
jīnɡ shén jiǎnɡ lì
  • Spiritual rewards;spiritual encouragement;mental reward;mental encouragement
  1. 法治原则、平等原则、公开原则、论功行赏原则、物质奖励与精神奖励相结合原则五大原则是公务员奖励的基本原则。

    The author maintains that the principles of rule by law , equality , publicity , recognition of the merit , combination of material reward and mental reward , are basic principles of civil servants ' reward .

  2. 一些移民国家的政府通过制度供给、经济激励、精神奖励、道德规范来吸引人才资源。目前,国内移民者变得越来越成熟、理性,对移民中介服务机构的要求越来越高。

    The governments of some immigration countries bring in talents through system supply , economic incentive , spiritual encouragement , moral standard . At present , the consumers in domestic become more and more mature and rational , and their requirement to the services of Immigration Company improves .

  3. 科技奖励的精神奖励与物质奖励影响之比较

    Comparison on Effects of Spiritual Meed and Material Reward of Science and Technology

  4. 完善多元经济保障体系。新时期的奖励机制要使物质奖励和精神奖励相结合。

    The new period messenger material reward rewarding mechanism essential points and moral reward combine each other .

  5. 在中国的公司,奖励的方法一般有两种:物质奖励和精神奖励。

    There are usually two kinds of rewards for the staff members of a Chinese company : material rewards and spiritual rewards .

  6. 我们提倡按劳分配,对有特别贡献的个人和单位给予精神奖励和物质奖励;

    We stand for the principle ," to each according to his work ", and we favour public citations and material rewards for those individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions .

  7. 激励约束机制方面:激励机制一般包括物质奖励和精神奖励制度和律师胜诉取酬制;约束机制包括建立消费者权益公益诉讼前置程序和侵权责任制。

    Incentive and restraint mechanisms : Incentives , including incentives and the general spirit of the award system and the legal system in favor of reward ; Restraint mechanisms including the establishment of Pre-procedure in consumer public interest litigation and Infringement of responsibility .

  8. 新的薪酬体系对高效、高质量、服务和团队精神予以奖励,而对表现欠佳的员工给予惩罚。

    New pay systems reward productivity , quality , service and teamwork while penalizing underperformance .

  9. 团队精神是奖励和承认。

    Teamwork is rewarded and recognized .

  10. 这样的无私精神应当得到奖励。

    Such unselfishness ought to be rewarded .

  11. 方法:自编住院精神疾病病人奖励需求调查问卷,对93名清醒且愿意配合凋查的住院精神疾病病人进行调查。

    Methods : A questionnaire was applied to survey 93 cooperative hospitalized patients who were with psychiatric disorders .

  12. 教师的反馈对学生的影响是明显的,本文就自信心、语言自我、冒险精神及期待奖励等几个方面来分析教师反馈对学生的影响,并就如何给学生反馈提出一些个人看法。

    This paper focuses on the effects of teacher 's classroom feedback to students from the perspective of self-confidence , language ego , risk-taking and the anticipation of reward .

  13. 一是要建立适当的、包括物质和精神激励的奖励机制,确保人们因为廉政的行为选择而得到现实的利益。

    The first is to establish proper stimulus mechanism , including material and spiritual incentives , which is intended to ensure that people can obtain practical interests because of choosing action of clean governance .

  14. 住院精神疾病病人代币奖励物需求调查

    Analyses on Needs of Token Encouragement in Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients

  15. 实施精神支持、物质奖励办法,稳定护理队伍。

    Carrying out material awards and spiritual support plans to stabilize nursing staff .

  16. 对见义勇为人员实行精神鼓励与物质奖励相结合的原则。

    The principle of combining spiritual encouragement with material awards shall be carried out on VFF .

  17. 物质奖励是精神鼓励的物化,精神鼓励是物质奖励的升华。

    The material reward is the materialization of spirit encouragement , spirit encouragement is the distillation of the material reward .