- 名systematics

The establishment of rRNA techniques and their application has opened a new page for molecular microbial ecology and systematics .
Research Techniques and Advances on Tick Systematics and Taxonomy
The application and development of chemotaxonomy in systematic bacteriology and mycology
Study on some issues about the teaching practice of plant systematic taxonomy
Study on Taxonomy of Marine Anaerobic Bioactive Bacteria and Optimization of Fermentation Conditions
Studies on the seed morphology of Rorippa in Shandong and its systematic taxonomy significance
Systematic investigation on , plant gene pol ymorphism (ⅱ) molecular evolution of lectin genes
According to the discussion above , we consider that seedling morphology is one of the important characteristics in plant systematics .
With the wide application of modern scientific technology and the modern statistics , the research methods must be improved increasingly .
The research contents expand into more areas such as ethology , anatomy , acoustics , neurophysiology , systematics and so on .
As cytoplasmic genetic system , mitochondrial genome ( mitogenome ) has many differences from nuclear genes and has been applied to many kinds of biology researches as an ideal genetic marker since it was discovered .
The research status of Gastropoda phylogeny and systematics
This article has conducted the comparison system shape taxonomy research to this local Leguminous plant , and has carried on the analysis to its species diversity , the flora and so on , has made the preliminary appraisal to its resources use .
So , the conclusion can be made sure after must doing some molecular systematic and cytotaxonomy study , even making deep hybridization experiments .
The characteristics of the floral organs reflecting the systematic significance and taxonomic position of the group most exactly and correctly . The question of the floral origin and evolution become a leading question to investigate the origin of the angiosperm .
This paper presents the fundamental principles and the classification criterion for evaluating the DDoS defense system . It studies the taxonomy on criterion for the evaluation of the defense system based on the model of set theory . And then it introduces a taxonomy view of the evaluation criterion .
In accordance with the principle of polyphasic taxonomy , a systematic study had been conducted on the taxonomy of six isolates subsequently .