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tánɡ cù yú
  • sweet-and-sour fish
  1. 每顿饭吃的时间都很长,烧茄子、糖醋鱼、轻炒蔬菜、还有用辣椒、花生等与牛肉、鸡肉一起做成的各种各样的菜。

    Every meal was a marathon , with never ending platters of braised eggplant , sweet-and-sour fish , lightly oiled greens , and a hundred combinations of beef and chicken with peppers and peanuts .

  2. 糖醋鱼很合他的胃口。

    Sour-sweet fish agreed very well with him .

  3. 我来帮你夹点糖醋鱼。

    Let me help you to some sweet and sour fish .

  4. 恐怕弄错了,我要的是糖醋鱼。

    I 'm afraid there is a mistake . I ordered a sweet and sourfish .

  5. 我来给你夹一点牛肉(凉菜,糖醋鱼)。

    Let me help you to some beef [ cold dishes , sweet and sour fish ] .

  6. 南希点了一盘烤牛肉,一盘糖醋鱼外加一份蟹肉汤。

    Nancy ordered one roast beef , sweet and sour fish , and crab soup on the side .

  7. 对不起,先生,我点了一份糖醋鱼,而你却把这个糖醋肉给了我。

    Excuse me , sir . I ordered a sweet and sour fish but you gave me the sweet and sour pork .

  8. 除了常见的烧、蒸鸡,餐厅琳琅满目的菜单上还有糖醋鱼(17马币),宫保鸡丁(14马币),以及一系列清真中式美食。

    Aside from the usual roast and steamed chicken , the restaurant 's extensive menu also includes dishes like sweet and sour fish ( RM17 ) , kung po chicken ( RM14 ) , and a variety of halal Chinese fare .

  9. 目的:比较以糖醋和腐鱼为诱饵的诱蝇笼捕蝇效果。

    Objective : To compare the efficacy of catching flies by fly traps with brown sugar-vinegar and canker fish as baits .