
  • Pastry Chef;Pastry Cook;Patisserie
  1. 有资料认为这款蛋糕是为了纪念19世纪一个名叫玛德琳的糕点师而命名,也有资料说玛德琳是18世纪美食家雷古成斯基的厨师。

    Some sources say madeleines may have been named for a19th century pastry cook , Madeleine , but other sources have it that Madeleine was a cook in the18th century for Stanislaw Leszczynski .

  2. 性能和方便是31岁的糕点师达伦·刘(DarrenLiu)买智慧型电动机车的两大原因。

    Performance and convenience were the two main reasons Darren Liu , a 31-year-old pastry chef , bought his Smartscooter .

  3. 前不久,布鲁克林的糕点师坎农处理了一个意外事件,一名Facebook用户未经授权发布了普林斯顿等孩子的照片。

    Ms. Cannon , the pastry chef from Brooklyn , recently dealt with an incident in which a Facebook user posted photos of Princeton and other children without permission .

  4. 关于他们选择的糕点师,先前梅根自己创办了一个生活方式网站“TheTig”,这位准新娘曾为她的网站采访过普塔克。

    As for their choice of pastry chef , the bride-to-be knew Ptak from previously interviewing her for " The Tig , " Markle 's former lifestyle website .

  5. 19年34周1天59分之后,也就是所谓的“现在”,小Ned成为了一个专做水果派的糕点师。

    It's19 years , 34 weeks , 1 day and59 minutes later , heretofore known as " Now . " Young Ned has become The Pie Maker .

  6. 其实还有一点能够让他们更为惊叹:直到不久前,罗西奥·桑切斯(RosioSánchez)还是Noma的糕点师。

    There is reason for them to marvel even more : Until recently , Rosio S á nchez was Noma 's pastry chef .

  7. 樱井翔新广告中变身美味糕点师!

    Sakurai to Become a Pastry Chef in the New CM !

  8. 麦克斯是糕点师,我是生意负责人

    Max is the baker and I 'm the business head

  9. 她不是说你是糕点师吗

    I thought she said you were the baker .

  10. 那好,你的糕点师呢

    Okay , what about your baker there ?

  11. 爱默生·宼德是唯一一个知道糕点师秘密的人。

    Narrator : Emerson Cod was the sole keeper of The Pie Maker 's secret .

  12. 我是拒绝做他的糕点师。

    I refused to be his patissier .

  13. 丹,22岁,正在学习成为一个糕点师,将学会所有最难的厨艺。

    Dan , 22 , is training to become a pastry chef-the trickiest of all the culinary arts .

  14. 威廉凯特婚礼上的蛋糕高3英尺(0.9米),是由糕点师菲奥娜?凯恩斯制作的,包含17块独立的水果蛋糕。

    The Duke and Duchess ' 3ft-high wedding cake was made by baker Fiona Cairns , and consisted of 17 individual fruit cakes .

  15. 但梅根和哈里王子选择了一款不同的蛋糕,他们选择了糕点师克莱尔·普塔克制作的柠檬接骨木花蛋糕。克莱尔·普塔克是伦敦烘焙坊“紫罗兰蛋糕房”的店长。

    But Markle and Prince Harry chose a different route - opting for a lemon elderflower cake made by pastry chef Claire Ptak , the owner of the London bakery Violet Cakes .

  16. 她演过的影片角色,从《秘书》、《雪莉宝贝》到《笔下求生》中的可爱糕点师,都深入人心。

    And who can forget the fantastic movies she has done , from the critically acclaimed ' Secretary ' to ' Sherrybaby " to the cute baker in ' Stranger than Fiction ' .

  17. 三顺也有个普通人没有的资历证,就是巴黎传统糕点黉舍考取的糕点技能师资历证。

    Ss also have an ordinary person no qualifications certificate , is Hong pastry up traditional Paris driver 's pastry skills teacher qualifications certificate .
