
tánɡ yè
  • sugar industry
  1. WTO框架下的广西糖业

    Chinese Sugar Industry in the Frame of WTO

  2. 对加入WTO后广西蔗糖业发展的几点意见

    Discussion about the Sugarcane Sugar Industry Development in Guangxi after China 's entrance to WTO

  3. 甘蔗糖业技术资料的Access数据库管理

    Management of Sugarcane Industry Technical Data with MS Access Database System

  4. 随着中国加入WTO及世界经济全球化,广西蔗糖业面临巨大的竞争压力。

    Sugarcane industry in Guangxi face a strong competitive stress when China join the WTO and the world economic globalize .

  5. 加入WTO后,中国糖业面临着国内外市场的双重压力,大量地进口食糖使中国糖业遭受了严重打击。

    The sugar industry in China encountered the pressure from both domestic and foreign market , moreover , the behavior of EU 's dumping .

  6. 建立中国糖业国际贸易预警决策支持系统,有助于合理利用WTO规则保护我国糖业。

    It is useful to employ WTO rule to protect sugar industry by developing the early warning decision support system for anti-dumping against EU .

  7. TRG环保型无滤布真空吸滤机在糖业中的应用

    TRG Environmental Protection Type Vacuum Filter without Cloth Use in Sugar Industry

  8. 粤糖00-236是广州甘蔗糖业研究所湛江甘蔗研究中心以粤农73-204为母本、CP72-1210为父本进行杂交选育而成的甘蔗新品种。

    The new sugarcane variety YT00-236 was bred from female parent YN73-204 and male parent CP72-1210 by Zhanjiang Sugarcane Research Center of Guangzhou Sugarcane Industry Research Institute .

  9. 还有更快的方案:比如,要想获得加勒比海岛国圣基茨和尼维斯(StKittsandNevis)的护照,你只需花40万美元投资该国房产,或者向糖业基金捐赠25万美元,并且完全无需在该国居住。

    There are quicker options : a passport from the tiny Caribbean islands of St Kitts and Nevis , for example , can be acquired for a $ 400000 property investment or just $ 250000 in contribution to the sugar industry fund - and it doesn 't require recipients to spend any time in the country .

  10. 我国蔗糖业竞争力分析和可持续发展研究

    Study on the Competition of Sugarcane Industry and Its Sustained Development

  11. 1959年革命前古巴蔗糖业的发展及其影响

    The Development and Influences of Sugar Industry In Cuba Before 1959

  12. 能源甘蔗&甘蔗糖业发展的新亮点

    Sugarcane for Energy-A New Highlight of Sugarcane and Sugar Industry Development

  13. 斜板浅层沉降技术在甜菜糖业的应用

    Performance of Shallow Layer Lamella Settling Technique in Beet Sugar Industry

  14. 延长一九五八年国际糖业协定之议定书

    Protocol for the Prolongation of the International Sugar Agreement of 1958

  15. 中国制糖业是一个接近完全竞争的市场结构。

    The Chinese sugar industry is a perfect competition market structure .

  16. 甘蔗制糖业清洁生产技术指标体系

    Technical Indexes System for Cleaner Production of Cane Sugar Manufacturing Industry

  17. 中国制糖业的市场结构与绩效;

    Market structure and performance of the China sugar industry ;

  18. 广东梅山糖业总公司企业文化变革研究

    The Transformation of Corporate Culture of Guangdong Meishan Sugar Corporation

  19. 发展江州区蔗糖业的建议

    The Suggestion on Development of Sugar Industry of Jiangzhou District

  20. 开发综合利用项目,做长制糖业的产业键;

    Develop synthetic utilization project , prolong sugar industry chain ;

  21. 广西糖业在发展过程中体现出了产业集聚特征。

    The Guangxi 's sugar industry has the characters of industrial agglomeration .

  22. 清代台湾制糖业的发展

    The Development of Taiwan 's Sugar Manufacturing Industry in the Qing Dynasty

  23. 糖业政策对中国糖业发展的影响;

    The influence of sugar policies on China sugar development .

  24. 实施传统产业保护推动义乌市糖业发展

    Protecting traditional industries and accelerating the development of sugar industry in Yiwu city

  25. 并对制糖业中的消泡机理进行了论述。

    Meanwhile , some mechanisms of defoaming in refine sugar were related here .

  26. 组建大型糖业集团,实现规模效益;

    Construct sugar group corporation , realize scale profits ;

  27. 试论河西走廊甜菜种植业和制糖业

    Beet Planting and Sugar - making Industry in Gansu

  28. 水溶性壳聚糖在果汁澄清中的应用研究树立科学的甘蔗糖业观

    Study on the clarification of fruit juices The scientific conception of cane sugar

  29. 淀粉糖化工艺研究及制糖业发展现状

    Research and Development of Saccharification of Starch and Sugar

  30. 甘蔗糖业是广西的重要经济支柱之一,甘蔗生物固氮及其应用的研究对于在甘蔗生产中节约氮肥成本、减少环境污染具有非常重要的意义。

    Sugarcane and sugar product is one of the economic mainstays in Guangxi .