
  • 网络Phylogeography;systematic geography
  1. 叶绿体DNA微卫星标记(Chloroplastsimplesequencerepeat,cpSSR)是研究芒属群体遗传结构、遗传多样性以及系统地理学的有力工具。

    Chloroplast simple sequence repeat ( cpSSR ) marker is one of powerful molecular tools for studying Miscanthus population structure , diversity and phylogeography .

  2. 系统地理学的研究及其在鱼类上的应用

    Study of Phylogeography and its Application on Fish

  3. 第2章介绍分子系统地理学的概念、应用、分子标记及国内外研究现状。

    Chapter 2 introduces concept , application , molecular markers and current status of molecular phylogeography .

  4. 分子系统地理学及其应用

    Molecular phylogeography and Applications

  5. 还从地理隔离、种群扩散、基因交流、区系划分、分子钟估算等方面阐述了系统地理学在鱼类的应用研究现况和应用前景。

    The paper also exploits the research and application of phylogeography on fish and its prospects from the aspects of geographical isolation , population dispersal , gene flow , fauna division and molecular clock estimate .

  6. 综述介绍了更新世时期全球环境周期性变化以及中国在更新世时期自然景观的变化,概述了系统地理学研究的基本理论及研究进展。

    In the review , the periodical oscillations of Global climate during the Pleistocene and the change of environments in China were introduced ; the basic theory and the development of phylogeography were also summarized .

  7. 因此,有必要依据城市经济学、城市动力学、土地科学、地理信息科学以及系统地理学等理论,来深入研究城市土地利用时空演化的特点及规律。

    Therefore , we should study deeply the characteristics and regulation of urban landuse evolution in terms of urban economics , urban dynamics , systematic geography , land science , geography information science and so on .

  8. 从地理学的发展历史来看,首先产生了地图学然后才有系统的地理学基础理论知识,这说明地图在地理教学中的重要地位。

    From the development of geography history , first produced cartography then system geography basic theory knowledge , this map in geography teaching in the important position .

  9. 人地关系地域系统是地理学的研究核心的确立是以对地理学研究课题的中心的稳定性问历史根据,以对地理学基本概念的复合为逻辑根据的。

    The forming of spatial system of human-environment relation as the core of study of geography takes the stability of center of research subject of geography as historical basis and the compound of fundamental concepts of geography as logical grounds .

  10. 陆地系统科学:地理学的升华

    Land system science : advance of Geography

  11. 依此,尝试性提出人地关系地域耦合系统研究的地理学范式。

    According to this , the article tentatively put forward geography research paradigm of regional coupled system of relation between human and land .

  12. 在此基础上,笔者分析得出地理系统是现代地理学的主题;系统论为地理学思维提供了新范式。

    On these basis , this author concluded that geography system is the subject of modern geography and that systems theory provides the new pormal form .

  13. 地理信息系统是现代地理学的智能化空间技术工具,其应用方法主要包括应用系统设计、数据采集、专题分析模型、地学专家系统与地理信息系统与遥感的结合等。

    Geographical information system is a tool of the intellectual space technology in modern geography . Its applications include : design for application system , data collection , model of monographic study and analysis , combination of the geoscience - expert system , geographical information system and remote sensing , etc.

  14. 陆地系统动力学将成为地理学尖端。

    Land-system dynamics will become the pioneer of geography .

  15. 点地梅属的分子系统学、生物地理学和垫状形态的趋同进化

    Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Androsace ( Primulaceae ) and the convergent evolution of cushion morphology

  16. 苦苣苔科植物具有极高的分类学、进化系统学、植物地理学等方面的研究价值。

    The Gesneriaceae 's plants own very important study value of taxonomy , evolutional systematic botany , botanic geography , etc.

  17. 讨论了人工智能和专家系统等应用于地理学的优越性,分析了其在地理科学中应用的主要内容,对其发展趋势进行了讨论。

    This paper discusses the advantages of AI and ES application in geographical science , analyses the application matters , and discusses the development trend .

  18. 在收集整理现有壳斗科化石资料的基础上,讨论了壳斗科及其各属的起源时间、地史分布和地史演替过程以及这些化石资料在系统学和植物地理学上的意义。

    The fossil history of the Fagaceae from China and its systematic and biogeographic implications are discussed based on revisionary studies of the fossil records .

  19. 为了更好地进行北京生物多样性研究与保护工作,本文从分类学、系统学和生物地理学角度对北京地区各个县(区)内物种的状况进行了分析。

    In order to effectively protect the species biodiversity in Beijing , this research focused on the species diversity of different districts in terms of taxonomy , systematics and biogeography .

  20. 以房地产价格学、信息系统学和计量地理学为基础,阐述房地产估价信息系统化基本概念及目标体系;

    And based on theory of real estate price , science of information system and the quantitative geography , it expounds the basic connotation and the objective system of applying information system .

  21. 笔者从系统论和旅游地理学的角度,把旅游安全作为一个风险系统进行研究;认为旅游安全风险系统是由旅游者与旅游景区环境共同组成的一个复杂的特定的相互依赖的系统;

    From the aspects of systematology and tourist geology , tourist security is taken as a risk system , which is a special complicated and correlated system consisting of the tourists and the environment of the scenic spot .

  22. 论述了地理科学系统理论与过去地理学的人地关系理论之间的差异,其不同点:(1)地理科学系统强调人与地之间的相互影响;

    This paper discusses the difference between the system theory of geographic science and the theory of man-land relationship of previous geography , the different points include the following : ① the geographic science system emphasizes the man-land interactions ;

  23. 本文以农村年轻女性人口为研究对象,从人口迁移的驱动力因素入手,应用系统分析方法和地理学地域空间理论,尝试建立新的人口迁移模型。

    Taking the young female population in the countryside as the object of study , the authors have analyzed the elements of the driving force of their migration and tried to build up a new migration model by using the systemic analytics and the geo-space theory in geography .

  24. 现代医学地理学研究中大量与宏观系统有关的数据都具有空间分布特点,使地理信息系统成为医学地理学研究中有力的辅助工具。

    Data related to the macroscopically system in modern medical geography have the property of spatial distribution which serve as the potent assistant in the research of medical geography .