- Elements of the system;【辩证法】elements of system

First of all , the author uses the GEM model as the basical theory foundation to explain the system 's elements , including the institution element , the cooperation element and the environment element .
Main work , innovative explorations and conclusions as follows : First , elements , features , functions of regional EEES coupling system , the coupling connections , principles , effects of subsystems and elements have been elaborated .
Marx 's Labor Theory and the Factors of Technology System
Study on the Factors in Human Resource Supply-Demand Management System
Study of the acting machanism of factors of the enterprise vigor system
An analysis of major components of mine work safety result management system
Analysis on the factor for static traffic management system
This part defines concept of trust negotiation and factors of trust negotiation .
On the Factory Structure Arrangement of Productivity System
So the factor and structure decide the behavior and function of talent system .
The Factors in Learning-Innovation System of U / I Collaboration and Its Function Relation Model
It defines the elements in a cooperative pattern design system and builds up a logical model of pattern design system .
On the basis of above study works , we discuss the role and function in the National Innovation System of China .
This is the job of marketing research , the element of the marketing information system that is distinguished by its problem orientation .
It is pointed out the huge , multi functional and multi input and output socio technical system that brings complexity to accidents causing .
Then the ideological and political education of university network system are analyzed , and the factors that it is an integral whole , is common elements .
Then the elements , structures and functions of the knowledge system are analyzed , and main content of knowledge management and implement approach are discussed . 2 .
Language and culture are interdependent , in the sense that language is not only the carrier of culture but also one of the components of the culture system .
Scientific instrument does not belong to the field of object , but is subordinate to the subject , as well as one of the key elements of the subjective system .
Then use the community site planning as a main carrier , through the development and construction follow-up process management , to achieve optimization of elements and maintenance feedback of the system .
With the analysis of recommendation system essentials , this paper constructs a relation model of users , commodities , and transactions that could uniformly describe system input information , data representations , recommendation methods .
Therefore , from the ideological and political education ecosystem aspects , pay attention to its own development and the essential elements of the associated sex , put forward to solve the problem of concrete path .
The thesis starts with a deep investigation on the container moving process , and then analyzes the elements of the empty container transportation system to accumulate the necessary materials for the establishment of optimization models .
The results suggested that chitinase and β N acetyl D glucosaminidase were related with the resistant reaction of poplars to poplar canker , and were one of the factors in defence system of poplars against pathomycete .
Sustainable developing economic system was analysed in following aspects : the combination of essential factors , economic mechanism , internal contradictions and basic operating law , so as to reveal its intrinsic requirements and the developing trends of modern economy .
Through inspiring the elements of higher vocational school students ' learning motivation system , integrating teaching design and situational influence in school , school can achieve the purposes of arousing motivation , enhancing motivation , regulating motivation and cohering motivation .
At first , the paper analyses the essential elements , structure and function of the enterprises ' technological innovation , together with the formation and character of self-organization system of enterprises ' technological innovation under the function of nonlinear mechanism .
As being a key element of the agricultural ecosystem , birds maintain the food chain structure and functional dynamic equilibrium of the agricultural system , they inhibit the population densities of the pest , and been an indispensable members in the planting .
The essential elements of handling system are analysed and the basic model of logistics handling system is given out . The article analyses the equipment disposition of military material unitization and container handling and looks forward to the development of military material handling system .
After analyzing the factor features of the investment environment system in the Changjiang Valley and making a comparative research on the investment environment among the upper-reaches , middle-reaches and lower-reaches of the Changjiang Valley , the evaluation indexes on the investment environment are set up .