the opposite end of the scale , Sony 's year was difficult even before it was attacked by hackers , although its " 22 Jump Street " and " Heaven Is for Real " were standouts .

  21. 索尼公司上一次在夏季取得成功的大片还要追溯到2013年的《黑衣人3》(MeninBlack3)和《神奇蜘蛛侠》(TheAmazingSpider-Man),今年夏天,它的日子比谁都难过。

    Sony , which as recently as 2013 found major warm-weather hits in " Men in Black 3 " and " The Amazing Spider-Man , " had the most difficult summer of all .

  22. 文章通过介绍三家著名的跨国公司&日本索尼公司、美国IBM公司、瑞典爱立信公司的企业社会责任理念及其具体做法,指出我国企业建立企业社会责任制度的重要性。

    In this article , by introducing the three famous multinational corporation & Sony , Ericsson and IBM , their detailed operation of CSR , to point out the essential of our business built the CSR .

  23. (索尼公司计划在2016年初推出Morpheus虚拟现实系统)

    ( Sony plans to launch its Morpheus VR system in early 2016 . )

  24. 索尼公司(SonyCorp.)今年2月向外界展示了其PlayStation4游戏机经过重新设计的控制手柄中内置的触摸传感器。索尼将于今年晚些时候推出这款游戏机。

    Sony Corp. 6758.TO + 0.05 % in February showed a touch-sensor built into a redesigned controller for its PlayStation 4 console , due out later this year .

  25. 索尼公司的律师大卫·博伊斯(DavidBoies)在星期日接受与媒体会面采访时说,这部电影最终还是会发行的。

    David Boies , a lawyer for Sony , told Meet the Press on Sunday that the film would eventually be distributed .

  26. 我们很清楚,消费者总是要寻求更好、更丰富的娱乐体验,索尼公司首席执行官霍华德斯金格爵士(SirHowardStringer)表示。

    It is clear to us that consumers will always migrate to a better and richer entertainment experience , said Sir Howard Stringer , chief executive of Sony .

  27. 版权目录依然是他最大的资产,与索尼公司(Sony)规模更大的目录合并后估值达10亿美元,这也成为杰克逊贷款的抵押品。

    His biggest asset remains the catalogue , since merged with a larger one owned by Sony and valued at $ 1bn , which served as collateral for his loans .

  28. 周日,乔治·克鲁尼已经把注意力从索尼公司转到了巴黎《查理周刊》(CharlieHebdo)的袭击事件上。

    By Sunday , Mr. Clooney had shifted his own focus from Sony to the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris .

  29. 索尼公司的律师大卫·博伊斯(DavidBoies)在星期日接受“与媒体会面”采访时说,这部电影最终还是会发行的。

    David Boies , a lawyer for Sony , told " Meet the Press " on Sunday that the film would eventually be distributed .

  30. 早在Oculus公司创始人帕尔默o拉基组装自己的首台Rift原型机很久以前,索尼公司就开始探索虚拟现实技术了。

    Sony has been experimenting with virtual reality technology for years , long before Oculus founder Palmer Luckey put together his first Rift prototype .