
  • 网络Lean Enterprise
  1. 美国波音公司实施精益企业的进展

    Progress in Implementing Lean Enterprise in Boeing Company

  2. Jones两位学者对精益生产和精益企业所作的颇有影响的精辟论述,并列举了国外一些著名公司在实现精益企业中的经验和模式。

    Jones 's brilliant exposition of " Lean Production " and " Lean Enterprise " is stated and experiences and modes in developing lean technique of some famous foreign companies are cited .

  3. 从减少复杂性角度研究精益企业

    The Analysis of Lean Enterprises From the Viewpoint of Reducing Complexity

  4. 精益企业理念与精益生产实现模式研究

    Study of lean corporate mind and implementation of lean production

  5. 对精益企业制造和维修的要求

    Demands on Manufacturing and Maintenance in Lean Enterprises

  6. 在精益企业中,必须将制造和维修融合在一起。

    In the lean enterprises , manufacturing and maintenance must be melted into one another .

  7. 可供借鉴的国外精益企业模式(二)

    The mode of foreign lean enterprises (ⅱ)

  8. 有意思的是,丰田、本田以及其他一些精益企业,在很长时间内成功实施了产品负责人的机制。

    Interestingly , Toyota , Honda and other lean companies have employed a Product Owner role successfully for quite some time .

  9. 企业要成为精益企业,就必须对传统成本管理进行变革,满足精益运营模式对成本管理的要求。

    If a company wants to be a lean one , it has to reform the traditional cost management and fulfill the need of lean operation mode to cost management .

  10. 进一步,本文基于分形企业能力对精益企业进行了分析,分析表明分形企业能力是合理的,而且是可以用来应对企业环境的复杂性的。

    Furthermore , the paper analyzes lean company using fractal company capability , which shows that fractal company capability is reasonable and can deal with the complexity of company environment .

  11. 基于精益会计企业成本管理体系研究。

    Research on enterprise cost management system based on lean accounting .

  12. 这产生于精益初创企业,也是一个我认为有可取之处的动作。

    It was created as a response to Lean Startups , a movement that I think has merit too .

  13. 基于精益思想的企业绿色制造的研究

    Research on Green Manufacturing Based upon Lean Thinking in Enterprise

  14. 发展精益物流提高企业竞争力

    Improving the Competitive Edge of Enterprises by Developing Efficiency-oriented Logistics

  15. 基于精益生产的企业价值流的研究

    Study of value stream based on lean production

  16. 基于精益思想的企业价值系统研究

    Enterprise Value System Based on Lean Thinking

  17. 当今它的精益思想对企业的发展还有着举足轻重的作用。

    Nowadays , the thought of lean production is playing a more and more important role in the enterprise development .

  18. 生产流程上推进精益化使企业加快流程速度、降低成本。

    On production process , I will do Lean Production , so that we can quicken the production velocity and cut costs .

  19. 精益思想是企业当前在提高工作效率、改善产品或服务品质、提升效益方面最有效的管理方式之一。

    Lean thinking is a highly evolved method of managing an organization to improve the productivity , efficiency and quality of its products or services .

  20. 本文通过对精益生产和企业理念特征的研究,揭示了精益生产与企业理念的内在本质联系;

    According to the study of the features of lean production and corporate mind , the essential links between them are discussed in this paper .

  21. 伴随着汽车工业向着精益制造型企业的发展,汽车产业的供应商们也在向着精益制造的方向发展。

    With the development of the automotive industry in the domain of lean manufacturing , a good many of the suppliers of automobiles are also turning to lean manufacturing companies .

  22. 综观全文,本文从价值链理论出发,将精益理论与企业的营销实践相结合展开研究,应该说本文是对营销理论研究的一定创新。

    All in all , this article embarks from the value chain theory , melted the lean theory and real marketing of enterprise to launch the research , which is a certain innovation in some area .

  23. 精益生产在A企业锥产品生产线的应用研究

    Study on Lean Production Application in Funnel Line of Corporation A

  24. 与精益思想相融的企业文化;

    The enterprise culture should be amalgamation with the lean thinking .

  25. 基于精益管理的Y企业生产流程再造研究

    The Study of Y Enterprise Production Process Reengineering Based on Lean Management

  26. 基于精益生产方式的企业时基物流管理模式分析

    Analysis on Time-based Logistics Management Pattern of Enterprises Based on Lean Production

  27. 精益生产管理在企业管理中的应用

    Application of the Improving Production Management in Enterprise

  28. 精益建造&建筑企业发展方向研究

    Lean Construction & Development Research in Construction Enterprises

  29. 基于精益物流的制造企业生产物流系统优化研究&以安徽省为例

    How to Optimize a Production Logistics System in Manufacturing Enterprises Based on Lean Logistics

  30. 基于精益管理理念的企业经营绩效评价体系构建及应用

    The Design and Apply of Corporation performance Estimate System Based on keep Improving Idea