
  1. 超声心动图可检出瓣膜脱垂、腱索断裂和瓣周脓肿等心脏内并发症。

    IE might result in many intracardiac complications including valve prolapse , chordal rupture and abscess formation .

  2. HE染色:12周胎儿睾丸组织尚未分化,呈索状,14周胎儿睾丸组织隐约可见到睾丸小叶,但生精小管不能区分,16周始见生精小管结构,但无管腔。

    HE staining : The tissue of testes of 12 weeks have not differentiation , as cord .

  3. GST-π阳性表达始于6周龄后的胚胎肝肝索细胞和8周龄后胆管板细胞,但26周龄后仅部分胆管板细胞及少数界板细胞阳性。

    GST - π was detected in hepatic cord cells from the 6th week and in the ductal plate cells from the 8th week ; 26 weeks later , only some ductal plate cells and a few limiting plate cells showed positive signals .