
  1. 在进行IT系统运维管理时,难以保证维护质量。

    At the same time , it is hard to ensure maintenance quality .

  2. 在系统运维中,大都涉及到用户管理、软件管理、网络管理和配置文件管理等工作。

    Mostly system operation and maintenance include user management , software management , network management and configuration file management .

  3. 但由于设计上没有对系统运维进行充分考虑,所以在相关运维操作的功能实现上还存在较大改进空间。

    But since the functions in the system operation aspects were not considered adequately , a large room of it to improve still exists .

  4. 将需求提交到系统运维组进行系统的性能和容量估算,并根据估算提出了新增设备需求和初步的部署计划。

    System requirements will be submitted to the group Operation system performance and capacity estimates , based on estimates and raised new demand for equipment and the Preliminary deployment plan .

  5. 规范了混乱的应用格局,降低了系统运维成本,并提供了多维数据分析的应用平台,同时也为进一步深入的商业智能应用奠定了良好的基础。

    The application is normalized and the running cost is decreased . The system provides an application platform for multi-dimensional data analysis and it is easy to develop further business intelligence applications .

  6. HP代管的服务器&一整套包括管理、监控和维护等功能的解决方案,客户无需担心系统的运维。

    HP Managed Server-a complete management , monitoring and maintenance solution so customers need not worry about the operating system .

  7. 目前东方有线OCN正在扩展各类新业务,用户数也在不断增加,对OCN业务系统的运维增加了很大的压力和挑战。

    With a various of new business is currently being expanded and the number of users is also increasing , constantly of the Orient of China Net ( OCN ), a lot of pressure and challenges has been increased for operation and maintenance increased of the OCN business system .

  8. 与此同时,人们对视频图像系统的运维质量和用户体验质量的要求也越来越高。

    At the same time , people demand higher operation and maintenance quality and user experience quality of digital video or image .

  9. 该系统和运维支撑体系中的其它系统相互交流,取长补短,从不同角度对通信网络进行管理,共同实现了运行维护的自动化和电子化。

    This system and other systems in OSS of Qinghai Unicom realize the automation and electronic of operation and maintenance , from different angles of the communication network management .

  10. 为电信机房及所属设施安全、正常运转提供支撑和保障,从而全面提升电信机房及通信系统的运维安全管理能力。

    Facilities for telecommunications room safe , normal operation to provide support and protection in order to fully enhance the telecom room and the security of communication systems operation and maintenance management capabilities .

  11. 传统的高职院校信息系统的运维管理方式已经不能满足学校信息化发展的要求,高职院校信息系统的运维管理面临新的挑战。

    Traditional operation and maintenance management in High Vocational Colleges can no longer meet the requirements of the development of information technology of colleges ; operation and maintenance management of colleges are facing new challenges .

  12. 七号信令集中监测系统在电信运维中的应用

    Application of Centralized SS7 Monitoring System in Telecom Operation & Maintenance

  13. 目前,该系统处于正式运维阶段。

    At present , this system is working in the formal operation and maintenance phase .

  14. 系统包括了运维管理、业务管理、自服务三大子系统。

    System , including the operation and maintenance management , business management , self-service three subsystems .

  15. 电信运行维护管理系统(简称运维管理系统)是电信运营商后端维护部门所需要的支撑系统,是网络维护平台的组成部分之一。

    Operation and maintenance management system is a telecommunications operator back-end maintenance department needed support system , is one of the components of the network maintenance platform .

  16. 在此背景下,作者开展了一系列探索研究和比较,提出了宽带网络自动维护系统&宽带运维系统的设计原型方案。

    In this background , the author did a serious of researchs and compares . This article delivers the wideband network automatic maintenance system , the antetype of the wideband maintenance system design .

  17. 四川电力调度备调通信系统的建设与运维

    Construction and operation of backup communication system in Sichuan Electric Power Dispatching Center

  18. 如何确保接入的节点是可信而且安全的,是任何一个企业信息系统在设计和运维时都必须考虑的难题。

    How to ensure reliability and robustness of access node should be considered when enterprise information system is designed and operated .

  19. 其中主要包括五大功能模块:系统基本信息库、系统运维信息库、系统运维专家知识库、系统信息资源管理规范库及系统管理等。

    This system mainly includes five functional modules : the module of basic information database , the module operation and maintenance information database , the module of operation and maintenance expert knowledge database , the module of library information resources management standards and the module of systems management .

  20. 通过研究分析发现,这两个方案在系统功能、建设实施、系统运维等方面各有利弊,但总体差距不大。

    Through research and analysis , there are advantages and disadvantages of these two programs in system functions , constructions , system operations and maintenances and etc , but do not differ much .

  21. 本文作者主持了中国移动天津公司合同管理系统的设计和实现、以及系统运维等日常工作。

    The author chaired the daily work of the design and implementation of the contract management system for China Mobile Tianjin , as well as system operation and maintenance .

  22. 等级保护工作主要分为信息系统定级、等级保护实施、等级测评、系统安全运维等几个环节。

    Grading protection is divided into grading , implementation , grading evaluation and operation .

  23. 随着舰船管理信息化应用需求的不断增加和采用技术的不断提高,使得不同系统终端上的应用程序部署、升级等系统管理和运维上的任务愈来愈重。

    The ship management of information technology applications continues to increase and the use of technology continues to improve , make that the system management and maintenance tasks , such as application deployment and upgrades on different terminal , are on more weight .

  24. 运维支撑系统包括客户服务系统、业务经营系统和网管系统,网管系统作为运维支撑系统的重要组成部分,主要包含客户支持、集中维护、综合告警、资源管理等子系统。

    Operation Support System , including customer service systems , operating systems and network management systems , Network Management System Operation Support System as an important component of the mainly includes customer support , centralized maintenance , comprehensive warning , resource management , and other subsystems .

  25. 如何能保证信息系统的安全稳定运行、及时的发现和消除信息系统隐患是对每一个信息系统运维人员和管理人员的巨大考验。

    How can we ensure the safe and stable operation of information systems , timely discover and eliminate the hidden dangers of information systems is a great test for each information system operation and maintenance and management personnel .

  26. 并对某企业OA系统进行了实际的技术评估,得到的实际结果与实际情况能够直接对应,说明了课题的研究结果对IT系统运维支撑技术有一定的指导作用和应用价值。

    The model was experimented on a real OA system of a company . The results were in accord with the facts . So the research has certain instructional and application value on IT operations technologies .

  27. 随着2006年中国税收综合征管系统(CTAIS)在我省完成省级集中部署和全面应用,越来越多税收信息系统实现了省级集中,对税收信息系统日常运维的职责要求不断加强。

    More comprehensive and stable daily operation and maintenance management are required since the China Taxation Administration Information System ( CTAIS ) and more other tax information systems were deployed and applied at the provincial level in 2006 .

  28. 从1997年中国电信开始97系统建设起,各个运营商相继建立了自己的运营支撑系统(OSS)。运营商的OSS系统一方面作为生产系统,满足日常运维的工作需要;

    Telecom carriers have established their own OSS systems since China Telecom 's system constructed in 1997 . As a part of production system , OSS could satisfy the needs for daily operation and maintenance .

  29. 本系统的应用可以实现网络管理系统质量评价数据的电子化,并可以通过对网络管理系统质量的整体性评价,及时发现问题,使得网络管理系统对运维流程进行更好的支撑。

    The application of this system can realize the electronization of network management quality evaluation data , and can find problems in time based on the evaluation of network management quality , and finally help network management system providing better support for operation flows .