
  • 网络sugar-water test
  1. 糖水试验、Rous试验阳性率分别为94%、81%。

    Sucrose lysis test was positive in 94 % , while Rous test in 81 % .

  2. Ham试验、糖水试验和Rous结果一致更有利于PNH的诊断。

    The consistency of the result of Ham test , Sucrose test , and Rous test are more reliable in the diagnosis of PNH .

  3. 方法对PNH患者进行糖水试验,酸化血清溶血试验(Ham实验),尿含铁血黄素试验(Rous),血液常规,骨髓形态学检查,铁染色,网织红细胞计数测定和临床表现的分析。

    Methods Ham test , sucrose hemolysis test , urine Rous test , blood routine , bone marrow picture examination , iron stain , reticulocyte count determination and clinical features were assayed in 36 patients with PNH .

  4. 方法:采用线栓法制备局灶性脑缺血大鼠模型,并结合孤养、束缚应激制成PSD大鼠模型,观察大鼠糖水消耗试验,自发性行为改变,下丘脑单胺类神经递质的变化。

    Methods : A PSD rat model was set up on the base of focal cerebral ischemia by means of middle cerebral artery occlusion , followed by isolated feed and restraint stress .

  5. 糖水消耗试验中,糖水消耗量和糖水偏爱比率以及均衡体重后糖水消耗比例两组间无差异显著性;

    In sucrose consumption test , sucrose cunsumption 、 preference for sucrose and sucrose consumption per gram body weight revealed no significant difference between two groups ;

  6. 观测动物行为学指标:观测实验过程中各组大鼠的体重、摄食量、敞箱试验、糖水消耗试验和情绪性行为评分,并观察复方刺蒺藜苷的影响。

    The behaviors of rats were evaluated by open-field test , and the consumption of saccharose , emotional behavior test , body weight , and appetite were observed too .