
  • 网络refined filtration
  1. 微孔膜过滤器MicroporousBarrel-TypeFilter微孔膜过滤器采用折叠式微孔滤芯为滤材,对细菌和微粒进行有效截流,达到精滤的目的。

    Microporous Barrel-Type Filter adopt accordion capillary strain core for strain material , dam to the bacterium and partied effectively , reach and strain precision .

  2. 用于火电厂循环水精滤的CKL型自动清洗滤水装置

    CKL water filter with automatic washing applying to the meticulous filtering of circulated water

  3. 陶瓷膜精滤工业碳酸钠溶液的研究

    Filtration of industrial sodium carbonate solution by ceramic membrane

  4. 采用0.2μm无机陶瓷膜精滤工业碳酸钠溶液。

    Filtration of industrial sodium carbonate solution was carried out using inorganic ceramic membrane with pore size of 0.2 μ m.

  5. 此滤器能滤除绝年夜局部微粒,所以普遍合用于精滤和除菌工艺。

    The filter can sieve most of atom , so it is widely used in precision filtration and removing bacterium .

  6. 立式高效精滤机是国内自主开发的一种新型大型固液分离设备,该设备用于氧化铝生产行业。

    Vertical high-efficiency precision filter is the latest self-developed large-scale solid-liquid separation equipment . The equipment is used for alumina production .

  7. 利用膜分离技术进行精滤和超滤,是黄酒工业过滤技术的发展方向。

    The application of membrane separation in super-filtration and refining filtration was the development trend of filtration technique in yellow rice wine industry .

  8. 目的:我们采用先进的自动控制技术、膜分离技术、精滤、双级反渗透和紫外消毒系统研制出全自动封闭式医用纯水制备系统。解决了基层医疗卫生单位医疗用水的困难。

    Objective We adopted techniques of the modern membrane separation and exact filtration and the technology of reserve osmosis solves difficulty of medicinal water .

  9. 本系列的滤油车设备都设有单级精滤与双几串联精滤两种规格。

    The series filtering paints vehicle equipment setting up have the single stage filters accurate and several pair of cascades filter accurate two kinds specification .

  10. 该滤清器由两级粗过滤器和一级精滤器集合而成,并带有废气引射抽尘装置。

    The filter integrates two stages of coarse filters and one stage of fine filter , as well as a dedust device by exhaust gas vacuation .

  11. 微孔过滤器能滤除绝大部分微粒,所以广泛应用于精滤和除菌工艺。

    Micro hole filter can remove the great mass of particles , so it is broadly used in the process of rigid filtering and bacterium removing .

  12. 按此理论设计的精滤机具有同样效能,不易堵塞,不会频繁冲洗,使工作周期大大延长。

    According to the theory of design of pure filter machine has the same performance , not easy jam , not frequent irrigation , cause the work to cycle greatly extended .

  13. 结果表明,用壳聚糖吸附与045μm膜孔径精滤处理柑桔果醋,对产品的成分影响较小,产品透明澄清,两个月内不出现沉淀,且达到良好的除菌效果;

    The results showed that orange vinegar which treated with chitosan adsorption and ultrafilter ( aperture 0.45 μ m ) was little loss of composition and no deposit emerging after 2 mouths ;

  14. 在国内外氧化铝行业,铝酸钠溶液精滤工序所用过滤设备技术老化、运行成本高、操作维护困难,造成生产被动苦不堪言。

    In the alumina industries at home and abroad , the filters used for aluminate liquor refining process are old technical kind , with the problems of high running cost and difficult operation & maintenance , which finally results in passive production .